Calculating the coprime probability of two integers in a different way

In summary: I think that for random chosen N >>P where P is a prime number, the formula shows an approximate probability that N is coprime with prime numbers from 2 to P.This is not correct. The formula is an exact formula for the probability that 2 numbers are coprime, but it is only valid if you take the product over all prime numbers.Taking limit of both N and P keeping N >> P , I hope it becomes as I said in #7.It does not become as you said in #7, because you are not taking the limit correctly. To get the correct formula, you need to take the limit as both N and P
  • #1
Adel Makram
The probability that two randomly chosen integers to be coprimes is known to be equal to ## \prod_{2}^{\infty}(1-\frac{1}{p^2})=6/\pi^2##​
I tried to conceptualize the problem in the following way but got different results.
Suppose that we pick up an integer at random which could be either prime or composite. Let's pick up another integer smaller than the first one and wonder about the probability of both integers being coprimes.
##\rho=(P_p)(cop|P_p)+(not P_p)(cop|not P_p)##

Where ##\rho## is the probability that the two integers are coprimes which can be expressed as the sum of the probability that the first integer is a prime multiplied by the conditional probability of the second integer to be coprime given that the first one is prime plus the probability that the first integer being a non-prime multiplied by the conditional probability of the second number to be coprime given the first one is non-prime.
Since we know the frequency of the prime from the PNT (prime number theorem) we can substitute that for the probability of the prime.
Also, from the Euler Phi function, we can substitute it for the last term. ##\varphi=\prod_{p}^{} n(1-\frac{1}{p})##

we get:
##\rho=\frac{1}{Log(n)}+(1-\frac{1}{Log(n)})(\frac{\prod_{p}^{} n(1-\frac{1}{p})}{n})##
n cancel and we left up with

After factoring out we get

For a large n ##\frac{1}{Log(n)}## goes to zero

and the final result becomes
which differs from the correct one by a power of 2 for P.
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  • #2
Adel Makram said:
The probability that two randomly chosen integers to be coprimes is known to be equal to
Thanks for interest information. Now I know how to get to the formula as follows.

Probability of both the numbers are even is ##1/2^2##
So the probability of its complement is ##1-1/2^2##

Probability of both the numbers are multiple of 3 is ##1/3^2##
So the probability of its complement is ##1-1/3^2##

Probability of both the numbers are multiple of 5 is ##1/5^2##
So the probability of its complement is ##1-1/5^2##

So and so. The product of all the complements are the formula whose value is approx. and less than 0.61. Product to infinity suggests that the numbers should have upper limit. If the numbers have upper limit we would have higher probability than ##6/\pi^2## because p for product must be less than the numbers.
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  • #3
##\rho=\prod_{p}^{} (1-\frac{1}{p})## is the result for a specific large number where you only take the product over the prime factors of that large number. You didn't consider the probability that a given prime number is included in the product, which is another factor 1/p.

Note that there is no uniform distribution over the integers, so you need to define some limit process. Choosing a specific n will never give the right answer anyway.
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  • #4
mfb said:
You didn't consider the probability that a given prime number is included in the product, which is another factor 1/p.
Thanks for your reply.
Would you explain this, please?
  • #5
Your product doesn't go over all primes. It will include the factor 1-1/2 only for half of the numbers (the even ones). It will include the factor 1-1/3 only for 1/3 of the numbers (numbers divisible by 3). And so on.

Instead of subtracting 1/2 you should subtract 1/2 only in 1/2 of the cases.
Instead of subtracting 1/3 you should subtract 1/3 only in 1/3 of the cases.
All these factors become 1-1/p2 after taking this into account.
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  • #6
I delete this comment.
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  • #7
Adel Makram said:
and the final result becomes
which differs from the correct one by a power of 2 for P.
I observe ρ is probability that a random chosen number with no upper limit is a prime number other than prime numbers accounted from 2 to infinity. So it is zero. Actually

[tex]\log \ \rho = \sum \log(1-1/p)=-\sum 1/p + ... =-\infty [/tex]
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  • #8
anuttarasammyak said:
I observe ρ is probability that a random chosen number with no upper limit is a prime number other than prime numbers accounted from 2 to infinity.
I find it impossible to understand what you are trying to say. What are 'prime numbers accounted from 2 to infinity'? Which parts of that sentence are supposed to go with which other parts? It is meaningless to talk about 'a random chosen number with no upper limit': as @mfb said:
mfb said:
there is no uniform distribution over the integers, so you need to define some limit process
  • #9
So may I understand that the statement at the beginning of OP
Adel Makram said:
The probability that two randomly chosen integers to be coprimes is known to be equal to ∏2∞(1−1p2)=6/π2I
is meaningless because it is talking about random chosen numbers with no upper limit ?
Do you have an estimation of value of ##\rho## other than zero ?

I think that for random chosen N >>P where P is a prime number,
[tex]\sum_{p=2}^P \log(1-1/p)[/tex]
shows an approximate probability that N is coprime with prime numbers from 2 to P.
Taking limit of both N and P keeping N >> P , I hope it becomes as I said in #7.
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  • #10
The statement is good but it needs to be understood as a limit. The probability that two uniformly random chosen numbers from 1 to N is coprime goes to that expression in the limit of N->infinity.

As neither number is fixed we can't have an expression that takes a sum or product based on the divisibility of a specific number.
anuttarasammyak said:
shows an approximate probability that N is coprime with prime numbers from 2 to P.
Yes, and it shows the fraction of primes up to N goes to zero for N->infinity, but that's not what OP asked about.
  • #11
mfb said:
but that's not what OP asked about.
So we together would regret to say to OP that his formula of ##\rho## has nothing to do with the problem he raised and it is zero.
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  • #12
anuttarasammyak said:
So may I understand that the statement at the beginning of OP is meaningless because it is talking about random chosen numbers with no upper limit ?
No it is not meaningless, but to understand it you need to insert some words:

The [limit of the] probability that two randomly chosen integers [in a domain tending to infinity] to be coprimes is known to be equal to ## \prod_{2}^{\infty}(1-\frac{1}{p^2})=6/\pi^2 ##.

anuttarasammyak said:
Do you have an estimation of value of ##\rho## other than zero ?
No I don't need an estimation: there is a concise proof of that statement repeated all over the internet: WikiPedia, Math StackExchange etc...

When an OP starts a topic by saying that something is 'known' that is not known to you then it is a good idea to go and find out about the topic rather than derail the thread by trying to disprove it.
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  • #13
anuttarasammyak said:
So we together would regret to say to OP that his formula of ##\rho## has nothing to do with the problem he raised and it is zero.
You should not decide what anyone else would do together with you.

Read the OP again. It can be summarised like this:
  • I know that ## y = f(x) ## can be proved.
  • Using the reasoning below I get the result ## y = g(x), g \ne f##.
  • Where did I go wrong?
It does not help anyone to ignore this completely and come up with some poorly researched workings that attempt to show that ## y = h(x) ##.
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  • #14

I try an inverse way of OP, starting from element in ##\rho## which says about one number and a prime number are coprime, to ##6/\pi^2## which says about two numbers are coprime.

For two numbers A and B
Probabilities for the cases A and B are coprime:
A and p are coprime, B and p are coprime : ## (1-1/p)(1-1/p) ##
A and p are coprime, B is multiple of p : ## (1-1/p) 1/p ##
B and p are coprime, A is multiple of p : ## (1-1/p) 1/p ##
Sum ## (1-1/p^2)##

Making the product for all prime numbers p we get ##6/\pi^2##.
Here factor (1-1/p) which consists of ##\rho## tells that we are always thinking that at least one number and a prime number are coprime.
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Likes Adel Makram

Related to Calculating the coprime probability of two integers in a different way

1. What is the definition of coprime numbers?

Coprime numbers are two integers that have no common factors other than 1. In other words, their greatest common divisor (GCD) is equal to 1.

2. How do you calculate the coprime probability of two integers?

The coprime probability of two integers can be calculated by dividing the number of coprime pairs by the total number of possible pairs. This can be expressed as (n - φ(n)) / n, where n is the total number of integers and φ(n) is the Euler's totient function.

3. Can the coprime probability of two integers be greater than 1?

No, the coprime probability of two integers cannot be greater than 1. This is because the maximum number of coprime pairs is equal to the total number of pairs, and dividing by the total number of pairs will always result in a value less than or equal to 1.

4. How does calculating the coprime probability in a different way affect the result?

Calculating the coprime probability in a different way may result in a slightly different value due to rounding or approximation errors. However, the overall concept and interpretation of the coprime probability remains the same.

5. Why is calculating the coprime probability important in mathematics?

Calculating the coprime probability is important in mathematics because it helps to understand the distribution of coprime numbers and their relationship to other mathematical concepts, such as prime numbers and modular arithmetic. It also has applications in cryptography and number theory.

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