Opinions on Nepali Young Scientist, Rijan Karki

  • Thread starter coverme
  • Start date
In summary: And I am not making the buzz of nationality ,please do not misinterpret it.Acually I don't believe in this new theory.I was just try to Knowing ablot the actual news because here some members are from America and they know actual buzz going on.And I am not making the buzz of nationality ,please do not misinterpret it.If you want my interpretation on things, I'd say (given I don't know you) that you are this person and simply want everyone to say 'amazing' or praise you up.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Feel free to give interpretation
  • #3

What do you think about this?
  • #4

coverme said:
Feel free to give interpretation

I agree with russ. Boring, nothing particularly captivating there.

If you want my interpretation on things, I'd say (given I don't know you) that you are this person and simply want everyone to say 'amazing' or praise you up.

Or you are from the country in the report and simply want people to praise up your country for giving such a "brilliant" physicist. If you can call him that.

The above statements related mainly to the fact you name the thread "What do you think about this?", as if its amazing and your bragging up the person (whether you or not) or the country.

But then again I could be wrong, you could just be wanting an opinion. Just seems a really random thing for someone to post. Especially given that it doesn't give us any information on his theories, but is simply an article about him.
  • #5

Maybe it's just that the blog entry is written very poorly, but I have no idea what's going on here. What the heck is this "new theory on 'gravitational force'?" And why is "gravitational force" in quotes? The only research being done on gravity at the moment is the experiment on gravitational waves and the work into quantum gravity. If anything important had happened, you'd think the first place we'd hear about it would be somewhere other than a blog.
  • #6

We've had people link this story before. A little background: though I am loath to call a high school kid a crackpot, essentially what we have here is a case of a smart but ignorant high school kid coming up with a crackpot idea and for some reason being picked up (apparently) by mainstream media in his country and lauded as the next Einstein.
  • #7

I wonder who these "renowned local physicists" are.
  • #8

Hopefully he doesn't let any attention he gets get to his ego because I'm guessing he's a bright kid but I strongly doubt he's the next Einstein at 16 years old
  • #9

russ_watters said:
We've had people link this story before. A little background: though I am loath to call a high school kid a crackpot, essentially what we have here is a case of a smart but ignorant high school kid coming up with a crackpot idea and for some reason being picked up (apparently) by mainstream media in his country and lauded as the next Einstein.

Ahh, this all makes sense now.

The problem with people in that part of the world is that since they don't have that many technological achievements to boast about, they tend to make up funny new age stuff and other propaganda to instill a sense of nationalism. I once had someone from India tell me that the Indians had invented spacecraft when Europeans were still in caves.

And I'm Indian, so I can say stuff like this without sounding offensive...right? :rolleyes:
  • #10

jarednjames said:
I agree with russ. Boring, nothing particularly captivating there.

If you want my interpretation on things, I'd say (given I don't know you) that you are this person and simply want everyone to say 'amazing' or praise you up.

Or you are from the country in the report and simply want people to praise up your country for giving such a "brilliant" physicist. If you can call him that.

The above statements related mainly to the fact you name the thread "What do you think about this?", as if its amazing and your bragging up the person (whether you or not) or the country.

But then again I could be wrong, you could just be wanting an opinion. Just seems a really random thing for someone to post. Especially given that it doesn't give us any information on his theories, but is simply an article about him.

I was hurt by your first quotes.
  • #11

Acually I don't believe in this new theory.I was just try to Knowing ablot the actual news because here some members are from America and they know actual buzz going on
  • #12

Acually I was trying to highlight the main points of the article , that is
Natural energy converts into repulsive force, the universe has lifecycle like us
  • #13

And last of all there was given formulae FG=Mc2d
  • #14

Does formulae can be efficiently brought up without use of calculus??

And I am not making the buzz of nationality ,please do not misinterpret it
  • #15

coverme said:
Acually I don't believe in this new theory.I was just try to Knowing ablot the actual news because here some members are from America and they know actual buzz going on
Well firstly, consider using the quote button on the RHS instead of posting multiple times in reply to me.
I would like to point out that America is not the only country that has an understanding of these things. Most eastern European countries are just as advanced and I would like to think they also 'know the buzz'.

coverme said:
Acually I was trying to highlight the main points of the article , that is
Natural energy converts into repulsive force, the universe has lifecycle like us
At no point did you 'highlight the main points'. You simply gave a link and said 'feel free to give an interpretation'.

coverme said:
And last of all there was given formulae FG=Mc2d
A formula doesn't mean anything on its own. You need the proofs and some information/data to back it up. Links to peer reviewed articles and journals to show the work has been properly checked.

coverme said:
Does formulae can be efficiently brought up without use of calculus??
Given the poor english in this statement I can't respond accurately without clarification of it.

coverme said:
And I am not making the buzz of nationality ,please do not misinterpret it
You said 'Feel free to give interpretation ', I did. I can't misinterpret something without an original statement from yourself to misinterpret. You provided no opinion on your part and so it is impossible for me to misinterpret it.

coverme said:
I was hurt by your first quotes.
Given your relatively low standard of english, combined with your last statement here, I would say you are something to do with this article/blog. Original statement stands.
  • #16

To one from a non-science background, his theory states that like our life cycle, the universe also has its own life cycle that continues forever. According to him, natural energy converts into a repulsive force.


He has combined the theories of Einstein and Newton to create his own theory which is being studied by the scientists in the U.S.

I would like to hear his speech. But an hours worth of googling has yielded nothing but the above, people claiming to be him, people claiming to be him accusing the people claiming to be him that they are not him and that it is not nice to do so, etc. etc.

Interesting though that if you actually calculate the force of gravity using his equation, you come up with 7.72 x 1034 Newtons at the surface of the earth. Which would explain why we need a repulsive force created by natural energy. Otherwise my bathroom scale is way off.
  • #17

OmCheeto said:

I would like to hear his speech. But an hours worth of googling has yielded nothing but the above, people claiming to be him, people claiming to be him accusing the people claiming to be him that they are not him and that it is not nice to do so, etc. etc.

Interesting though that if you actually calculate the force of gravity using his equation, you come up with 7.72 x 1034 Newtons at the surface of the earth. Which would explain why we need a repulsive force created by natural energy. Otherwise my bathroom scale is way off.

Thanks Omcheeto, I had wanted for this
  • #18

You know, you would think that if I googled his name + NASA, it would come up on a NASA server somewhere. Since it does not, and this is such a "big deal" kid, I'm calling BS on this scam.

Only the Nepal Post picked up on this...really? I mean,....really?? Give me a break.
  • #19

I'm sorry cyrus but I've been busting this guy's b*lls since he got here. I knew it wasn't real and yet I come back as a nothing.

Seriously, am I just generally being ignored on here.
  • #20

I think someone posted the same thing like a month ago ...
  • #21

Cyrus said:
You know, you would think that if I googled his name + NASA, it would come up on a NASA server somewhere. Since it does not, and this is such a "big deal" kid, I'm calling BS on this scam.

Only the Nepal Post picked up on this...really? I mean,....really?? Give me a break.

I request you tell what is mean by
BS and scam
I do not know
  • #22

coverme said:
I request you tell what is mean by
BS and scam
I do not know

:smile: It means I think this story is fake.
  • #23

BS = bu*lgarbage

Scam = deception

ban me if you like, I am sick of being ignored. this is all a load of bull and people will still go out of their way to defend it. makes me wonder why i spend all my time studying.
  • #24

jarednjames said:
I'm sorry cyrus but I've been busting this guy's b*lls since he got here. I knew it wasn't real and yet I come back as a nothing.

Seriously, am I just generally being ignored on here.

And what?
  • #25

Cyrus said:
:smile: It means I think this story is fake.

Theory might be fake ,story is not ,trust me
  • #26

coverme said:
Theory might be fake ,story is not ,trust me

Why can't I find any articles with this guys name in it anywhere?...<raises one eyebrow>
  • #27

coverme said:
And what?

I cannot tell you what that makes me think. You have provided a BS story and although I have proved you wrong I am being ignored. I have provided hard facts in a number of discussions and have been ignored. This is sickening,
Why do you allow this guy to continue when there is no point to this thread? This guy gives you the next 'einstein' and when googled he doesn't exist. Clearly fake.
  • #28

jarednjames said:
I cannot tell you what that makes me think. You have provided a BS story and although I have proved you wrong I am being ignored. I have provided hard facts in a number of discussions and have been ignored. This is sickening,
Why do you allow this guy to continue when there is no point to this thread? This guy gives you the next 'einstein' and when googled he doesn't exist. Clearly fake.

Down boy.
  • #29

Cyrus said:
Down boy.

Coming from you Cyrus, that means a lot.
  • #30

jarednjames said:
I cannot tell you what that makes me think. You have provided a BS story and although I have proved you wrong I am being ignored. I have provided hard facts in a number of discussions and have been ignored. This is sickening,
Why do you allow this guy to continue when there is no point to this thread? This guy gives you the next 'einstein' and when googled he doesn't exist. Clearly fake.

Sorry for being ignored because English is my second language and this is my weakness(lack communication)
I express apology
In the Google I typed Reason Karki theory(latest report)
It might not be resulting because Google works country wise ,try above
  • #31

jarednjames said:
ban me if you like, I am sick of being ignored.

don't give up :)

  • #32

jarednjames said:
BS = bu*lgarbage

Scam = deception

ban me if you like, I am sick of being ignored. this is all a load of bull and people will still go out of their way to defend it. makes me wonder why i spend all my time studying.

Someone not get enough hugs and kisses growing up?

Let's not get all 'put the lotion in the basket' now, okay? :smile:
  • #33

Saladsamurai said:
Someone not get enough hugs and kisses growing up?

Let's not get all 'put the lotion in the basket' now, okay? :smile:

Let me make this clear. When I spend ages putting together a good post with hard facts and people simply ignore it, it bugs me. I get annoyed. Rightly so.

People are selective in what they see as fact, escpecially when the facts disagree with with what they believe. This is BS and should be locked. And so should the post about Wind turbine in a building.
  • #34

I think this thread became senseless because i was the wrong person.i am sorry I shouldnot have post it here because there was no enoughevidence I could provide
  • #35

jarednjames said:
Let me make this clear. When I spend ages putting together a good post with hard facts and people simply ignore it, it bugs me. I get annoyed. Rightly so.

People are selective in what they see as fact, escpecially when the facts disagree with with what they believe. This is BS and should be locked. And so should the post about Wind turbine in a building.

Okay, but I don't see what you are talking about? What post with hard facts?

All I see is a post where you rip on this guy's English over and over and then try to make the deduction that since his English is equally as bad the writer of the blog's, then they must be the same person.

You're right, this guy is the only person on that side of the Earth with poor English. I apologize, it is a well-thought post.

Your award is in the mail.

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