Why does power spectrum is calculated at the radiation/matter epochs?

In summary, the standard inflationary scenario involves evaluating the power spectrum at a cosmological time when one assumes a particular equation of state, typically in a radiation or matter dominated universe. This is due to constraints from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the different scaling of energy density for normal matter, radiation, and dark energy. As time goes on, dark energy's contribution to the total energy density increases, but in the early universe, it played little to no role.
  • #1
In the standard inflationary scenario, the power spectrum is evaluated at the cosmological time when one assumes an equation of state [itex] $ P= \omega \rho$ [/itex] , that is, one is assuming a particular radiation or matter dominated universe. Why does it has to be in these cosmological epochs? does it involve something about the physical scale of the perturbations reentering the Hubble horizon and then one treats the perturbations as classical fields?.
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  • #2
chronnox said:
In the standard inflationary scenario, the power spectrum is evaluated at the cosmological time when one assumes an equation of state [itex] $ P= \omega \rho$ [/itex] , that is, one is assuming a particular radiation or matter dominated universe. Why does it has to be in these cosmological epochs? does it involve something about the physical scale of the perturbations reentering the Hubble horizon and then one treats the perturbations as classical fields?.
The primary constraint on the contents of the very early universe stems from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, where if the universe had different contents, the relative ratios of the primordial light elements would have been different. Because of this, we can be quite confident that at and before the emission of the cosmic microwave background, our universe was almost entirely dominated by normal matter (including dark matter) and radiation: dark energy played little to no role during that epoch.

The reason why it works out this way is that the energy density of the different components of the universe scales differently with the expansion. Normal matter drops off with the cube of the scale factor: you're just diluting out the matter. Radiation drops off with the fourth power of the scale factor: not only are you diluting the number density of photons, but you're also redshifting them. Dark energy, by contrast, doesn't dilute much (if at all) as the universe expands, and it's this feature which makes it cause the expansion to accelerate.

What this means is that as time goes on, dark energy's contribution to the total energy density grows compared to matter and radiation: in the distant past, both matter and radiation were far more dense, but dark energy wasn't. And so the early expansion of the universe can be reproduced extremely accurately by just considering normal matter and radiation.

Related to Why does power spectrum is calculated at the radiation/matter epochs?

1. Why is the power spectrum important in studying the radiation/matter epochs?

The power spectrum is an essential tool in understanding the distribution of energy in the universe. By calculating the power spectrum at different epochs, we can trace the evolution of structures and fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation and matter density. This allows us to test and refine our theories of the formation and evolution of the universe.

2. How is the power spectrum calculated at the radiation/matter epochs?

The power spectrum is calculated by analyzing the fluctuations in radiation or matter density at different scales. This is typically done by using Fourier analysis, which breaks down the fluctuations into different frequencies. The resulting power spectrum plot shows the relative strength of these fluctuations at different scales, providing valuable information about the structure and evolution of the universe.

3. What does the power spectrum tell us about the radiation/matter epochs?

The power spectrum provides important insights into the physical conditions of the universe during the radiation and matter epochs. It reveals the patterns and distribution of matter and energy at different scales, which can help us understand the formation of structures like galaxies and galaxy clusters. It also helps us to test theories about the early universe and the physics of inflation.

4. How does the power spectrum change over time at the radiation/matter epochs?

The power spectrum changes over time at the radiation and matter epochs due to the expansion of the universe and the effects of gravity on the distribution of matter and energy. As the universe evolves, the power spectrum shifts, with different peaks and dips appearing in the plot. Studying these changes can provide insights into the processes that shaped the universe and the formation of large-scale structures.

5. What are some current research areas that use the power spectrum at the radiation/matter epochs?

The power spectrum is used in a wide range of research areas, including cosmology, astrophysics, and particle physics. Some current research topics that utilize the power spectrum at the radiation and matter epochs include studying the effects of dark matter and dark energy on the large-scale structure of the universe, testing theories of inflation, and investigating the nature of primordial gravitational waves. Additionally, the power spectrum is also used in data analysis and cosmological simulations to better understand the evolution of the universe and its components.

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