Homologous or Analogous Features? HELP

  • Thread starter aisha
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In summary, the first table has features which are shared by the orca and the tiger shark, while the second table has features which are shared by the little brown bat, the koala, the orca, and the penguin.
  • #1
Homologous or Analogous Features?? HELP! PLZ

Hi I have a mini lab to do where I had to make two charts and compare features of the brown bat, the orca, the koala, the tiger shark, the black capped chickadee and the human.

In my analysis it says from the first chart which has features such as

Possessing wings
feeding on insects
roosting in trees
living on land
eating mostly plant material
living mostly in water
possessing structures for swimming
feeding on fish
having smooth skin lacking body hair
lacking earlobes
having relatively large size

Which species share the greatest number of features. My answer for this question is that the orca and the tiger shark have 5 similar features and the orca and the penguin also have 5 similar features.

I am having trouble with the second question it says
Would you suspect these features to be homologous or analogous? I don't know for sure I am switching back and forth but don't know what to write. The features seem like homologous features but I am not sure.

I have to answer a similar question for the second chart of features but I am not sure if this one has homologous or analogous features. The features in this chart used to compare the species are:

having gills to obtain oxygen
having lungs to obtain oxygen
having skeletion comprised of cartilage
having skeleton comrpised of bone
being warm-blooded
having feathers arising from epidermis
having a four chambered heart
producing hard-shelled eggs
giving birth without laying eggs
producing milk in mammary glands
having young that develop internally through placenta

I think in this one the features are analogous, they all seem to have similar function but i don't know if their structures are different or not.

Can someone please help me I am a little confused I know the definition of both analogous and homologous but can't put them with these features PLEASE HELP QUICK!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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  • #2
Gosh, I wouldn't even be sure on some of those. Typically, homologous and analogous features refer to structural features, not behavioral traits, so feeding behaviors wouldn't be grouped that way, but types of teeth would. Maybe the question is meant for you to determine if each individual feature is homologous or analogous between two species? That's the only way it could make any sense.

For example, you can look at forelimbs. The bat and the chickadee, both have wings. Are the wings homologous or analogous? What about the flipper of a shark vs the flipper of a whale? And what about the flipper of a whale and the wing of a bird? You should consult your book about the anatomy of these structures in the different classes of vertebrates to determine if it's likely to be homologous or analogous.
  • #3
I need help with this too

Hi, I have a similar problem wih this lab. I came up with following answer, but it makes no sense when i go to next part.

a) Orca and tiger shark share all of the characteristics and little brown bat and capped chickadee share all but one feature of general appearance and habits of certain species.

b) I suspect that these features are analogous, because analogous features are ones which serve the same function in different species but evolved differently or have different anatomical structure. For example, the wing of the chickadee and the wing of the bat are both used for flying, but they have very different anatomical structure, as shown in picture below. A bat wing has metacarpals, five fingers, and thin membrane to cover the wing, while the bird wing has just two fingers, and primary and secondary feathers.

c) Koala, little brown bat and orca share all characteristics with each other and capped chickadee and penguin both share the same anatomical and physiological features.

d) I suspect that these features are homologous, because homologous features are characteristics which are shared by related species since they have been inherited from a common ancestor, but don’t have the same functions in modern species.
  • #4

I have the same lab :d my teacher said that the first table is homologies and hte second table is anatomical/physiological features :d hope that helps! Good luck!

Related to Homologous or Analogous Features? HELP

1. What are homologous features?

Homologous features are traits that are shared between species due to a common ancestor. These features have a similar structure and genetic basis, but may have different functions in different species.

2. How do homologous features differ from analogous features?

Analogous features are traits that have a similar function but evolved independently in different species. They do not share a common ancestor and may have different genetic bases and structures.

3. What evidence supports the presence of homologous features?

The presence of homologous features can be supported by anatomical, genetic, and developmental evidence. This includes similarities in structure, gene sequences, and embryonic development between species.

4. Can homologous features change over time?

Yes, homologous features can change over time due to natural selection and genetic mutations. These changes can lead to variations in the structure and function of homologous features in different species.

5. Why is the study of homologous and analogous features important?

Studying homologous and analogous features can provide insights into the evolutionary history and relationships between species. It can also help us understand how different species have adapted to their environments and the mechanisms of evolution.

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