Feynman's third general principle of QM

In summary, Feynman's third general principle of quantum mechanics states that the amplitude for a particle to travel from one point to another can be written as the product of the amplitudes for each step of the journey. This is an axiom and cannot be explained further. Feynman uses this principle to explain the difference between classical and quantum mechanics and shows how complex probability amplitudes give quantum mechanics its wavelike features. While Feynman's principles are not a fully consistent axiomatic approach to QM, they serve as a good introduction to the subject.
  • #1
I'm reading vol. 3 of the Feynman lectures on physics, and in chapter three he describes his third general principle of quantum mechanics as follows:

"The third general principle: When a particle goes by some particular route the amplitude for that route can be written as the product of the amplitude to go part way with the amplitude to go the rest of the way. For the [double slit experiment] the amplitude to go from the [electron source, s] to [some point on the screen, x] by way of hole 1 is equal to the amplitude to go from s to 1, multiplied by the amplitude to go from 1 to x:
[tex] {\langle x | s \rangle}_{via 1} = \langle x | 1 \rangle \langle 1 | s \rangle[/tex]"

My question is, why is this true? Obviously, probabilities must multiply, so
[tex]|{\langle x | s \rangle}_{via 1}|^2 = |\langle x | 1 \rangle|^2 \langle 1 | s \rangle|^2[/tex]
[tex]{\langle x | s \rangle}_{via 1} = \langle x | 1 \rangle \langle 1 | s \rangle e^{i \vartheta}[/tex]

But why can we drop the theta term? It's clearly important, because if we want to total amplitude to go to x via s we will need to add
[tex]{\langle x | s\rangle}_{via 1} + {\langle x | s\rangle}_{via 2} = \langle x | s\rangle[/tex]

So what allows us to ignore the phase?
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  • #2
My question is, why is this true?
It's an axiom. You can't ask why an axiom is true. The only possible answer is that it leads to the desired results.

Feynman is trying to explain the difference between classical and quantum mechanics in terms of a small set of principles. The fact that wavefunctions are complex and so we deal with complex probability amplitudes rather than probabilities themselves is what gives quantum mechanics its wavelike features.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
It's an axiom.

My impression is that Feynman wasn't treating this as an axiom. In the first chapter of the volume, he seems to give all the axioms of quantum behavior. As I understand it, amplitudes are usually determined up to a phase constant...is it not possible that the phase here got absorbed into either [tex]\langle x|1 \rangle[/tex] or [tex]\langle 1|s \rangle[/tex]?
  • #4
ralqs said:
s it not possible that the phase here got absorbed into either [itex]\langle x|1 \rangle[/itex] or [itex]\langle 1|s \rangle[/itex]?
Yes, but you may then take an example with two points on the way: [itex]\langle x|s \rangle =\langle x|1 \rangle\langle 1|s \rangle=\langle x|1 \rangle\langle 1|a \rangle\langle a|s \rangle [/itex]
Probably Feynman should make it as an axiom, but don't forget that this argumentation was created by him just to be used in a series of lectures, not as a new formal approach to QM, so (as it is too late to discuss it with Him) - forgive him a small inconsistency.
  • #5
What are his complete set of principles of QM? Thanks.
  • #6
Oh, his principles are not a quite serious axiomatic approach to QM... They was made just for the purpose of series of introductory lectures. So don't demand them to be complete and fully consistent.
Have a great reading with his book! That was the one I learned my basic QM from. And the one I still recommend to all students..

Related to Feynman's third general principle of QM

What is Feynman's third general principle of QM?

Feynman's third general principle of QM is the principle of superposition, which states that a quantum system can exist in multiple states simultaneously until it is observed or measured.

How does Feynman's third general principle of QM differ from classical physics?

In classical physics, a system can only exist in one state at a time. Feynman's third principle of QM allows for the possibility of superposition, where a system can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

What is the significance of Feynman's third general principle of QM?

Feynman's third principle of QM is significant because it helps to explain the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It also plays a crucial role in quantum computing and other technologies that rely on the principles of superposition and quantum entanglement.

How does Feynman's third general principle of QM impact our understanding of reality?

Feynman's third principle of QM challenges our traditional understanding of reality, as it suggests that particles can exist in multiple states at the same time. This principle has sparked philosophical debates about the nature of reality and the role of observation in shaping it.

Are there any real-world applications of Feynman's third general principle of QM?

Yes, there are several real-world applications of Feynman's third principle of QM, such as quantum computing, cryptography, and quantum teleportation. These technologies rely on the ability to manipulate and control particles in a state of superposition to perform complex calculations and secure communications.

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