Do Vibrations Explain ESP and Telekinesis?

  • Thread starter pelastration
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In summary: World War III!" But he's just a kid. He's not a scientist. He's not an engineer. He doesn't understand these things. But he has a mental power that is almost beyond comprehension."
  • #1
Does ESP, telekinesis, pre-sight, ... exist?

I understand that ESP is rejected by probably 90% of the posters here just because they don't accept is from a pure materialistic point of view.
All depends however what is matter?
Today physics confirms and most of use understand that matter and energy is vibration, oscillations. (Vibrations strings etc.)
We know that radio works on tuned vibrations: resonance, transmitted by a medium. Radio exists.
The same with mobile phones. We communicate wireless and even sent images to other mobile phones. That's normal. No question about that!
Maybe two hundred years ago a time-traveler was burned because he used one but not today, the time traveller Nostradamus can use it now without problem. ;-)
So ... all vibrations.
These transmitting vibrations of radio, handy's, television, wireless internet-connections are provoked by 'material' products, by powerful hardware.
The mechanism behind this all is that the receiving device must have a system inside that is resonant to frequencies sent by the sending device.
As today's physics confirms that matter and energy is vibration, oscillations ... and humans also seems to be made of matter they can also transmit and receive vibrations ... if they are resonant to them.
So we can says that like two tuned mobiles can communicate over serious distance also tuned people can communicate over serious distance (= telepathy). So some people can influence matter (=telekinesis). So maybe Voodoo is similar to the controlled pushing of a mobile-phone number which creates a terrible sound (ennoying ringing) in the machine of the correspondent.

Now before shooting and debunking this I invite you to first read the two next 'warming up' posts on Hurkos and Uri Geller. Don't tell me that you had not the time to read them (but already want to react). Read them first or check the links.
Appreciate your reactions ... even 'feelings'.
But before, one small remark: Openness of mind. If you are inside a car but you don't 'believe in radio's' ... you will not turn or push the buttons to active your radio ... and you will never here music or news. And you will never believe that other people (instead using their car radio) can say: 'he Greg ... there is a traffic problem in 10 miles'.
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Physics news on
  • #2
(2) On Hurkos

About Hurkos : .

In 1956, Hurkos was brought to the United States by Andrija Puharich, MD (died 1994) to be tested at his Glen Cove, Maine medical research laboratory. For two-and-a-half years he was tested under tightly controlled conditions. The results convinced Dr. Puharich that Hurkos’ psychic abilities were far greater than any he had ever tested (before or thereafter) . . . a remarkable 90% accuracy.
Hurkos’ forte was psychometry, the ability to see past-present-future associations by touching objects. "I see pictures in my mind like a television screen. When I touch something, I can then tell what I see." - said Peter Hurkos.
He had been a consultant to every President of the United States from Eisenhower to Reagan. Hurkos received countless police badges from police chiefs around the world, including one from the International Police Association,and INTERPOL. His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, decorated Hurkos stating; "I hope you will always use your God-given Gift for the betterment of mankind. Use it as an instrument to touch the people, to help them."
  • #3
(3) On Uri Geller

Uri Geller:
Puharich spoke to his colleagues on the subject of Extremely Low Frequency (E.L.F.) emissions. He believes that the relationship between electromagnetic force fields and healing could lead to novel scientific breakthroughs.
Andrija Puharich: "An incredible but absolutely true scene took place when Uri Geller was working on one floor at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). They had Geller bending metal, teleporting things, demonstrating incidents of telepathy and clairvoyance-these things were happening all of the time. Well, unbeknownst to us at the time, there was another lab upstairs for ARPA-a computer network system. Somebody put two and two together and said: "Hey, there's a crazy kid downstairs who is bending metal and levitating things." So they cross-correlated and discovered that when Uri did something the computers would go wacko: program printouts would pop out - sometimes partly erased --- the power supply would go out on them and so on. "Somebody can affect the computer!" Panic ensued. A squad of colonels came out from Washington to sniff around and watch Uri do his thing. They came to me and said, "You know, our whole defense system is on computers and magnetic tape cards. Can this guy wipe them out? Would you cooperate?" So we took Geller to Bell Labs and to the Livermore Radiation Lab and they put together an elaborate set-up for magnetic shielding. They learned that he could wipe out anything on computer tape. They said to me, "This guy could start World War 3!"

The SRI incident was witnessed by a lot of very credible people. Captain Edgar Mitchell, the APOLLO astronaut who walked on the moon, was the overseer of the project. Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff conducted the experiments. Also participating on the team were John Hastead of Berbeck College in England; David Bohm, the great theoretician of Quantum physics, and Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson. There were about 40 people on the team.
... I have a company called E.L.F.(Extremely Low Frequency) Cocoon Corp. I designed this very sensitive piece of equipment. It gives off an 8 Hz frequency. The watch was a ten-year project. I began to understand that there is a frequency vibration emitted by all these healers. So I developed some unique equipment that could measure this. When healers lay their hands, or energy, on someone, they put out exactly 8 Hz magnetic frequency-the same vibration emmited by crystals.

(2) The website of Uri Geller: .

Dr. Peter Fenwick. MB, BChir, DPM, FIRCPsych [ Dr. Fenwick is a senior lecturer at the institute of psychiatry, London, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist at John Radcliffe infirmary in Oxford, and Honorary consultant in Neurophysiology to Broadmoor Special Hospital. He has published numerous scientific papers on brain function and also several papers on meditation and altered states of consciousness. His most recent book is "The Truth of Light". Dr. Fenwick is also chairman of ths scientific and Medical network, a group of doctors and scientists seeking to deepen understanding in science and medicine by fostering intuitive as well as rational insights. ]:
"I have spent my life in neuropsychiatry and have been interested in strange mental states and odd phenomena for a number of years. I first met Uri three years ago and was able to watch him bend a spoon on a colleagues's outstretched hand. I took a spoon from the table. Uri did not touch it, I put it on my colleagues's hand and asked Uri to bend it. Uri ran his finger above the spoon and stood back. Nothing happened. We expressed some dissapointment, still watching the spoon. He said, Wait and Watch. Slowly, as we watched, with Uri standing well away, the spoon started to curl in front of us, and within four minutes the tail of the spoon had risen up like a scorpions sting. I then took the spoon, the first time I had handled it since I put it there, and sure enough, it remained a normal spoon with a marked bend. "

Dr Edgar D. Mitchell S.C.D. (Apollo 14 Astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon):
"I was in Scientific laboratories at Stanford Research Institute investigating a rather amazing individual Uri Geller. Uri's ability to perform amazing feats of mental wizardry is known the world over. We in Science are just now catching up and understanding what you can do with exercise and proper practise. Uri is Not a magician. He is using capabilities that we all have and can develop with exercise and practise." "After the Geller work, I was asked to brief the director of the CIA, Ambassador George Bush (Later to become President of the United States), on our activities and the results. In later years during the Brezhnev period, I met with several Russian scientists who not only had documented results similar to ours, but were actively using "psychic" techniques against the U.S. and its allies."

---- on a book of Joe Nickwell:
Psychic Sleuths is an in-depth look at those who supposedly use extraordinary powers to help solve crimes. Investigative writer Joe Nickell has put together a special "task force" of experienced researchers - professional magicians, private detectives, paranormal investigators and writers on pseudoscience - each of whom examined the claims of a famous psychic crimebuster and reported on him or her at chapter length. Featured are Gerard Croiset; Peter Hurkos ("The Man with the Radar Brain"), "superstar" Dorothy Allison; Noreen Renier, who "predicted" the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan; veteran psychic Bill Ward; Rosemarie Kerr; Phil Jordan; and Greta Alexander, who supposedly acquired her special abilities after being struck by lightning. An afterword by noted psychologist James E. Alcock offers an assessment of the psychics' claims in light of the investigative reports. Representing a unique approach, Psychic Sleuths carefully examines specific claims made by individual psychics and the methods they actually use to obtain information about a particular case. Entertaining, informative and thought-provoking, this critical study will appeal to all - believers and skeptics alike - with an interest in psychic claims and the paranormal.
Joe Nickell , Ph.D., is a former stage magician and private investigator who as been featured in Discovery ,Omni magazine and Scientific American . He now teaches technical writing at the University of Kentucky, where he is Writing Program adjunct to the College of Engineering. Dr. Nickell's other books include Inquest on the Shroud of Turin ;Mysterious Realms: Probing Paranormal, Historical and Forensic Enigmas (with John F. Fischer); and Looking for a Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions and Healing Cures .
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  • #4
The sight mentions many famous people who were impressed by Hurkos, but mentions nothing he did that was impressive. Famous people are just as susceptible to duping as anyone else.

The amazing Randi duplicates pretty much every psychic trick in the book, then shows the mundane means behind them.

Just a bit about Hurkos from this site

A classic example can be found in James Randi’s book Flim-Flam. Peter Hurkos amazed people with his ability to prognosticate. Intimate details were revealed, convincing people beyond question of his powers. Two such people were invited by Randi to watch a video tape of their sessions with Hurkos. It was "discovered by actual count that this so-called psychic had, on the average, been correct in one out of fourteen of his statements!...Selective thinking had led them to dismiss all the apparent misses and the obviously wrong guesses and remember only the ‘hits.’" So powerful is this phenomenon that even when people are confronted with this information many still believe that psychic powers alone produced the insights.

Randi has published multiple books about Geller's fraud. Geller sued Randi, and wound up having to pay Randi's legal fees. Geller is actually a second rate magician and a con man.

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  • #5
Remote detection of mental processes is already possible. Interpretation of those signals might be possible some day. That such a capacity exists naturally in a human is about as likely as someone being born with x-ray vision or a built in Nintendo game cube.

  • #6
Originally posted by Njorl
That such a capacity exists naturally in a human is about as likely as someone being born with x-ray vision or a built in Nintendo game cube.

How would you know?
A weak argument, based on your personal world view.

Randi is called a scamm himself working for CIA as a desinfomation guy.
In your opinion Randi is right (not assisting to experiments) and others assisting the experiments are wrong.
Cheap argument.
Try a better one. Why can mobiles phones communicate wireless ... and why humans can't do it?
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  • #7
Originally posted by Njorl
The sight mentions many famous people who were impressed by Hurkos, but mentions nothing he did that was impressive.

It's not that the site doesn't detail the achivements made by Hurkos. I remember an article in newspapers that he arrived in the USA in a murdercase and that he - after feeling the clothes - immediatelly pointed the spot where the body would be. On that spot they found the body.
Why do you think he was awarded by Interpol and other police organizations? Because he was a scam?
  • #8
Why do you think he was awarded by Interpol and other police organizations? Because he was a scam?

Why if people could fool the police some criminals might not get caught!

  • #9
Try a better one. Why can mobiles phones communicate wireless ... and why humans can't do it?

Humans can. We talk, we hear, no wires are involved. Do people do it differently where you live?

  • #10
I've got a better idea. You explain to me why someone would not be born with a fully functioning Nintendo game cube in their body. I have decided that it is possible. Anyone who says it isn't possible has a closed-minded world view.

  • #11
Originally posted by Njorl
Why if people could fool the police some criminals might not get caught!

A number of criminal are never found. Hurkos had RESULTS, or in finding evidence, body or keys. Not dreams, or ideas ... but results. Because these results were REAL ... Hurkos was awarded by Police organizations.
Why was he awarded ? ... not for his blue eyes ... but for the correct results. Reality.
What probability? You can not count just the numbers during your lifetime. He just did it.
  • #12
Originally posted by Njorl
Humans can. We talk, we hear, no wires are involved. Do people do it differently where you live?


Nice. ;-). Got me on the words.
But you now what I mean. Telepathy. It's just the use of frequencies. If you are capable to tune you can get the message over i.e. 1000 miles.
  • #13
Originally posted by Njorl
I've got a better idea. You explain to me why someone would not be born with a fully functioning Nintendo game cube in their body. I have decided that it is possible. Anyone who says it isn't possible has a closed-minded world view.



of course. I am born like that! What's special about that. Shall we play a telepathic Nintendo game?
  • #14
Ok, I looked up Hurkos involvement in two famous serial killer cases, the boston strangler and John Collins. Hurkos supplied no useful information in either case. He picked the wrong guy entirely in the boston case, and gave out ridiculously contracting descriptions in the Collins case. It took me 5 minutes to find this info. Did you try at all to check the validity of any of this? Did you just obligingly swallow this tripe without ANY thought?

Name one specific thing he ever accomplished. Be specific.

  • #15
Originally posted by pelastration
Nice. ;-). Got me on the words.
But you now what I mean. Telepathy. It's just the use of frequencies. If you are capable to tune you can get the message over i.e. 1000 miles.

Wireless phones do not use telepathy. They use microwaves. The means is well understood. The mechanisms that perform the process can be pointed to. It is repeatable, reliable and can stand up to rigorous testing.

No means for telepathy is identifiable. No mechanism to perform telepathy has been identified. It always fails rigorous testing.

  • #16
Originally posted by Njorl
Ok, I looked up Hurkos involvement in two famous serial killer cases, the boston strangler and John Collins. Hurkos supplied no useful information in either case. He picked the wrong guy entirely in the boston case
Do you have additional information on the Boston case?
As far as I understand the Boston case he pointed another guy as being the murder. Not the one that was convicted.
  • #17
Originally posted by Njorl
Wireless phones do not use telepathy. They use microwaves. The means is well understood. The mechanisms that perform the process can be pointed to. It is repeatable, reliable and can stand up to rigorous testing.

No means for telepathy is identifiable. No mechanism to perform telepathy has been identified. It always fails rigorous testing.

I understand how mobile phones work. I am just stating that paranormal systems also may work on identical systems, thus by tuned resonances.

BTW ... I see Njorl - in my Telepathic Nintendo Cube - you don't wear your red jumpsuit! What happened?
  • #18
Originally posted by Njorl
No means for telepathy is identifiable. No mechanism to perform telepathy has been identified. It always fails rigorous testing.

Are you sure the tests were made correct? You have some numbers on the tests performed and locations? Appreciate your information about where these tests where performed. Are your sure all results are published. Randi is to me not a reliable source. Thanks.

  • #19
Randi is to me not a reliable source.
What is? The onus of proof is on the claimant.

In these cases, we have a problem because failed studies are often not reported, at least not to any fanfare. This skews many statistics.

I am just stating that paranormal systems also may work on identical systems, thus by tuned resonances.
If they work in the first place.

I understand that ESP is rejected by probably 90% of the posters here just because they don't accept is from a pure materialistic point of view.
Uh... hmm. Why do you think that? As had been mentioned by many previous posters, ESP (by which we mean some sort of sixth sense, not the philosophical conundrum of sensing without sensing) is very much in line with any materialistic system. In fact, finding additional mechanisms would in fact support materialism, but highlighting the imperfection of minds. I do not think there is any reason to talk of an ideological aversion to conventional ESP claims.

The reason why ESP is rejected is that there are insufficient clear evidence to support it, an attitude of denial of skepticism amongst proponents, a wholesale lack of reproducibility, and a persuasive alternative psychological explanation to most cases.
  • #20
The point about the Nintendo cube was a test to see if you were worth arguing with. Evidently, you will accept any claim, provided it is ridiculous. You are not capable of rational debate. There is no point in arguing with you.

  • #21
Results ...

Originally posted by FZ+
What is? The onus of proof is on the claimant.
In these cases, we have a problem because failed studies are often not reported, at least not to any fanfare. This skews many statistics.

Thanks FZ+.

1. First a lot of people have ESP experiences. (I will start a poll on this soon).
It's part of the whole duality consciousness/unconsciousness debate as we even see it here on PF. What is perception? What is consciousness?...etc, and we see that even here ( on PF) we can not come to a consensus. Everyone has his own definition. So can we find or agree on a first principle? Is such principle: 'vibration or oscillation" ? like many scientists (i.e; Kaku) say our universe is based on. IMO it is. I used an analogy with radio and mobile phones.
We can ask here: when does unconsiousness/consciousness becomes ESP? Is it different or is there a simple shift?

2. There happened and still happens a lot of research on ESP. Much of this in covered organizations (because I can used as a weapon).
Some posters here on PF gave on other forums information about how they participated on or were involved in such experiments. Due the military applications and even religious reasons some people will deny ESP.

3. There are some people who have extreme accurate ESP abilities. I just picked out two of such cases (Hurkos and Geller). There are much more who made also their living with it. Another number don't mention it in public or will never talk about it (because they believe they will to be called crazy). ESP is in my opinion a natural property but some people are better than others just like in sport. An important aspect is that you must exercise just like in sports. If you don't 'believe' that you are capable to run the 100m in less than 14 seconds you will never even to start that sport discipline. A lot started however and the bests ran faster than 10 seconds. Hurkos and Geller are such in their discipline.
A man like Randi however (for whatever reasons, be it CIA disinformation or not, or personal gain like selling books and giving lectures) might have given a number of tricks that could provide for some cases 'some similar results' but it doesn't mean that it covers the whole area. You can have a mind that doubts or questions about everything. Very simplified you can for example say that a world record of Carl Lewis was tricked in a conspiracy set-up by loaded clocks. You can write twenty books about that, like some people say that US moon-exploration was also a set-up. That's the type of Randi mind.
What is important are 'results'. Njorl doesn't seem to know what that word means.
Hurkos has solved many crime cases and pointed where bodies would be found or described the scenery. That means that he was capable to capture very special frequencies and re-formulate that information into useful and realistic information. He did that not one or two times, he did that for over 30 years. You can blame him because he had not 100% results but that's no fair. Hurkos was tested in many universities and his results where extreme high. FZ+ what is the probability to find a specific body in an area of 100 m^2 in a state like Holland? He did such predictions which where correct. That you can call a RESULT.

Originally posted by FZ+
Uh... hmm. Why do you think that? As had been mentioned by many previous posters, ESP (by which we mean some sort of sixth sense, not the philosophical conundrum of sensing without sensing) is very much in line with any materialistic system. In fact, finding additional mechanisms would in fact support materialism, but highlighting the imperfection of minds. I do not think there is any reason to talk of an ideological aversion to conventional ESP claims.


Originally posted by FZ+
The reason why ESP is rejected is that there are insufficient clear evidence to support it, an attitude of denial of skepticism amongst proponents, a wholesale lack of reproducibility, and a persuasive alternative psychological explanation to most cases.
Evidence: Hurkos is imo an example of evidence.
Lack of Reproducibility: that's inherent. The actor is a human full of subtile dynamics, it's not a machine. The process of (1) capturing or sensing images or other information is pure individual, (2) the interpretation is pure individual and (3) the expression of the interpretation is pure individually.
But there is already statistic testing for many years with i.e. Zenner cards.
On there is some online PSI testing.
Other testing site:
  • #22
Gizmonics Institute's logic and Nintendo Cube games

Originally posted by Njorl
The point about the Nintendo cube was a test to see if you were worth arguing with. Evidently, you will accept any claim, provided it is ridiculous. You are not capable of rational debate. There is no point in arguing with you.


(1) It seems to me that you are very fast in your analysis and comments. In five minutes you were able to debunk Hurkos. Great. For sure you are very gifted.
(2) I speak about 'results' which are solid, and confirmed by many people (like in murder-cases: finding a body! Do you consider that as a result or not?)
(3) When Randi invites " Two such people ... by Randi to watch a video tape of their sessions with Hurkos. It was "discovered by actual count that this so-called psychic had, on the average, been correct in one out of fourteen of his statements!...Selective thinking had led them to dismiss all the apparent misses and the obviously wrong guesses and remember only the ‘hits.’".
Whow ... Randi invited TWO people ... That's very serious, very scientific, ... pure statistic results seems to be also important to Randi. A statistic population of two people. I am impressed.
What about this: Maybe Randi invited 100 people ... but only referred to the TWO bad cases.

Originally posted by Njorl
Remote detection of mental processes is already possible. Interpretation of those signals might be possible some day. That such a capacity exists naturally in a human is about as likely as someone being born with x-ray vision or a built in Nintendo game cube.
Where is the logic? First you speak about detection of mental processes and possible interpretations in the future and then you make a contradicting statement.
If we can not detect very fine vibrations it's is a measuring problem we have 'today'. How sensoring technology will be developed in fifty years is not known, but it's not excluded that brain-wave amplification communication devices will be sold in K-mart.

Originally posted by Njorl
I've got a better idea. You explain to me why someone would not be born with a fully functioning Nintendo game cube in their body. I have decided that it is possible. Anyone who says it isn't possible has a closed-minded world view.
You start a stupid assumption ... and I reacted with a similar answer : "of course. I am born like that! What's special about that. Shall we play a telepathic Nintendo game?"

Now you try to turn thing around:
Originally posted by Njorl
The point about the Nintendo cube was a test to see if you were worth arguing with. Evidently, you will accept any claim, provided it is ridiculous. You are not capable of rational debate. There is no point in arguing with you.

It's was a test! Whow. A test. Probably a test of the Gizmonics Institute which seems to inspire you.
  • #23
I can give you a reason why ESP is not accepted well.

Radio waves have been discovered and exploited within the last several hundred years. We have come a LONG WAY with radio relative to the length of time human beings have existed and have had a chance to exploit, improve, develop, discover, whatever, E S P.

It's not apples to apples. It's like an alien asking me why I can't bear children. (I'm a guy) To animals, (as well as aliens) we probably all look the same. There ARE differences. Just because we can't understand them or see them doesn't mean that they aren't there. I probably didn't need to post this, you probably picked up the 'vibrations' right out of my head.
  • #24
Pelastration is RIGHT...I compare ESP to a weak force, an "eddy current"
(such as one can produce in a demonstration that a spinning magnet can
cause an aluminum pie-pan to rotate, even though that metal is non-
magnetic. This is the principle used in car speedometers. Also such
philosophers as G.D. Wassermann;Rupert Shelldrake (both in the UK)
and the late Dr. Andrija Puharich (who discovered HURKOS) have pro-
pounded explanations of a "paranormal matrix" which IS a "radar system"
which interconnects all life...and that a "synchronicity" (or meaningful
coincidence) system (cf. Carl Jung,Alan Vaughan) also applies, as well
as "hunches" (cf: E.Douglas Dean, ESP in Business),and a "visualization" system (the late Harold Sherman). So psychic phenomena itself IS real, not a delusion...Too many legitimate scientists have vetted these phenomenon...which is opposed by religions, since it could put them out of business...However, the presence of "free will" (no divine intervention) does again give credence to the reality of ESP. The
occasional miracles that happen...could nonetheless still be explained
as created by HUMAN BEINGS with outstanding psychic powers...OR,
super-advanced humanoids (such as UFO's).

And I KNOW that PETER HURKOS' power is real...I paid $200 to him on
May 15, 2003...and he said two major things: (1) That I'd have show-
business success...and that (2) I'd get to know an actress-singer-

What REALLY happened? Against big odds, I DID land a co-starring part
in what some say is the most important music documentary of all: "Mayor
of the Sunset Strip." It gave only limited access to Hollywood, but I feel
more things are to come. BTW: It was a DUTCHMAN (George Hicken-
looper) who directed that film.

I DID find out about a person who COULD be the actress-singer-musician
mentioned: Jennifer Love Hewitt. She is British,and from the same Texas
I am from. I was adopted, and my real mother (with a British surname)
was an entertainer. JLH stands out because she has no bad habits,and
is much "nicer" than most "stars"...many people who have met her voice
that belief! (Is JLH a "mirror" of my real mother?)

Naturally, I want to meet this person. But Hollywood politics---paranoid
"handlers" and a code of silence...makes things tough. However, an
odd development happened just several months ago for JLH: She was
signed (by DUTCH PSYCHIC James van Praagh) to be in a new CBS-TV
show called "Ghost Whisperer". Van Praagh had made his OWN predic-
tion, that he'd find a person for his show "that had had a failed pilot"
Turns out that JLH DID have a failed pilot before that, called "In The Game"
And critics had panned "Ghost Whisperer" wasn't expected to last;
the show afterward ("Threshold") was...BUT,JUST THE OPPOSITE HAPPENED! "Threshold" failed...and "Ghost Whisperer" is #1!

I DID effect map dowsing (finding a private location of somebody from a map and photos) BUT it gave me a false result (indicating the location of where a person USED to live for seven years, their vibrations had saturated the house) rather than their CURRENT location. The current owner got upset and sued me. So much for that...HURKOS, though,
was a professional and found a crashed plane for General Omar Bradley
just by LOOKING AT an upside-down map! []

Who can say what the future will bring? HOWEVER, nobody has proved
wrong the HURKOS private predictions made for me. And I did talk about
them BEFORE the fact, to not only a few trusted friends...but also on
film, in the year 2000 (those are still-unseen OUTTAKES from the film I was in). My opinion is that this "paranormal matrix" tries to connect
people with their needs...Perhaps the late Dr. Nandor Fodor put it best,
that life is, as the title of one of his works, "The Search For The Beloved".
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  • #25
ronald33 said:
And I KNOW that PETER HURKOS' power is real...I paid $200 to him on
May 15, 2003...and he said two major things: (1) That I'd have show-
business success...and that (2) I'd get to know an actress-singer-

That hardly constitutes proof of anything. In fact these are typical of the sort of generalized statements that lead people to believe that something was said, when in fact, nothing was said.

First of all, success is a relative term, and beyond that, in anyone's book he had a 50% of being wrong, or right. Next, the chance of any serious actor meeting a musician is probably near 100%.
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  • #26
Vibrations of Parapsychology

Excuse me, Ivan...but you sound just like that closed-minded skeptic,
"The Amazing" (James Randi)! You weren't how could you
know? You, in fact, DON'T know! Hey, even the late Norma Lee Browning
(a hard-nosed skeptic) was bowled over by HURKOS' legitimacy...because
she still could see the truth if it were shown to her...

Quit calling me a liar! I know damn well what was said by HURKOS...
I had had NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE working in the movies. BUT, through
a series of unlikely coincidences [synchronicity] I met up with one Mr.
Rodney Bingenheimer [star of the movie] wherein I was hired DIRECTLY
...contrary to "normal" Hollywood procedure. FURTHERMORE, the FIRST time I ever heard of this person, was because again, by unlikely coincidence he just happened to be featured in a "People" Magazine story...
ironically, the SAME issue which talked about Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar
Mitchell's "Institute of Noetic Sciences" (the REAL reason I ORIGINALLY
got the magazine). MANY people wanted the only "new-face" slot in
"Mayor of the Sunset Strip" but only I was chosen. The rest of the
cast are established superstars. BTW, I originally recorded the call I
made to HURKOS...but the tape was inadvertantly destroyed after the 2,000 mile trip from Houston to California.

And don't misinterpret what I said about the other issue: I was
told that I'd FIND an "actress-singer-musician" hyphenate, NOT that
I AM a musician. I WROTE some music which OTHERS played which
was used in a movie, but I do NOT even at this time have "professional" or
"union" credentials in Hollywood other than this one accomplishment,
since (as I said before) I was hired DIRECTLY for the film,contrary to "normal" procedure. I don't like the way the insular entertainment industry works, btw, and I am working on a concept for a "New Hollywood"...based upon noetical principles. It's called "Operation Unlimited...Beter Showbusiness Thru Parapsychology."
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  • #27
ronald33 said:
Excuse me, Ivan...but you sound just like that closed-minded skeptic,
"The Amazing" (James Randi)! You weren't how could you
know? You, in fact, DON'T know! Hey, even the late Norma Lee Browning
(a hard-nosed skeptic) was bowled over by HURKOS' legitimacy...because
she still could see the truth if it were shown to her...

That's an awful lot of smoke for such a simple observation.

Perhaps you would be happier at another forum.
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FAQ: Do Vibrations Explain ESP and Telekinesis?

What is parapsychology?

Parapsychology is the study of paranormal or psychic phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. It aims to investigate these phenomena scientifically and understand their potential existence and underlying mechanisms.

What are vibrations in parapsychology?

In parapsychology, vibrations refer to the energy or frequency that is believed to be emitted by individuals or objects. It is thought that these vibrations can affect and interact with the environment and other individuals.

Is there scientific evidence for the vibrations in parapsychology?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence that supports the existence of vibrations in parapsychology. While some studies have been conducted to explore the concept, they have not been able to provide conclusive evidence.

How do vibrations relate to psychic abilities?

Some theories suggest that vibrations may play a role in psychic abilities, as they are believed to be the medium through which these abilities function. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Can vibrations be measured or detected?

There is no known method to measure or detect vibrations in parapsychology. Some individuals claim to have the ability to sense or perceive vibrations, but these claims have not been scientifically validated.

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