Whats a faster way for factorizing polynomials of order 3 and above

  • Thread starter Ian_Brooks
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In summary: My method is quick for simple non complex numbers. However since its for a control systems exam I'm worried that they will definitely throw in a complex root set that's going to make me wish i had my TI - 8# calculator in the exam."The Attempt at a SolutionThe student is concerned that there will be complex roots in the exam and that their traditional method won't work. They suggest breaking the polynomial down into its simplest roots and then taking the roots with variables higher than degree 1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Course - Control systems engineering, chapter: design using root locus

I'm familiar with dividing a polynomial when given a factor using the remainder theorem however is there another way when only the third or fourth order equation is given and nothing else? We aren't allowed to use calculators in our exams.

Any help?

Homework Equations

none - rules of basic factorization, remainder theorem, if there's another than I'd be happy to learn of it.

The Attempt at a Solution

My method is quick for simple non complex numbers. However since its for a control systems exam I'm worried that they will definitely throw in a complex root set that's going to make me wish i had my TI - 8# calculator in the exam.

my method is simply :

say we have
= (s^2 + 3s + 2 )(s+3)
= s^3 + 3s^2 + 2s + 3s^2 + 9s + 6
= s^3 + 6s^2 + 11s + 6

so now that we know what our answer should be - let's start

1) look at the final number of the polynomial without s terms - in this case its 6
we find the GCD for it - being
3 |_6_

2) so ... let's substitute -3 into the above equation and see if we obtain 0.
s^3 + 6s^2 + 11s + 6 | s = -3
= -27 + 54 -33 + 6 = -60 + 60 = 0

so therefore -3 is a root so we now have
(s+3) as one of the factors

3) rewrite the original polynomial in terms of (s+3)
s^3 + 6s^2 + 11s + 6
= s^2(s+3) + 3s(s+3) + 2(s+3)
= (s+3)(s2 + 3s +2)
= (s+3)(s+1)(s+2)
<--- as its a 2nd order simple polynomial(quadratic) we can factorize by inspection


But as you can see i need to first check if its a zero then split up the terms - its very traditional and I've used it since high school however I'm sure it won't work for complex roots.

can someone find a faster method? Hopefully one that incorporates complex factors?
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  • #2
Ian_Brooks said:
1) look at the final number of the polynomial without s terms - in this case its 6
we find the GCD for it - being
I'm not sure what a GCD has to do with anything here. But the rational root theorem tells you that if this polynomial has a rational root, then (in lowest terms), its numerator has to divide 6: that is, it is 1, 2, 3, or 6. The choices for the denominator come from the leading coefficient; in this case, the denominator must be 1.

So, the only possibilities for a rational root are:
-6, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 6.

Clearly, if a third degree polynomial factors over the integers, then it must have a linear factor -- and thus a rational root.
  • #3
so that method should be fine then, how do we expand the above for complex roots - we were given a third order transfer function and the book gave solutions of the form

(s + j0.5)(s - j0.5)(2s + 9)

quite honestly i lost 'bowel control' when i saw that. Any help? Finals are in 6 weeks,
  • #4
regarding complex roots, the rule of thumb or some theorem states that if
(a - bi) is a solution, then (a + bi) is a solution as well. Break up the polynomial into its simplest, non complex roots, then take the roots with variables higher than degree 1 and break them up.
  • #5
physicsnewblol said:
regarding complex roots, the rule of thumb or some theorem states that if
(a - bi) is a solution, then (a + bi) is a solution as well. Break up the polynomial into its simplest, non complex roots, then take the roots with variables higher than degree 1 and break them up.

The Conjugate Root theorem, which only applies when the co efficients of the polynomial are real by the way.

Related to Whats a faster way for factorizing polynomials of order 3 and above

1. What is the traditional method of factorizing polynomials of order 3 and above?

The traditional method of factorizing polynomials of order 3 and above is by using the method of grouping or by using the quadratic formula.

2. Why is there a need for a faster way to factorize polynomials of order 3 and above?

Factorizing polynomials of order 3 and above can be a time-consuming process, especially for complex polynomials. A faster method can save time and effort in solving mathematical problems.

3. What is the disadvantage of using the traditional method of factorizing polynomials?

The traditional method can be tedious and prone to errors, as it involves multiple steps and calculations. It may also not be efficient for larger polynomials.

4. Are there any techniques or strategies for faster factorization of polynomials of order 3 and above?

Yes, there are various techniques and strategies that can be used for faster factorization of polynomials, such as the method of synthetic division, the AC method, and the Box method.

5. Is it possible to factorize all polynomials of order 3 and above using a single method?

No, different polynomials may require different methods for factorization depending on their structure and coefficients. It is important to understand and use multiple methods to efficiently factorize polynomials of different orders.

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