New Smilies Ideas: Suggest to Moderators

  • Thread starter quddusaliquddus
  • Start date
In summary, the moderators would like new smilies added to the nice ones already present. The new smilies would be the sarcastic, devil, and crying ones.
  • #1
What new smilies would we like to be added to the nice ones we aready have? I am not a moderator and cannot do any of this - so this is just a suggestion-thread to the moderators.
:wink: :eek: :frown: :mad: :redface: :rolleyes: :biggrin: :smile: :confused: :-p :cool:
Physics news on
  • #2
quddusaliquddus said:
What new smilies would we like to be added to the nice ones we aready have? I am not a moderator and cannot do any of this - so this is just a suggestion-thread to the moderators.
:wink: :eek: :frown: :mad: :redface: :rolleyes: :biggrin: :smile: :confused: :-p :cool:
We've been promised we could get our old smilies back, but it hasn't happened yet. :frown:

We had some great smilies - the ones I miss most are the crying, devil, and sarcastic smilies.
  • #3
Hmm I'll look into it.

- Warren
  • #4
Evo said:
the ones I miss most are the crying, devil, and sarcastic smilies.
exactly right..
  • #5
Okay, added the devil smilie... :devil:

What did the sarcastic one look like? I can't remember it.

- Warren
  • #6
Added :rolleyes: and :cry: too..

- Warren
  • #7
And :smile: too, I've always loved that one.

- Warren
  • #8
chroot said:
Okay, added the devil smilie... :devil:

What did the sarcastic one look like? I can't remember it.

- Warren
chroot, you are so AWESOME! :smile: Monique, do you remember the sarcastic smiley?
  • #9
If anyone can find me a copy of the desired smilies online somewhere (provide me a link to the actual image itself), I will add them.

- Warren
  • #10
The sarcastic smilie looked something like this
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  • #11
Yes, like that only not so angry..
  • #12
Yeah! Those are great ones! I didn't know PF when it was the 'old one' I keep hearing people talk about. Thanks chroot - this forums's the best :smile:
  • #13

I noticed them in another thread and thank'd Greg by mistake! Sorry!

Got any more?? One can never have ENOUGH smilies! :wink:
  • #14
Tsunami said:
One can never have ENOUGH smilies! :wink:

You've clearly never chatted with a 10 year old on AOL. omg teh r0x0rz smyleez!1!1!
  • #15
ShawnD said:
You've clearly never chatted with a 10 year old on AOL. omg teh r0x0rz smyleez!1!1!
I don't think there is any kind of incentive anywhere in this universe or the next that would get me to agree to do that! :eek:

I like the emoticons, tho. They help to set the correct tone of a statement that could otherwise be misinterpreted. Especially with so many PF members of different cultures that may not fully understand another culture's humor (humour :wink: ). I like to know where others are coming from - and so I use them to show where I'm coming from. (which is usually kinda out in left field... :eek: :wink: )
  • #16
They can also be used incorrectly to set the wrong tone.

You are my friend :rolleyes:

  • #17
How about the blushing smiley from the previous PF, chroot? Do you've still got access to that one?
  • #18
I can't find the original blushing icon.. but will this one do?


- Warreb
  • #19
You made it yourself or what? :S <- also missing
I say make the cheaks a little pinker and it'll look just fine! :-p
  • #20
I don't know about any1 else - but I think the blushing one looks like monique - :blush:
  • #21
No, I just hunted around and found it.

If anyone can find the exact icons on the web, please supply me with links. :) Finding smilies is harder than you'd think.

- Warren
  • #22
chroot said:
No, I just hunted around and found it.

If anyone can find the exact icons on the web, please supply me with links. :) Finding smilies is harder than you'd think.

- Warren
Here's a pantload of them. Several of the ones we have now are from this site but I also saw a few of our old ones there, too. Many to choose from for each emotion.

Are they hard to find because you can only use certain ones for forums? (ie. the owner of the smilie page won't let you use them on forums..)

I actually like the ones we have now. I just miss several of the old ones. I have some of the old ones copied into a file on my computer and I can email them to you if that's any help. Guess you probably need a web page, tho?
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  • #23
No, you could email me the images; my email is

- Warren
  • #25
warren, tsunami sent me a bunch of the old ones and I am going to convert them into gifs. I figured you had enough to do.
  • #26

Okay -- I got an email of them, too. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I know which ones I need to add! I think I'm smilie-challenged, I need you guys to hold my hand and tell me exactly which ones are needed.

- Warren
  • #27
Pfff. Typical 'emote'ional crippled scientist...

  • #28
chroot said:

Okay -- I got an email of them, too. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I know which ones I need to add! I think I'm smilie-challenged, I need you guys to hold my hand and tell me exactly which ones are needed.

- Warren
I'm getting them converted into gif's (I hope) so you can add them. I will only forward the ones to add.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this for us! :) You are so wonderful! :smile:
  • #29
Evo said:
I'm getting them converted into gif's (I hope) so you can add them. I will only forward the ones to add.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this for us! :) You are so wonderful! :smile:
Hey! Are you holding his hand like he asked!?? :eek: :smile: OK. Good. Ivan might get a little miffed if I were to actively engage in hand-holding in a public forum. But, give it a squeeze of thanks for me, too. :wink: Thanx, chroot! Yer a top banana fer shure. :wink:
  • #31
Updating cry and blush (you may have to refresh your browser to see them), and added shy and approve.

- Warren
  • #32
chroot, I just sent you the old smilies we want added.

Oh, I see you already added "approve" and the old crying! :approve:
  • #33
Monique said:
And one that looks just like Evo
lol, just wait until I find one for you. :devil: :biggrin:
  • #34
Okay, I added :surprise: :zzz: :bugeye: :-p and

Thanks Evo!

- Warren
  • #35
chroot, you just made a lot of people very happy. Thank you! :smile:

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