Mechanical Engineering start-over

In summary, a call for better energy management has been made in order to improve the world's lifestyle and environment. The current technology in the energy field is leading us into stagnation, and society's focus on peak performance rather than efficiency is hindering progress. The Fisher Brothers, who hold a patent for an engine design that can achieve 200 miles per gallon, are advocating for a return to simpler, more effective technology that was developed over 75 years ago by Russel Bourke. This technology has been overlooked and disregarded in favor of more complex and expensive options, but with modern materials and advancements, it is now more viable than ever. The Fisher engine boasts numerous advantages, including high torque at low rpm, lower back-pressure for a
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Alvin Sugar
Declaration of Need To Improve World Life Style, and Environment, Through Better Energy Management!

In relation to the energy field, current technology is leading us into stagnation! Today, piston engine technology is available that will effectively renovate the machine age. Society is conditioned to accept mediocrity by its concern for peak performance instead of efficiency. For us to advance as a society it appears we have to take one step back, and apply technology with the progressive facts that will propel us into a future with less greenhouse emissions, noise pollution, inflation, while improving public safety.

The scope of this announcement is much larger than 'the uninformed' will generally admit. Demand for the insistence of continuing glut by the general public needs to be abated! Academia wants to increase sophistication and complexity by hybrid vehicles, whereas their concept is too early if applied onto engines who's mechanical technology is more than 80 years past their peak of design (and should be scrapped)!

Now building hybrids using Fisher engines for 200 mile per gallon ideology should occur after about 20 years or so after the improved machine age commences - inspired by the Fisher Brothers!

If this spikes your curiosity, please check out the lecture components that I am preparing for the Metaphysical group in Garland Texas. This happens to be my current engineering project and I am consulting with Pat Fisher. The Fisher Brothers now wish to gain notoriety for their 2005 patent.

Reinventing the Machine Age

In the modern world, the rush toward more sophistication sometimes encourages emotionalism to overrule wisdom and logic. Academia and institutions seems to encourage scatterbrain thinking, where what novel projects which appear to be breakthroughs; thereby encouraging effort into less productive, more expensive and complex venues. The open projects discarded then take almost superhuman effort to reinstate because of the status quo opinion passed onto high ranking authoritarians. This entanglement of knowledge over wisdom seems to be a pervading weakness with the academia's over educated fraternity.
[Note: Over educated means knowledge that overwhelms rather than assists a project]

75 years ago Russel Bourke came up with a very effective engine design that was quite remarkable. It was forced into the 'sophistication loop' to compete with the state of art four cycle engines that had prominence in that period of time. This simple engine is still outperforming the current (high tech) “modern” state of art engines, but was blackballed at the time because of high wear, and resistance to change? Reviewing Bourke's technology with our modern world materials we uncover the fact the high wear experienced is now non existent! Bourke's concept becomes even more effective with a mechanical engineer's approach of interweaving his patented cam technology to improve effective dwell time of the loaded piston up to 250%! This means more power for less fuel induction, for considerably better fuel efficiency for a given engine displacement. Patrick T. Fisher is the inventor (and holder of the Fisher engine patent) that uses a yoke on a pivot to create a cam action on the piston to extend its Top Dead Center and Bottom Dead Center dwell. Broadening the high pressure dwell gives many advantages like a complete burn for creating minimal greenhouse gases, making ignition timing uncritical (so a computer controlled timing advance system becomes obsolete); low exhaust back-pressure simplifies noise reduction (with appropriate small muffler), eliminating an aircraft's need for intense acoustic insulation (for example). Modulating the form of the yoke itself to proscribe an arch, finesses the piston dwell via subtle cam articulation to reach the surprising 250% effective dwell increase mentioned above - that is also controlled by the trailing arm length to pivot, which also improves transfer piston combustion pressure by reducing connecting rod angularity, for totally improved mechanics over the conventional “modern” engine. Bourke was right all along with his original claim that we are building engines WRONG!

Interesting characteristics of the Fisher engine are:
1. High torque at low rpm. In motorcycle and automobile applications this means transmissions of fewer gears are needed.
2. Lower back-pressure for a cooler exhaust means smaller mufflers and catalytic converters.
3. Lighter engines that have improved rpm regulation for aircraft - making variable pitch props more effective.
4. Coupled piston supercharger makes the engine work up to 60,000 feet MSL. [Replacing the jet engines in a 727, you would have an aircraft that would fly from America to Germany, and back to America without refueling! And still cruise at 500 mph - smooth and quiet!] 2 stroke diesel simplicity and reliability, with jet fuel the fuel of choice.
5. Supercharged options for the Fisher piston engines are inexpensive to produce, and service. Rotary engines like the Wankel, Atkinson etc. require expensive centrifugal superchargers; and these engines cannot be scaled up to power large ocean vessels; like the Queen Mary (with its 8 foot stroke pistons). The rotary designs are definitely not noted for fuel economy.
6. Because the Fisher is stingy with fuel, due to an extremely lean burn, the smaller lighter Fisher engine is a natural for emergency power generators.
7. Marine applications gain because of great torque at lower rpm, and less critical timing.
8. Small bikes and scooters will travel more than a hundred miles on less than a gallon of fuel; while needing only 2 gears to be quite peppy.
9. Power tools will be more effective because of better torque with less fuel storage.
10. This is the needed engine for ultra lights!

The wear factor is a non existent concern, meaning the Fisher designs life will equal, or exceed that of a conventional engine in operational hours - with future overhaul being inexpensive and simple because the prime wear components are in the removable cylinder, piston, and head. Obviously we have a Win Win situation here.

The biggest hurtle to overcome is the thought of retooling. Too many years have past doing engine design wrong! So it will take the public and Government together to overcome oligarchy resistance. Obviously the benefits are extreme with higher performance vehicles sipping on a lot less fuel. Smaller less expensive 'catalytic' converters although not necessary, most likely will be insisted upon - following attitudes of being difficult for our Government to let go of that control, would be lasting considerably longer.

Today, there is a thrust for the hybrid automobile, with high technology a guiding light. In engineering terms, this attempt is quite “foolish!” This would excessively, and unnecessarily, complicate the automobile by having two propulsion systems that require computers to interface them with complex programs (with corresponding updates); all done with a basic fact that it would not compete in performance, or economy, with the simpler Fisher design, that is the better scavenger of energy. To move a vehicle takes energy whether it is stored electrical, or chemical. Two systems that are serially linked by computers, is 4 times less reliable compared to one basic simple, high efficiency system.
[Serial linkage: The mechanical engine has to run to charge the battery. The battery discharges through the electrical motor to aid the mechanical engine's torque. Add the fact that the fuel weight must include battery weight (that also reduces carrying capacity volume )!]
The bottom line is that the Fisher engine would be considerably less expensive to implement and maintain.

Lets go further with the Fisher concept, like the Fisher pump! Air conditioning systems require a compressor pump. Instead of the regular rapid compression piston pump, let's replace it with the longer dwell Fisher, and what do we gain? The longer dwell yields better temperature dissipation of the pressurized gas at the compressor pump, with improved diversion efficiency to improve heat dissipation at the condenser coils that is attempting to liquefy the gas. The longer dwell improves the one-way valve's time constants, improving the pressure transfer exhaust. The liquid that lost the bulk of its compression temperature traveling through the condenser coils, is now feeding the evaporator coils that permit the liquid to convert back to gas, expanding and thus dropping temperature. The Fisher pump would be a small price to pay to improve thermal and mechanical efficiency from less piston friction.
Science news on
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Better yet, the Fisher pump could be used as a pre-compressor pump to improve the efficiency of the regular compressor pump, while also reducing the horsepower needed to drive the compressor pump. This is a Win Win Win situation.

As scientists, it is our duty to continuously seek out and develop new technologies that will improve our lives and the environment. Your declaration to improve world lifestyle and environment through better energy management is a noble and necessary goal. I am intrigued by your proposal to use Fisher engines as a solution to the current stagnation in energy technology. I believe that exploring this avenue further could lead to significant advancements in efficiency and sustainability.

I would suggest conducting thorough research and testing on the Fisher engine design to ensure its viability and effectiveness. It is also important to consider potential challenges and obstacles, such as retooling and resistance from established industries. However, with proper support and collaboration, I believe that this technology has the potential to revolutionize the energy field and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Additionally, I would encourage you to continue sharing your ideas and findings with the scientific community and policymakers. It is important to raise awareness and garner support for innovative solutions like the Fisher engine. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world and create a better future for generations to come.
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The Fisher pump would also be much quieter than conventional compressors. The longer dwell can also be used in the Stirling engine, and other heat engines.

The Fisher concept has a great potential for industry, and the environment. Just think of the impact a 200 mile per gallon car would have on our dependence on foreign oil, and the reduction of greenhouse gases. It's time to embrace the advancements in mechanical engineering and reinvent the machine age for a better world. The Fisher engine is just one example of how simple changes can lead to major improvements in energy management and a better lifestyle for all.

Related to Mechanical Engineering start-over

1. What is mechanical engineering start-over?

Mechanical engineering start-over refers to the process of designing, developing, and implementing new mechanical systems or products from scratch. It involves using principles and techniques of engineering to create innovative solutions to problems in various industries.

2. Why would someone want to start over in mechanical engineering?

There could be several reasons why someone would want to start over in mechanical engineering. It could be because they want to explore new ideas and challenges, or they may have encountered limitations or failures in their previous projects. Starting over also allows engineers to incorporate new technologies and advancements into their designs.

3. What are the key steps in a mechanical engineering start-over?

The key steps in a mechanical engineering start-over include research and ideation, concept development, prototyping and testing, refinement and iteration, and implementation. During each step, engineers use various tools and methods to design, analyze, and optimize their ideas before moving on to the next stage.

4. How long does a mechanical engineering start-over process typically take?

The duration of a mechanical engineering start-over process can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the project, the resources available, and the team's experience. Some projects may take a few months, while others may take several years to complete. It also depends on the level of detail and testing required to ensure a successful final product.

5. What are the benefits of a mechanical engineering start-over?

A mechanical engineering start-over can bring several benefits, such as creating innovative solutions, improving efficiency and performance, reducing costs, and staying competitive in the market. It also allows engineers to gain new skills and knowledge while pushing the boundaries of what is possible in their field.

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