The physics of putting a rocket into space

In summary, the conversation discusses how to determine when a rocket breaks the gravitational pull of the Earth in order to continue into deep space. It is determined by calculating the energy required to escape the Earth's gravity and giving the rocket enough kinetic energy to reach that point. The conversation also mentions the equation for gravitational force and the use of integration to calculate the energy needed. It is noted that the majority of the rocket's mass is comprised of fuel, and the immense amount of energy needed to launch even a 100kg object into space.
  • #1
If a rocket is launched into space in attemt to break orbit and continue into deep space, how do you determine when the rocket "breaks" the gravitational pull of the earth? Since gravity extends infinatly, how do you know when you are at a point where if you kill the engines, it will continue to travel into space? Gravitational strength decreases exponentially right? So would the point be at a certain distance from Earth at a certain velocity so as the limit of the velocity function as displacement approaches infinity is nonzero?
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  • #2
Felix83 said:
If a rocket is launched into space in attemt to break orbit and continue into deep space, how do you determine when the rocket "breaks" the gravitational pull of the earth? Since gravity extends infinatly, how do you know when you are at a point where if you kill the engines, it will continue to travel into space? Gravitational strength decreases exponentially right? So would the point be at a certain distance from Earth at a certain velocity so as the limit of the velocity function as displacement approaches infinity is nonzero?
That is the idea. Think of it in terms of energy. Does the energy required to go from the surface of the Earth to an infinite distance approach a limit? What is that limit? (hint: integrate the force x distance from the surface to infinity).

Once you know the maximum energy required to get to any distance, you just have to give the rocket that much kinetic energy to escape.

  • #3
cool, so at what rate does the gravitational field strength decrease? so i would have to incorporate this rate into a function of the force required to overcome gravity and set it up as a function with respect to x (x being distance) and then setup the integral from 0 to infinity, and then take the limit of the integral to solve it? lol that's funny we just learned improper integrals in my calc 2 class the other day :cool:
  • #4
Felix83 said:
cool, so at what rate does the gravitational field strength decrease? so i would have to incorporate this rate into a function of the force required to overcome gravity and set it up as a function with respect to x (x being distance) and then setup the integral from 0 to infinity, and then take the limit of the integral to solve it? lol that's funny we just learned improper integrals in my calc 2 class the other day :cool:
What is the equation for gravitational force (Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation)?

Use that formula for Force in the integration:

[tex]W = \int_{R}^\infty F(r) dr[/tex]

  • #5
Newtons universal gravitation formula is F = G*(m1*m2)/r^2

lets say you have a 100kg rocket so m2 = 100kg

the mass of the Earth is 5.98 x 10^24 kg so m1 = 5.98 x 1024 kg

G is the gravitatonal constant which is 6.67 x 10^-11 N m2/kg2

r is our variable, but we need a starting point
lets say its at sea level where the radius is 6.37 x 10^6 m

so we are going to have the limit as b -> infinity
of the integral of (3.99*10^16)/r^2) dr from 6.37 x 10^6m to b.

the integral before plugging in the limits of integration is (-3.99*10^16)/r

when we plug in the limits of integration we have

(3.99*10^16) / (6.37*10^6) - (3.99*10^16) / b

if we take the limit as b approaches infinity, the second term tends to zero so the limit equals

(3.99*10^16) / (6.37*10^6)

which is approximatly 6.3 Billion Joules! holy ****! that's a lot of work to put a 100kg rocket into space !

so to simplfy that if you wanted to use a different weight and starting point,
you could say that the work needed to launch an object into space is

W = (G * Me * m) / r

where G is the gravitational constant, Me is the mass of the earth, m is the mass of the object, and r is the starting distance from the center of the earth. if you plug in the knowns you can get rid of a couple variables and simplify it farther...

W = ((6.67 x 10^-11) * (5.98 x 10^24) * m) / r

W = 3.99x10^14 * m/r

  • #6
Felix83 said:
If we take the limit as b approaches infinity, the second term tends to zero so the limit equals

(3.99*10^16) / (6.37*10^6)

which is approximatly 6.3 Billion Joules! holy ****! that's a lot of work to put a 100kg rocket into space !
It is. But consider that in order to deliver that kinetic energy to the space ship, the rocket has to blast matter (gasses) at high speed toward the earth. Those gases have a lot of energy. And the rocket has to carry that fuel with it while it is blasting away from earth, so much of the rocket energy is used in pushing fuel away from the Earth that will later be pushed back toward the earth. 6.3 billion joules is a small fraction of the actual energy needed.

  • #7
so basically your saying that the weight of the fuel to carry this 100kg rocket into space would comprise most of the mass making it significantly more than 100kg?

on a side note, just for fun i calculated how fast (neglecting air resistance) any 100kg object would have to start at to get it into space. like if u just took a 100kg sphere and shot it with some initial velocity straight up. In order for it to not come back to Earth the initial velocity would have to be around 24000 mph ! :bugeye:
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  • #8
Felix83 said:
so basically your saying that the weight of the fuel to carry this 100kg rocket into space would comprise most of the mass making it significantly more than 100kg?

on a side note, just for fun i calculated how fast (neglecting air resistance) any 100kg object would have to start at to get it into space. like if u just took a 100kg sphere and shot it with some initial velocity straight up. In order for it to not come back to Earth the initial velocity would have to be around 24000 mph ! :bugeye:

That's a "classical" problem. Assuming an object (of any mass) is given an initial speed that is then to carry it to an infinite distance, that is the "escape velocity". You calculate the potential energy difference between the surface of the Earth and "infinitely distant" (which is finite). The kinetic energy at the surface of the Earth must be equal to that.

FAQ: The physics of putting a rocket into space

1. How does a rocket generate enough force to lift off into space?

The force that propels a rocket into space is generated by the burning of rocket fuel. The fuel is ignited in the combustion chamber, creating a large amount of hot gas that is directed out of the nozzle at the bottom of the rocket. This action creates an equal and opposite reaction, known as thrust, which propels the rocket upwards.

2. What factors affect the trajectory of a rocket?

The trajectory of a rocket is affected by various factors such as the amount of thrust generated by the rocket engine, the mass of the rocket and its payload, the angle of the rocket's trajectory, and external forces such as air resistance and gravity.

3. How does a rocket overcome Earth's gravity to reach outer space?

A rocket overcomes Earth's gravity by achieving a speed known as escape velocity. This is the speed required to break free from Earth's gravitational pull and enter into orbit or travel beyond Earth's atmosphere. The amount of thrust generated by the rocket engine must be greater than the force of gravity for the rocket to reach escape velocity.

4. What role do Newton's laws of motion play in the physics of launching a rocket?

Newton's three laws of motion play a crucial role in the physics of launching a rocket. The first law, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This means that a rocket will continue to move in a straight line unless the force of gravity or thrust from the rocket engine changes its direction. The second law, also known as the law of acceleration, explains how the force of thrust from the rocket engine affects the acceleration of the rocket. The third law, also known as the law of action and reaction, explains how the force of thrust is created by the equal and opposite reaction of the hot gas being expelled from the rocket engine.

5. How do scientists calculate and predict the trajectory of a rocket?

Scientists use complex mathematical equations and computer simulations to calculate and predict the trajectory of a rocket. They take into account various factors such as the mass of the rocket and its payload, the amount of thrust generated by the rocket engine, and external forces such as air resistance and gravity. By inputting these variables into their calculations, scientists can accurately predict the trajectory of a rocket and make adjustments as needed during the launch process to ensure a successful flight.

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