A major in engineering or physics? (undergrad)

In summary: Hi, right now I am a High School Student heading to college next year. Because I didn't apply to as many schools as I would have liked to, I only have the options of going to Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Boston University, or UMass Amherst, though I am seriously considering transferring to a different school after my first year. Both Boston University and UMass Amherst have fairly large physics departments, though neither are particularly distinguished. WPI is known more for its engineering from what I can tell.Anyway, I am currently in AP Physics and AB Calculus (and AP Statistics, if that helps), and am doing fairly well in both. I am very interested in Physics, and I enjoy tying together the
  • #1
Hi, right now I am a High School Student heading to college next year. Because I didn't apply to as many schools as I would have liked to, I only have the options of going to Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Boston University, or UMass Amherst, though I am seriously considering transferring to a different school after my first year. Both Boston University and UMass Amherst have fairly large physics departments, though neither are particularly distinguished. WPI is known more for its engineering from what I can tell.

Anyway, I am currently in AP Physics and AB Calculus (and AP Statistics, if that helps), and am doing fairly well in both. I am very interested in Physics, and I enjoy tying together the material learned in both Calculus and Physics to solve problems. I have been somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer number of disciplines of engineering, and right now I am leaning toward a major in physics. I suppose if I were to tell you what I was specifically interested in, it would be things involving space travel or planetary exploration (life on other planets has always been a fascination of mine, though if anything I suppose that would be a biology thing.) I am also interested in what little I have seen of theoretical physics, though I have hardly had any experience with things like String Theory apart from watching discovery channel movies on it.

Advice from others, as well as some research online, has led me to believe that while a physics major is useful, more often than not physics majors end up in careers involving engineering. I have also been encouraged to do graduate studies in more practical disciplines than physics, which makes sense to me.

However, as an undergrad, would majoring in physics be at all practical? I have also heard of a major called Engineering Physics, which seems to combine the best of both worlds into one major. However, I have heard that it requires a significant amount of work (some have said I would graduate in 5 years with this major). I do not mind putting in the extra work if its worth it, but will this major really help me, or would I just be killing myself even more for nothing?

TL:DR Is it practical to get a major in physics in today's world, or would a major in engineering be a better decision?

P.S on an unrelated note, can anyone tell me more about what Computer Science is, and what kind of careers that major would entail?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you have any idea what sort of job you want to have when you graduate? It's true that there isn't any direct career path in industry for undergrad physicists (or engineering physicists for that matter). Undergrads can end up with titles like "mechanical engineer" but not "physicist." There are many threads on here about engineering physics that I suggest you look through.

See http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos027.htm and http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/reports/fall09a.pdf for starters.
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  • #3
I wasn't really sure what kind of work I wanted to do after graduation, though I am planning on going to grad school
  • #4
Take your time. You have plenty of time to develop your "tastes." As you proceed in undergrad, you will be exposed to different disciples and their subfields. That's why I did a double major in physics and computer science.

Well, computer science is basically the study of algorithms. An algorithmic process looks for the best way of computing mathematically. Of course, you learn about programming languages, operating systems, databases, networks, and artificial intelligence. True theoretical computer science involves at least linear algebra, complex variables, number theory, and probability. Here's one of my undergrad books: http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11866&mode=toc. You consider completeness, optimality, and time-space complexity.
  • #5
I just want to know what is wrong is UMass and BU. These are both very good schools. You do not need to just to go Harvard or MIT or Yale just to get a wonderful undergraduate education. You can go to very good schools for your graduate work with an undergraduate degree from UMass and BU as well!


Related to A major in engineering or physics? (undergrad)

1. What is the difference between a major in engineering and physics?

Engineering is a field that focuses on the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, develop, and maintain structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes. Physics, on the other hand, is a fundamental science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. While both fields use scientific principles, engineering applies them to practical applications and physics explores them in a more theoretical sense.

2. Can I have a major in both engineering and physics?

Yes, it is possible to have a double major in engineering and physics. However, this can be a challenging and time-consuming option as both majors require a significant amount of coursework. It is important to carefully plan your schedule and workload to ensure you can successfully complete both majors within a reasonable timeframe.

3. What types of jobs can I get with a major in engineering or physics?

With a major in engineering, you can pursue careers in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, and technology. Some common job titles for engineering majors include mechanical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, and software engineer. A major in physics can lead to careers in research, education, and technology, with job titles such as research scientist, data analyst, science teacher, and medical physicist.

4. What skills will I develop with a major in engineering or physics?

A major in engineering will help you develop skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and design. You will also gain technical skills in areas like computer-aided design, programming, and data analysis. A major in physics will help you develop skills in analytical thinking, mathematical modeling, and experimental design. You will also gain a strong understanding of scientific principles and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.

5. Is a major in engineering or physics right for me?

This answer will depend on your interests, strengths, and career goals. If you enjoy applying scientific principles to solve real-world problems and have a strong aptitude for math and science, a major in engineering may be a good fit for you. If you are fascinated by the laws and behavior of the physical world and have a passion for research, a major in physics may be a better choice. It is important to research and speak with advisors and professionals in both fields to determine which major aligns with your interests and goals.

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