People's experience of contributing to online Programming projects

In summary, the conversation discusses the suggestion of getting involved in online open source projects to practice programming skills, specifically in physics and science applications. The question is raised about others' experiences with this, and the poster shares their experience of creating their own programs and putting the source code online. They also mention the caution of joining a project and potentially not being skilled enough. The conversation ends with the hope of hearing others' experiences before taking the plunge into open source projects.
  • #1
Have seen in a number of posts here on PF, suggestions that people get involved in online open source projects to help practice their programming skills. In particular projects with physics/science applications.

Just wondering if many people have tried this and want to share their experience of doing this, and what projects they worked on?
Physics news on
  • #2
I would second this question expecially in regards to science open source projects.
  • #3
That is a good question. People always say that open source work is great for a programming resume, and for good reason- being open source means that the place you're applying to can directly look at the code you've written. But I think most open source projects that are being actively developed are too advanced for a beginner- you need some experience first before you can dive into, say, the Linux kernel. So when I was looking for programming jobs I just made my own programs and put the source code online. Github is usually the place people use for this.
  • #4
Not many replies, hope that is not a sign that people's experience was so bad they don't want to talk about it!, or else no one is taking the advice and getting invloved in the first place!

In my own case, I have 'good' experience in programming from work, but, I always think that rating your ability is very subjective and as a result am cautions about getting involved in any projects for fear of getting in the way or holding things up by not being as good as what is expected.

Anyway, was just hoping to hear some other people's experience before I take a plunge and mess up someones project.
  • #5

I believe that contributing to online programming projects can be a valuable experience for individuals looking to improve their programming skills. Not only does it provide an opportunity to practice coding in a real-world setting, but it also allows for collaboration with a diverse group of individuals with varying levels of expertise.

From my own experience, I have seen the benefits of contributing to open source projects with physics and science applications. These projects often have a strong community of developers who are passionate about the subject matter and are willing to share their knowledge and skills. This creates a supportive environment for learning and growth.

Furthermore, working on open source projects allows for the development of transferable skills such as project management, communication, and teamwork. These are essential skills for any scientist, and contributing to online projects can serve as a valuable learning experience.

In terms of specific projects, I have worked on a variety of open source projects related to my field of study. These range from building computational models to creating data visualization tools. Each project has provided a unique learning experience and has allowed me to contribute to the scientific community in a meaningful way.

Overall, I highly encourage individuals to get involved in online open source projects with physics and science applications. It not only helps improve programming skills but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration within the scientific community.

Related to People's experience of contributing to online Programming projects

1. What are the benefits of contributing to online programming projects?

Contributing to online programming projects allows individuals to gain experience in working with others in a virtual setting, build their portfolio, and learn new skills from others in the community.

2. How can one get started with contributing to online programming projects?

One can start by finding a project that aligns with their interests and skill level, reading the project guidelines and requirements, and reaching out to the project owner or community for guidance on how to contribute.

3. Are there any challenges to contributing to online programming projects?

Some challenges may include communication and coordination with team members in different time zones, navigating project guidelines and requirements, and dealing with technical issues. However, these challenges can also be opportunities to improve one's skills and problem-solving abilities.

4. Can contributing to online programming projects lead to potential job opportunities?

Yes, contributing to online programming projects can showcase an individual's skills and experience to potential employers. It also allows individuals to network with others in the field and potentially receive recommendations or referrals.

5. Are there any resources or tools available to help with contributing to online programming projects?

Yes, there are many resources and tools available such as online project management platforms, collaboration tools, and coding communities. These resources can help individuals stay organized, communicate effectively with team members, and improve their coding skills.

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