Estimating Exoplanet Temperatures

  • Thread starter piareround
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In summary, astronomers use the transit method to observe exoplanets, which involves measuring the intensity of light from the parent star and observing variations in infrared radiation. However, estimating the planet's temperature can be inaccurate due to unknown factors like albedo and the greenhouse effect. To learn more about the transit method and its formulas, it is recommended to research outside of Wikipedia. Estimating the temperature of an exoplanet without knowing its albedo is difficult and can only be done through educated guesses.
  • #1
Recently I been reading about exoplanets on wikipedia when I came across a line that caught my idea:

It is possible to estimate the temperature of an exoplanet based on the intensity of the light it receives from its parent star. However, such estimates may be substantially in error because they depend on the planet's usually unknown albedo, and because factors such as the greenhouse effect may introduce unknown complications. A few planets have had their temperature measured by observing the variation in infrared radiation as the planet moves around in its orbit and is eclipsed by its parent star

So I started wondering exactly what did Wikipedia mean by "based on the intensity of light" and later on by "temperature measure by observing the variation in infrared radiation". I mean really how do astronomers and astrophysics find the temperatures of nearby exoplanets even though they are hundreds of parsecs away. Specifically, I really wanted to know the following two things:

1. Where kind I find more through information about theory and concepts behind the transit method of observing exoplanets? Specifically I was curious about the formulas/theory they used.
2. How does one estimate, say to the nearest hundred degrees, a exoplanet's effective temperature when the exoplanet's albedo is unknown?
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  • #2
To be honest guys, I really am curious in trying to find out more information about how astronomers estimate the temperature of a planet if they don't know the albedo. Any information you all can find would be very helpful
  • #3
piareround said:
To be honest guys, I really am curious in trying to find out more information about how astronomers estimate the temperature of a planet if they don't know the albedo. Any information you all can find would be very helpful

Usually things get quiet around here when no one knows the answer. I think the quoted temperatures are for zero albedo, unless there's some evidence otherwise, as getting the necessary NIR data is really hard to do.
  • #4
qraal said:
Usually things get quiet around here when no one knows the answer. I think the quoted temperatures are for zero albedo, unless there's some evidence otherwise, as getting the necessary NIR data is really hard to do.

Plus there's been lots of atmospheric modelling to try to estimate albedos in different parts of the spectrum to see if there are observable signatures.
  • #5
I have an answer you may not like. Any temperature estimates would be just that, educated guesses. With out actually sending measuring equipment to said Exoplanet there could be no conclusive method for exploring what the temperature would be. Perhaps there is a planet with a similar 93 billion mile buffer between it and it's parent star, but it could contain a larger or smaller molten core that would generate variant effects on the atmosphere of an unexplored planet.

Also, try omitting wikipedia from your forum vocabulary and research.
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Related to Estimating Exoplanet Temperatures

1. How do scientists estimate the temperature of exoplanets?

Scientists use a variety of methods to estimate the temperature of exoplanets, including measuring the planet's brightness and using spectroscopy to analyze the composition of the planet's atmosphere. These methods allow scientists to determine the amount of energy the planet receives from its star and how much is reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere.

2. Why is estimating exoplanet temperatures important?

Estimating exoplanet temperatures is important because it provides valuable information about the potential habitability of a planet. Temperatures that are too high or too low can make a planet inhospitable for life as we know it. It also helps scientists understand the planet's atmospheric conditions and potential for hosting liquid water, a key component for life.

3. Can scientists accurately estimate the temperature of exoplanets?

The accuracy of temperature estimates for exoplanets depends on the available data and the methods used. In some cases, scientists are able to estimate temperatures with a high degree of accuracy, while in other cases, there may be more uncertainty. However, advances in technology and data collection are constantly improving our ability to accurately estimate exoplanet temperatures.

4. How do scientists account for the differences in temperatures between exoplanets?

The temperature of an exoplanet can vary greatly depending on factors such as distance from its star, atmospheric composition, and the presence of a thick atmosphere or greenhouse gases. Scientists take these factors into account when estimating temperatures and use comparison to similar exoplanets to help refine their estimates.

5. What can we learn from studying exoplanet temperatures?

Studying exoplanet temperatures can provide insights into the formation and evolution of planets, as well as the potential for habitability. It can also help us understand the diversity of planetary systems and how they compare to our own solar system. Additionally, studying exoplanet temperatures can provide valuable data for future space exploration missions and the search for extraterrestrial life.

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