Recent content by phyzguy

  1. phyzguy

    I Help understanding Maxwell's Equations please

    If you start with The Feynman Lectures Volume 2, Chapter 1 and work through it chapter by chapter carefully, you will get there. He explains the vector calculus, assuming you know basic calculus.
  2. phyzguy

    Stargazing What can I see with 10x50 binoculars in Bortle class 4?

    You're probably going to be disappointed by the "parade of planets" which was hyped by people who never look at the sky. Most of the planets will be too close to the sun to see. Uranus and Neptune are not visible with the naked eye and even if you found Uranus with your binoculars, it would...
  3. phyzguy

    A Spectral Data Availibility

    Here's another SDSS link that might help you get started.
  4. phyzguy

    A Spectral Data Availibility

    The SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) has a huge amount of spectral data. Start with the navigator at Then you put in a location, and make sure the "Objects with spectra" is clicked so you know which objects have spectra. You can pan...
  5. phyzguy

    Magnetic mirror end plug

    Yes. That's what's done with a baseball coil or with Ioffe bars. This helps a lot. But the results with any magnetic mirror configuration are far inferior to what is being achieved today with toroidal configurations like the tokamak.
  6. phyzguy

    I Prism Spectrometer Objective: Optics Question

    Do you mean biconvex lenses?
  7. phyzguy

    Help on My IB Extended Essay--Finding a data set for Redshift

    Yes, NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) is the best place to start. Go to Home » Search Objects » By Parameters. Then I would suggest putting in a small range of Sky Area Constraints, like RA Range of 1 degree and Dec Range of 1 degree. This will reduce the number of objects that are...
  8. phyzguy

    Mathematica Solving a complicated equation for approximate analytical Solution using Mathematica

    I assume this equation came from some physical problem. So maybe you know some possible values of the constants. Then you could put in those constants and then solve numerically for r as a function of ω, for example. Is that a possible approach?
  9. phyzguy

    Mathematica Solving a complicated equation for approximate analytical Solution using Mathematica

    Are a, c, Q, M, and ω all constants (i.e. not functions of r)? I take it you want r(a,c,Q,M,ω). If you put in values for a,c,Q,M,ω, you could get numerical solutions that might help guide you. What's the magnitude of ω compared to 1? Could you do an expansion if ω is much larger or smaller...
  10. phyzguy

    I Prism Spectrometer Objective: Optics Question

    I sounds like you might be imaging light from the slit that didn't go through the prism. You need an opaque screen surrounding the prism so the only light that gets to your detector is light that went through the prism.
  11. phyzguy

    I Prism Spectrometer Objective: Optics Question

    Something like this should be what you want. Can you show a diagram of your set-up? Are the lenses at the proper distance to collimate and focus the beam?
  12. phyzguy

    How to understand typo in MIT OCW chapter on Poynting vector?

    Where did the added factor of c come from in your rewrite of equation (2)?
  13. phyzguy

    Most dangerous chemicals?

    Well, it did work. If you read the article, it reduced the deaths by 47%. I don't know how much was suicide and how much was accidental overdose, but probably both. It's well known that reducing access to guns reduces the suicide rate. Sometimes people are despondent and suicidal, but the...
  14. phyzguy

    Most dangerous chemicals?

    In Europe they were able to reduce the number of deaths from paracetamol overdose by selling the pills in smaller packages...