Recent content by Vanadium 50

  1. Vanadium 50

    Magnetic mirror end plug

    What is "appropriate strength"? I suspect it is unattainable. Can you show us your calculation? PS I keep getting in touch with my inner Beavis and Butthead. "He said end plug!"
  2. Vanadium 50

    A Hubble tension -- any resolution?

    Well, I guess that depends on what you mean by "a few". Maybe 30 years ago, the Hubble tension was whether it was around 50 km/s/Mpc or 100. Today the tension is whether it is around 68 or 74.
  3. Vanadium 50

    How to test locally hosted websites on mobile

    Is your IP address public? If "locally" means 126.168.x.x you will not be able to get at it from outside, and your phone may well be on the outside network.
  4. Vanadium 50

    I Maxwell's Equations

    Hopefully the OP will clarify. It would be a rather odd title for a thread if he wants a math-less description of equations, though!
  5. Vanadium 50

    A Spectral Data Availibility

    That will be a problem no matter where you look. (But why is it a problem?) Spectroscopy is time consuming, so you normally only do it if you really need to.
  6. Vanadium 50

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    You get 5-10x as much energy per mole of oxygen by burning sugar as opposed to photosynthesis. You also only get half as much light on Mars. Intelligence is energetically expensive. I don't think it is an accident that intelligence exists only in the animal kingdom.
  7. Vanadium 50

    I Maxwell's Equations

    To get waves, start with \nabla \times \nabla \times E and the wave equation will pop out. If what I wrote looks unfamiliar to you, you will need to brush up on your vector calculus before tacking Maxwell.
  8. Vanadium 50

    Is it possible to transform an electric storm into an EMP storm?

    It doesn't have to reach the ground. It just needs to reach the next ionized segment. The electric fields in clouds are an order of magnitude too small to spark. The two theories are that lightning is triggered by electric avalanches caused by a) cosmic rays, b) ionized particles of ice. Both...
  9. Vanadium 50

    Is it possible to transform an electric storm into an EMP storm?

    I do not. The atmosphere is continuously bombarded by cosmic rays, which ionize the air and provide a low resistance path to ground.
  10. Vanadium 50

    I Basic Special Relativity question but the math isn’t working

    No, that is not the Lorentz transformation. See You complain the math isn't working. The first step is to use the correct equations.
  11. Vanadium 50

    Is it possible to transform an electric storm into an EMP storm?

    More than that - I think it's necessary. And even so, the answer is probably "no" as the total enegy in lightning isn't that great. It looks like it takes around a day of lightning - worldwide - to match the energy of even a small nuclear device.
  12. Vanadium 50

    I Basic Special Relativity question but the math isn’t working

    I do not know what the "twin paradox relationships" are that you are talking about, but if you are not using the Lorentz transformations of the invariance of interval, you are making a mistake.
  13. Vanadium 50

    Is it possible to transform an electric storm into an EMP storm?

    I agree with the Lordy. I don't think the SciFi Writing section should become the dustbin for substandard threads. (Which was my concern when it was opened)
  14. Vanadium 50

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    So it would be easier to breathe on Mats? I don't think this follows.