How to Use Variables m and n in a Coin-Flipping Probability Problem?

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  • Thread starter Khelil
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a coin-flipping game between two players, A and B, with the probability of the coin landing heads up being denoted by p. The initial points of A and B are m and n respectively, and the goal is to calculate the probability of A winning the game. This involves using a recurrence relation and solving for the polynomials in pq. In the case of a fair coin, the calculations become simpler and the probability of A winning increases linearly from 0 to 1 as the number of initial points increases.
  • #1
Dear Members I am very bad at probability, so please I hope I can find help here. My problem is that I can't see how to use n and m in this problem

Suppose a coin-flipping game between two players, A and B. The probability that the coin lands heads up is p (0<p<1). In case a head appears, player A gets one point and player B loses one point. In case a tail appears, player B gets one point and player A loses one point. When either one of the players lose all their points, the game ends and the player having points becomes the winner. When the initial points of A and B are m and n respectively, calculate the probability that player A wins. Note that m and n are positive integers.

Thank you

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  • #2
Khelil said:
Dear Members I am very bad at probability, so please I hope I can find help here. My problem is that I can't see how to use n and m in this problem

Suppose a coin-flipping game between two players, A and B. The probability that the coin lands heads up is p (0<p<1). In case a head appears, player A gets one point and player B loses one point. In case a tail appears, player B gets one point and player A loses one point. When either one of the players lose all their points, the game ends and the player having points becomes the winner. When the initial points of A and B are m and n respectively, calculate the probability that player A wins. Note that m and n are positive integers.
This is not an easy problem, and it does not have a simple solution. Start by noticing that whenever A wins a point, B loses a point; and vice versa, whenever A loses a point, B wins a point. So the total number of points of A and B combined is always $m+n$. Thus A will lose if his number of points ever goes down to $0$, and he will win if his number of points ever goes up to $m+n$.

Denote by $w_k$ the probability that A will win if he starts with $k$ points, and let $q=1-p$. If A wins the first flip (with probability $p$) then he will have $k+1$ points, and his probability of winning becomes $w_{k+1}.$ If he loses the first flip (with probability $q$) then he will have $k-1$ points, and his probability of winning becomes $w_{k-1}.$ Therefore $$w_k = pw_{k+1} + qw_{k-1}.\qquad(*)$$ Also, $w_0=0$ (corresponding to A losing the game), and $w_{m+n} = 1$ (corresponding to A winning the game).

Put $k=1$ in (*) to see that $w_1 = pw_2$, so $w_2 = \dfrac1pw_1$. Now put $k=2$ in (*): $w_2 = pw_3 + qw_1 = pw_3 + pqw_2$, from which $w_3 = \dfrac{(1-pq)}pw_2 = \dfrac{(1-pq)}{p^2}w_1.$ Continue in this way. The next step will be to put $k=3$ in (*), giving $w_4 = \dfrac{1-2pq}{p(1-pq)}w_3 = \dfrac{1-2pq}{p^2}w_1.$ If you go further, you will find that $w_5 = \dfrac{1-3pq + p^2q^2}{p^4}w_1$ and $w_6 = \dfrac{1-4pq + 3p^2q^2}{p^5}w_1$. Eventually, you get to a formula for $w_{m+n}$ as a multiple of $w_1$. And since you know that $w_{m+n}=1$ you then have an expression for $w_1$ in terms of $p$ and $q$.

Suppose for example that $m+n=6$. Putting $w_6=1$ you find that $$w_1 = \frac{p^5}{1-4pq + 3p^2q^2},$$ $$w_2 = \frac{p^4}{1-4pq + 3p^2q^2},$$ $$w_3 = \frac{(1-pq)p^3}{1-4pq + 3p^2q^2},$$ $$w_4 = \frac{(1-2pq)p^2}{1-4pq + 3p^2q^2},$$ $$w_5 = \frac{(1-3pq + p^2q^2)p}{1-4pq + 3p^2q^2}.$$ That gives A's probabilities of winning a game in which $m+n=6$, in the cases where he starts with 1,2,3,4 or 5 points.

You can see that for larger values of $m$ and $n$ the algebra gets rapidly more complicated. If you know something about solving recurrence relations, you could get a formula for the polynomials in $pq$ that occur in the general solution, but it would not look pretty.

In the case of a fair coin, where $p=q=1/2$, the calculations become very much simpler, and $w_k$ increases linearly from $0$ to $1$ as $k$ goes from $0$ to $m+n$. So when $m+n=6$ you would then find that $w_1 = 1/6$, $w_2 = 1/3$, $w_3 = 1/2$, $w_4 = 2/3$ and $w_5 = 5/6$.
  • #3
Just for the record, here is a brief sketch of how to derive the general formula for $w_m$ (the probability of A winning, given that A started with $m$ points and B started with $n$ points).

The polynomials $\Delta_1 = \Delta_2 = 1$, $\Delta_3 = 1-pq$, $\Delta_4 = 1-2pq$, $\Delta_5 = 1-3pq + p^2q^2$, $\Delta_6 = 1-4pq + 3p^2q^2$, $\ldots$, satisfy the recurrence relation $\Delta_k = \Delta_{k-1} -pq\Delta_{k-2}\;(k\geqslant3)$, as you can check from the equation (*) in the previous comment. The auxiliary equation for this recurrence relation is $\lambda^2 - \lambda + pq = 0$, with solutions $\lambda = \frac12\bigl(1 \pm \sqrt{1-4pq}\bigr)$. This leads to the formula $$\Delta_k = \frac{\bigl( \frac12\bigl(1 + \sqrt{1-4pq}\bigr)\bigr)^k - \bigl( \frac12\bigl(1 - \sqrt{1-4pq}\bigr)\bigr)^k }{\sqrt{1-4pq}}.$$ Then $\boxed{w_m = \dfrac{p^n\Delta_m}{\Delta_{m+n}}}$. That looks very neat, but of course it disguises the complications in the definition of $\Delta_k$.
  • #4
thank you for your help !
  • #5
Opalg said:
Just for the record, here is a brief sketch of how to derive the general formula for $w_m$ (the probability of A winning, given that A started with $m$ points and B started with $n$ points).

The polynomials $\Delta_1 = \Delta_2 = 1$, $\Delta_3 = 1-pq$, $\Delta_4 = 1-2pq$, $\Delta_5 = 1-3pq + p^2q^2$, $\Delta_6 = 1-4pq + 3p^2q^2$, $\ldots$, satisfy the recurrence relation $\Delta_k = \Delta_{k-1} -pq\Delta_{k-2}\;(k\geqslant3)$, as you can check from the equation (*) in the previous comment. The auxiliary equation for this recurrence relation is $\lambda^2 - \lambda + pq = 0$, with solutions $\lambda = \frac12\bigl(1 \pm \sqrt{1-4pq}\bigr)$. This leads to the formula $$\Delta_k = \frac{\bigl( \frac12\bigl(1 + \sqrt{1-4pq}\bigr)\bigr)^k - \bigl( \frac12\bigl(1 - \sqrt{1-4pq}\bigr)\bigr)^k }{\sqrt{1-4pq}}.$$ Then $\boxed{w_m = \dfrac{p^n\Delta_m}{\Delta_{m+n}}}$. That looks very neat, but of course it disguises the complications in the definition of $\Delta_k$.
I keep coming back to this problem, and I now realize that the solution is not nearly as elaborate as I first thought. In fact, the expression $\sqrt{1-4pq}$ can be much simplified, because $q=1-p$ and therefore $1-4pq = 1-4p(1-p) = 1-4p+4p^2 = (1-2p)^2.$ Consequently, the roots of the recurrence relation are $\lambda = p$ and $\lambda = 1-p = q$; and the formula for $\Delta_k$ becomes $$\Delta_k = \left|\frac{p^k - q^k}{p-q}\right|.$$ Thus $\boxed{w_m = \left|\dfrac{p^n(p^m - q^m)}{p^{m+n} - q^{m+n}}\right|}$.
  • #6
thank you very much again.

My problem was actually to put m and n in use. It is more important for me than to actually know the general expression of :


I love this forum :D

Related to How to Use Variables m and n in a Coin-Flipping Probability Problem?

What is the coin flipping problem?

The coin flipping problem is a mathematical problem that involves predicting the outcome of a coin flip. It is often used as a simple example to illustrate probability and random outcomes.

What are the basic rules of the coin flipping problem?

The basic rules of the coin flipping problem are that a coin has two possible outcomes (heads or tails), each with a 50% chance of occurring. The outcome of each coin flip is independent and unaffected by previous flips.

What is the probability of getting a certain number of heads in a row?

The probability of getting a certain number of heads in a row depends on the total number of flips. For example, the probability of getting 3 heads in a row in 3 flips is 1/8 or 12.5%. The probability decreases as the number of flips increases.

Can the coin flipping problem be used to make accurate predictions?

No, the coin flipping problem cannot be used to make accurate predictions. While the probability of getting heads or tails is 50%, the outcome of each individual flip is still random and cannot be predicted.

How is the coin flipping problem used in real-life situations?

The coin flipping problem is often used as a simple example to illustrate probability and randomness in various fields such as mathematics, statistics, and computer science. It can also be used to demonstrate the concept of expected value and decision making under uncertainty.

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