Double slit experiment and the Uncertainty Principle

In summary, the interaction that produces "which-way" information leads to a different state than an interaction that does not, and the interference pattern is destroyed when this information is obtained due to the uncertainty principle. The popular science book, "The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking, is not a valid source for PF discussion.
  • #1
Axel Togawa
TL;DR Summary
In the double slit experiment, how the uncertainty principle contribute to verify the complementary principle?
With the double slit, experiment we show the double nature of light and matter as wave and particle. In particular, the so called "which way" thought experiment illustrate the complementary principle. In my book, this experiment is analyzed putting a series of particles in front of one of the two slit, so when the electron pass through the slit it scatter with the particles, changing the component of the momentum perpendicular to the direction of motion ΔpyΔpy. Using the uncertainty principle, it's said that the uncertainty on the position of the electron is now Δy<<DΔy<<D with DD the distance between the two slits, and consequently, ΔpyΔpy is so large that the interference pattern is destroyed. But since the uncertainty principle represents an intrinsic property of the electron, independently of the measurement (correct me if I'm wrong), even if I don't alter the state of the electron but can still determine in which slit the electron crosses (I don't know if it's possible), the interference pattern should be destroyed. Doesn't that mean that considering the scattering I should take into consideration the uncertainty principle and the uncertainty due to the scattering?
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  • #2
Axel Togawa said:
But since the uncertainty principle represents an intrinsic property of the electron, independently of the measurement...
It’s not. It’s an inherent property of the state, and an interaction that produces which-way information leads to a different state than an interaction that does not.
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  • #3
Nugatory said:
It’s not. It’s an inherent property of the state, and an interaction that produces which-way information leads to a different state than an interaction that does not.

Of course this is absolutely correct. But I thought I would throw this in for the OP to consider:

Use a double slit setup with photons rather than electrons. Place a polarizer over each of the 2 slits.

a. When the 2 polarizers are aligned parallel, there IS interference.
b. When the 2 polarizers are aligned perpendicular (orthogonal), there is NO interference.

In either case, the light is passing through a polarizer. Only their relative orientation changes. Obviously the scattering here is not a factor. The interference disappears when it is possible to determine "which slit" information, regardless of whether one does so or not.

Or you could say it is because the system is placed into a different state. :smile:
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Likes bhobba, vanhees71 and Lord Jestocost
  • #5
Axel Togawa said:
Summary:: In the double slit experiment, how the uncertainty principle contribute to verify the complementary principle?

With the double slit, experiment we show the double nature of light and matter as wave and particle. In particular, the so called "which way" thought experiment illustrate the complementary principle. In my book, this experiment is analyzed putting a series of particles in front of one of the two slit, so when the electron pass through the slit it scatter with the particles, changing the component of the momentum perpendicular to the direction of motion ΔpyΔpy. Using the uncertainty principle, it's said that the uncertainty on the position of the electron is now Δy<<DΔy<<D with DD the distance between the two slits, and consequently, ΔpyΔpy is so large that the interference pattern is destroyed. But since the uncertainty principle represents an intrinsic property of the electron, independently of the measurement (correct me if I'm wrong), even if I don't alter the state of the electron but can still determine in which slit the electron crosses (I don't know if it's possible), the interference pattern should be destroyed. Doesn't that mean that considering the scattering I should take into consideration the uncertainty principle and the uncertainty due to the scattering?

It would be basically impossible to see which slit it went through without altering the state, even that considered it is not the observation that does this.

It is stated in ¨ the grand design¨ by Stephen Hawking ( A great book if you haven't already read it) that the electron takes not one, but all paths through the slit gaining the information that dictates the slit it goes through
  • #6
CallMeDirac said:
the grand design¨ by Stephen Hawking

This is a pop science book, not a textbook or peer-reviewed paper, and is not a valid source for PF discussion.
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Likes Vanadium 50
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
This is a pop science book, not a textbook or peer-reviewed paper, and is not a valid source for PF discussion.
PeterDonis said:
This is a pop science book, not a textbook or peer-reviewed paper, and is not a valid source for PF discussion.

It is a very popular book and it is recognizable. It is more likely someone would recognize that over a 200 page research project behind a $30 paywall.
  • Skeptical
Likes Vanadium 50 and weirdoguy
  • #8
CallMeDirac said:
It is a very popular book and it is recognizable.

Which is irrelevant to whether or not it is a valid source for PF discussion. It isn't.
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Likes weirdoguy and Vanadium 50
  • #9
CallMeDirac said:
It is a very popular book and it is recognizable. It is more likely someone would recognize that over a 200 page research project behind a $30 paywall.
Nonetheless it shares the defect of most pop-sci treatments of quantum mechanics: without the math it cannot provide a complete and accurate statement of the theory so cannot be used as the basis for a more complete understanding. In particular, the bit about the electron “taking all paths” is very misleading if taken literally.
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Likes vanhees71 and jedishrfu

Related to Double slit experiment and the Uncertainty Principle

1. What is the Double Slit Experiment and why is it important?

The Double Slit Experiment is a classic experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light and matter. It involves shining a beam of particles, such as photons or electrons, through two parallel slits onto a screen and observing the resulting interference pattern. This experiment is important because it challenges our understanding of the nature of reality and has led to the development of the quantum theory.

2. What is the Uncertainty Principle and how does it relate to the Double Slit Experiment?

The Uncertainty Principle, also known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This means that the more accurately we measure one of these properties, the less accurately we can measure the other. The Double Slit Experiment is related to the Uncertainty Principle because it demonstrates the inherent uncertainty in the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

3. Can the Double Slit Experiment be explained by classical physics?

No, the Double Slit Experiment cannot be fully explained by classical physics. Classical physics assumes that particles have definite positions and velocities, whereas the Double Slit Experiment shows that particles can behave like waves and exhibit interference patterns. This is only possible to explain using quantum mechanics.

4. How does the observer affect the outcome of the Double Slit Experiment?

The observer does not directly affect the outcome of the Double Slit Experiment. However, the act of measuring or observing the particles can influence their behavior and collapse their wave function, which determines their position and momentum. This is known as the observer effect and is a key concept in quantum mechanics.

5. What are the practical applications of the Double Slit Experiment and the Uncertainty Principle?

The Double Slit Experiment and the Uncertainty Principle have many practical applications in fields such as quantum computing, cryptography, and medical imaging. These principles also play a crucial role in our understanding of the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level, which has led to advancements in technology and our understanding of the universe.

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