Get Ready for the Epic Star Trek Beyond Trailer | In Theaters July 22, 2016

In summary, I am not overly impressed with this new trailer for the reboot of Star Trek. It does not seem to have the excitement or wonder that the original series had, and it seems to be more of a generic action film.
  • #1
Gold Member
Scheduled for release on July 22, 2016.

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  • #2
I have mixed feelings about this trailer, and the reboot in general. I definitely think that trek needed to be modernised (I say that as a long term fan). It needed more fun, more colour and a different style of pacing. At the same time where's the sense of wonder? Where's the novelty? From this trailer only it seems too much like a generic action film.
  • #3
Ryan_m_b said:
I have mixed feelings about this trailer, and the reboot in general. I definitely think that trek needed to be modernised (I say that as a long term fan). It needed more fun, more colour and a different style of pacing. At the same time where's the sense of wonder? Where's the novelty? From this trailer only it seems too much like a generic action film.

I agree, but I will still watch it and see how it develops and matures (if I don't become bored with it).
  • #4
I wonder if there will be more alternate time line rewriting in this as with "into darkness" vs "wrath of khan". I liked the story rewrite but wouldn't mind seeing something new.
  • #5
Every film in the reboot has something from the originals. Into darkness was pretty obvious, the first one had a giant spaceship with super destructive weapons (like V'ger). This one has the destruction of the enterprise just like in Trek 3.
  • #6
I don't like the music choice in the trailer. I sense no urgency or seriousness from it.
  • #7
Rumor has it that all of those scenes are from the first episode. ;-)
  • #8
Im not so much a fan of the reboot either. This is an action movie to me, Star Trek had plenty of action, however it's point wasn't to be action, it was to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
  • #9
Not impressed by this trailer. I see a girl with some face paint and what appears to be a lame villain with a big plastic chin (I really hope Idris Elba isn't trapped under that goofy mask). It also looks like they'll blow up the Enterprise yet again. They tried to emulate Wrath of Khan when they did Into Darkness, but they failed to understand why the original Wrath of Khan was well liked. It was based on a very good original episode. The film took that story further.
I always thought they should've introduced Gary Mitchel. They could've expanded on Where No Man Has Gone Before. It would also be cool to see them actually show aliens they couldn't afford to show in the 1960s like the Kelvans - creatures from the Andromeda Galaxy with 100 tentacles?? Sounds good to me.
Too bad it looks like they're too cheap to go that way. The rumors that the studio wanted a script that was "less Star Trek" also do not bode well for Beyond.
  • #10
Not a fan of the director who is taking over this one. The only things I can say I even liked that he has directed were the two True Detective season 2 episodes he did.
  • #11
Something to be noted is that Simon Peg, who is one of the writers for the movie, was himself disappointed in the trailer, and felt that it did not represent the film well. It wouldn't be the first time a trailer did this. I know that there are more than one film that I passed on based on the trailer only to see it later and discover that it was a completely different from how it was portrayed by the trailer. Sometimes I wonder if the people doing the marketing have even bothered to learn anything about the film.

Related to Get Ready for the Epic Star Trek Beyond Trailer | In Theaters July 22, 2016

1. What is the release date for Star Trek Beyond?

The release date for Star Trek Beyond is July 22, 2016.

2. Will the trailer reveal any major plot details?

While the trailer may hint at certain plot points, it is unlikely that it will reveal any major plot details. The purpose of a trailer is to tease and generate excitement for the movie, not give away important plot points.

3. Will the original cast members be returning for this movie?

Yes, the main cast members from the previous Star Trek movies, including Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and Zoe Saldana, will be reprising their roles in Star Trek Beyond.

4. Is this movie a continuation of the previous Star Trek movies or a standalone film?

Star Trek Beyond is the third installment in the rebooted Star Trek film series and is a continuation of the previous two movies.

5. Will there be any new characters introduced in this movie?

Yes, there will be new characters introduced in Star Trek Beyond, including Idris Elba and Sofia Boutella. However, it is unclear what roles they will play in the film.

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