Catalysts and Rate Law: The Role of Catalysts in Determining Reaction Rates

  • Thread starter zmike
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    Law Rate
In summary: Vo is the rate when there is no substrate present, and Ro is the rate when there is substrate present.
  • #1
are catalysts suppose to be in the rate law? because I was looking at a reaction of 2H2O +I -> H2O + I + O2 via a catalyst of I and was in the rate law and the justification was that

**the rate of the reaction is limited by the amount of I available?

I am really confused are catalysts suppose to be in the rate law?

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  • #2
Yes. Because catalysts affect the rate of reaction, they should be included in the expression for the rate law. Catalysts do not, however, affect the overall equilibrium of the reaction and are therefore not included in the expression for the equilibrium constant.
  • #3
thank you yggdrasil,

just to follow up, the question I was working on is about enzymes and my book has that

- Dependence on [E] : rate (or velocity) = k [catalyst]1
- When is low : rate (or velocity) = k 1
- When is high : rate (or velocity) = k 0 = Rmax = Vmax

Why is it that when is high, the rate no longer depends on E? and would you happen to know the difference between Vo and Ro? where Rateo= Ro=Vo

  • #4
According to the Michaelis-Menten equation, the kinetics of an enzyme catalyzed reaction obeys the following equation:

[tex]v_o = \frac {k_{cat}[E]}{K_m + }[/tex]

Where vo represents the rate of the reaction (how many moles of substrate are converted into product per second), is the total concentration of substrate, [E] is the total concentration of enzyme, and kt and Km are constants describing how good the enzyme is at catalysis (kcat is called the turnover number and Km is the Michaelis constant).

In biochemistry, we basically assume that any product produced must have come from an enzyme catalyzed reaction (a good assumption because the rates of most uncatalyzed reactions in biochemistry are extremely slow compared to the catalyzed reaction). The first step of an enzyme catalyzed reaction is binding between the enzyme (E) and its substrate (S). Since the substrate can be converted into product only when bound by the enzyme, the rate of the reaction is proportional to the amount of enzyme-substrate complex (ES).

There is, of course, an equilibrium between free substrate (S) and enzyme-bound substrate (ES), E + S <--> ES, and this equilibrium is affected by both the concentration of substrate and the concentration of enzyme. As you increase [E], you drive the equilibrium towards producing more ES, increasing the rate of reaction. Similarly, increasing , drives the equilibrium towards producing more ES. As you increase more, however, your rate does not increase forever. At some point, all of your enzyme molecules will have a bound substrate molecule. If 100% of the enzymes have bound substrate, increasing the amount of substrate will not produce more ES (there's no more free enzyme for the substrate to bind), so the rate of reaction will not increase.

We can see this mathematically, by plugging in the condition where is high (specifically, when >> Km) into the Michaelis-Menten equation. When is much greater than Km, +Km is approximately equal to . Therefore, we can simplify the equation to:

[tex]v_o = \frac {k_{cat}[E]}{} = k_{cat}[E][/tex]

Notice that at high , the rate of reaction still does depend on [E]. We call the quantity kcat[E] as Vmax because, for a fixed amount of enzyme, you cannot achieve a higher reaction rate than Vmax no matter how much substrate you add to the reaction.

I don't know the specific contexts where vo and ro are used in your book, but they usually mean the same thing, the rate of reaction.
  • #5
for your question. Yes, catalysts play a crucial role in determining reaction rates, and they are often included in the rate law. The rate law is an equation that describes the relationship between the concentration of reactants and the rate of a chemical reaction. Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process.

In the reaction you mentioned, the catalyst is I, and its concentration, , is included in the rate law because it affects the rate of the reaction. The justification for including in the rate law is that the rate of the reaction is limited by the amount of I available. In other words, the more I present, the faster the reaction will proceed.

Including catalysts in the rate law allows us to understand the specific role they play in increasing the rate of a reaction. Without including them, the rate law would not accurately represent the effect of the catalyst on the reaction rate.

I hope this helps clarify the role of catalysts in determining reaction rates and their inclusion in the rate law. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Related to Catalysts and Rate Law: The Role of Catalysts in Determining Reaction Rates

1. What is a catalyst and how does it affect reaction rates?

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. It works by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur, making it easier for the reactants to form products. This ultimately leads to an increase in the rate of the reaction.

2. How do catalysts determine the rate law of a reaction?

The rate law of a reaction is determined by the slowest step, also known as the rate-determining step. Catalysts can affect the rate law by either participating in the slowest step and affecting its rate or by providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy. In either case, the presence of a catalyst can change the rate law of a reaction.

3. Are there different types of catalysts and how do they differ?

There are two main types of catalysts: homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous catalysts are in the same phase as the reactants, while heterogeneous catalysts are in a different phase. Homogeneous catalysts typically have a higher selectivity and can be easily removed from the reaction mixture, while heterogeneous catalysts are more stable and can be reused multiple times.

4. Can catalysts be used in any type of reaction?

Catalysts can be used in a wide range of reactions, including chemical, biological, and industrial processes. However, not all reactions have a suitable catalyst and the choice of catalyst depends on the specific reaction conditions and desired outcome.

5. Can the amount of catalyst used affect the rate of a reaction?

Yes, the amount of catalyst used can affect the rate of a reaction. Generally, an increase in the amount of catalyst will lead to an increase in the rate of the reaction, up to a certain point. After that, adding more catalyst will not have a significant effect on the reaction rate. This is because catalysts only speed up reactions, they do not change the equilibrium position of the reaction.

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