Golden Number linked to 666: Formal Proof Needed

  • Thread starter tito_zoulou
  • Start date
God? And if that's true, then what about 1?In summary, the conversation discusses various links and equations involving the numbers 666 and Phi, also known as the Golden Number. The links are found in various trigonometric equations and formulas, and some participants suggest that they may hold some kind of significance or deeper meaning. However, others question the validity and usefulness of these links and propose alternative interpretations. The conversation also delves into the concept of transcendental numbers and their relation to circles and spheres.
  • #1
Golden Number linked to 666
Formal Proof needed


While working on my websites on 666 Myth ( French = ), on Pope Benedict 16 - Mark 666 ( ) and on Isomorphous Triplets ( ), I have found recently direct links between the Beast Number 666 and the famous Golden Number Phi, well-known by Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man ... and in Sacred Geometry, in architecture and many natural phenomenons. This unexpected and incredible relation 666 versus Phi may constitute a way for the Rehabilitation of 666 ! ...

First we have this curious relations:

666 = 7^3 pi (Phi – 1) = 7^3 pi phi or 666 = (6/5) 7^3 Phi
with pi = 3.141593 Phi = 1.618034 phi = Phi -1 = 0.618034 and 7^3 = cubic of 7

Besides, after computing some sinus and cosines [a good online Trigonometry calculator available at ], expressed in Degrees and absolute values, we obtain:

Phi /2 = sin 666º = cos 324º = cos 216º = cos 144º = cos 36º = 0.80901699...
Phi = 2sin 666º = 2cos 324º = 2cos 216º = 2cos 144º = 2cos 36º = 1,61803399...
Phi = sin 666º + cos 216º = sin 666º + cos (6x6x6)º
Phi = cos 144º + cos 36º = cos [(6+6) x (6+6)]º + cos (6 x 6)º
Phi = sin 666º + cos 144º = sin 666º + cos [(6+6) x (6+6)]º

But, I am wondering if there could exist formal mathematical proofs for this 666 and Golden Number links.

Thanks for advice and help.
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Physics news on
  • #2
What do you consider Phi to be? A lot of your trig equations give the negative number:

[tex]-\frac{1}{2} \left(1 + \sqrt{5} \right)[/tex]
  • #3
Hold on a second.

cos 144° is negative and is not equal to cos 36° which is positive and just then worry about beasts and popes...

  • #4
Here's a DIRECT LINK BETWEEN [tex]\pi[/tex] and 666!
1) [tex]\pi[/tex] is approximately 3.14, so [tex]20*\pi[/tex] is 628.

2) Note the difference 666-628=38
This is EXACTLY 2*17, but 2+17=20-1, and 20 was the factor by which we originally multiplied [tex]\pi[/tex] with.
3) But, [tex]20*\pi[/tex] doesn't exactly equal 628, but when you remember that the smallest inaccuracy you can measure with integers is 1, then we see that there is a truly devious relation between [tex]\pi[/tex] and 666 after all!

4) Thus, 666 is already "rehabilitated", we don't need your relation to the golden ratio to establish that.
[tex]\pi[/tex] is a lot more important than [tex]\phi[/tex], so just throw your useless "proof" into the waste paper basket.
  • #5
tito_zoulou said:
First we have this curious relations:

666 = 7^3 pi (Phi – 1) = 7^3 pi phi or 666 = (6/5) 7^3 Phi
with pi = 3.141593 Phi = 1.618034 phi = Phi -1 = 0.618034 and 7^3 = cubic of 7

That's one hell of a curious use of the equals sign, since nothing there is equal to anything else.
  • #6
arildno said:
4) Thus, 666 is already "rehabilitated", we don't need your relation to the golden ratio to establish that.

On the contrary, you've only managed to show that the ratio of a circles circumference to it's diameter* is in fact in league with demonic forces.

*in light of your post I dare not utter it's true name, Pielzebub. Ah nuts.
  • #7
shmoe said:
On the contrary, you've only managed to show that the ratio of a circles circumference to it's diameter* is in fact in league with demonic forces.

Now, I finally realize why [tex]\pi[/tex] transcends reality!

But, in light of this, shouldn't we be more careful in using it, say use squares and boxes instead of circles and spheres?
  • #8
Pi and 666

By interpreting the decimal point in pi like a sign of multiplication and by considering per pairs the first ten decimals of pi you have the link with number 666:
pi = 3.1415926536 ...3x(14+15+92+65+36) = 3 x 222 = 666

Besides, about your number 20 and pi links, we have:
e^pi - pi = 19.999099979... ≈ 20 ≈ Whole number
  • #9
matt grime said:
That's one hell of a curious use of the equals sign, since nothing there is equal to anything else.

I bet he can't show that a transcendental times an irrational algebraic never ever give a rational algebraic...

  • #10
There is also a formula about this :

[tex] y!a\pi\in i\cup f(a)ce?[/tex]
  • #11
There's also a direct link between ONE a 666!

1 * 666 = 666

Oh my god! you have to multiply it by the beast to get the beast!

And on top of that, 1+1 = 2!
2+1 = 3!
  • #12
Yes..that's what my formula explains too...

look : y is a functional on the probability space defined by circles (i.e. [tex] a\pi [/tex]) and not circles f(a) you have either circle or not circle...that's the formalist interpretation of U...

But now : in a greek version of the previous, then clearly [tex] Greek(f)=\phi [/tex]

Since obviously 6 is a mirror transform of 9, which is again linked to the imaginary number i by the application of the speed of light c on the electron e.

NB: : Note here that elektron=greek(amber)...)

Why this ?

Just because 6 can be linked to the color yellow which is the color of amber..

Never noticed that fact ?

You missed somthing : just take a point particle and accelerate with acceleration a to the speed of light, if you just push it again, it will go into the imaginary space...

So what is the maximum of [tex]\phi(a) [/tex] ?

It maybe need help from specialists, but this should be at a=0.

From this we easily conclude that :

[tex] 666=6\sum_{\phi=0}^2\cos^e(2\pi*\phi)*10^\phi [/tex]

Conclusion : [tex] e [/tex] is linked to [tex]\pi\textrm{ and }\phi[/tex]

Of course the modern english interpretation of [tex] y!a\pi\in i\cup f(a)ce [/tex] is "why not a pie in i_or face ?"
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  • #13
Mmm... [tex]0*666=0[/tex], and only God can vanquish the devil, therefore [tex]0[/tex] is God!

[tex]-666[/tex] is Jesus or something, I dunno.
  • #14
Wow what is so special about 666? The earliest book of revelations has just been translated and guess what the number of the beast isn't 666 but 616! :smile: :smile:
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  • #15
General theory for Isomorphous Triplets

Hello Guys,

THANKS for so many comments.

Of course, transcendental is not algebraic, but there is no thing bad with approximations

Actually, I am just trying to build some general theory for Isomorphous Triplets in form 111, 222, 333, ... , 999
So the first set of equations, i.e. 666 = 7^3 pi (Phi – 1) = 7^3 pi phi or 666 = (6/5) 7^3 Phi , with pi = 3.141593 Phi = 1.618034 phi = Phi -1 = 0.618034 and 7^3 = cubic of 7, is just part of my general theory.

I have already obtained these results:

I) Golden Ratio Phi , Pi and Isomorphous Triplets Links

111 = (1/5)7^3 Phi = (1/6)7^3pi phi
222 = (2/5)7^3 Phi = (2/6)7^3pi phi
333 = (3/5)7^3 Phi = (3/6)7^3pi phi
444 = (4/5)7^3 Phi = (4/6)7^3pi phi
555 = (5/5)7^3 Phi = (5/6)7^3pi phi
666 = (6/5)7^3 Phi = (6/6)7^3pi phi
777 = (7/5)7^3 Phi = (7/6)7^3pi phi
888 = (8/5)7^3 Phi = (8/6)7^3pi phi
999 = (9/5)7^3 Phi = (9/6)7^3pi phi

7^3 = 343 ----- > 3 4 + 3 ----- > 37
Phi = 1.618034 7^3Phi = 554.985662 = 555
phi = Phi -1 = 0.618034 7^3 pi phi = 665.972672 = 666
Circle = 360º = 2 pi radians ----- > 1º = 2 pi/360 radians
or 1º = pi/180 radians then: 30º = pi/6

II) Basic Structure of Isomorphous Triplets

3 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 1 = 111 ----- > 1+ 1 +1 = 3
6 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 2 = 222 ----- > 2+ 2 +2 = 6
9 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 3 = 333 ----- > 3+ 3+ 3 = 9
12 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 4 = 444 ----- > 4+4+4 = 12
15 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 5 = 555 ----- > 5+5+5 = 15
18 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 6 = 666 ----- > 6+6+6 = 18
21 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 7 = 777 ----- > 7+7+7 = 21
24 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 8 = 888 ----- > 8+8+8 = 24
27 x 37 = 37x 3 x 9 = 999 ----- > 9+9+9 = 27

For more information:
666 Myth
(French = )
  • #16
What's the big deal?
  • #17
lol that thing with the #13 and john paul is hilarious.

OMG this number is 13!
Omg this second number is also 13! except its multipled by 2
Omg this third number is again, 13, except mulitipled by 54
OMG look, another random as hell occasion where some multiple of a fairly small number emerged after adding together a buncnh of specific numbers!
  • #18
3 x 37 = 37 x 3 x 1 = 111 ----- > 1+ 1 +1 = 3

This line trivially implies all the others that you have in section (ii).

None of the equalities in section (i) are true. If they were true, then the first line would trivially imply the others once again. The fact that the first line is not true trivially implies that all the others are not true.
  • #19
tito_zoulou said:
Of course, transcendental is not algebraic, but there is no thing bad with approximations

there is if you declare them to be equal.
  • #20
It's interesting that you link 666 and [tex]\phi[/tex] since the new pope is Benedict XVI, and 16 is approx [tex]10\phi[/tex] (rounded to the nearest whole number).

OMG! We really ARE all going to die!

The Rev
  • #21
Is he the only 16'th of a name to be made Pope?
  • #22
Icebreaker said:
Mmm... [tex]0*666=0[/tex], and only God can vanquish the devil, therefore [tex]0[/tex] is God!

well god has infinite power so why shouldn't he be an infinite number :smile:
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  • #23
tito_zoulou said:
By interpreting the decimal point in pi like a sign of multiplication and by considering per pairs the first ten decimals of pi

Someone once proved that the Statue of Liberty was of extraterrestrial origin.
It's height in inches is equal to the number of light years to a certain star minus the number of days in all the leap years since it was erected, not counting any that have an 'n' in them.

If that isn't proof, I don't know what is...

Mathematical Proof: an idiot-proof algorithm:
1] Start with the answer you want.
2] Take the starting numbers, juggle them until you find a correlation. A million monkeys at a million typewriters could do it, why can't tito?
  • #24
but as is being discovered, 666 isn't what it was thought to be. So i mean, if still is interesting in number theory though.

FAQ: Golden Number linked to 666: Formal Proof Needed

What is the Golden Number?

The Golden Number, also known as the Golden Ratio, is a mathematical ratio of approximately 1.618. It has been studied and revered by mathematicians, artists, and philosophers throughout history.

What is the significance of the Golden Number?

The Golden Number is often associated with beauty, harmony, and balance. It can be found in nature, art, and architecture, and is believed to create a sense of aesthetic appeal.

How is the Golden Number linked to 666?

The link between the Golden Number and 666 is often seen as a mystery or conspiracy theory. Some people believe that the number 666, often associated with the biblical number of the beast, is derived from a mathematical calculation involving the Golden Number.

Is there any scientific evidence to support the link between the Golden Number and 666?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support this link. The association between the two numbers is largely based on speculation and interpretations of ancient texts and symbols.

What is the consensus among scientists about the Golden Number and its connection to 666?

The scientific community does not recognize any valid connection between the Golden Number and 666. While the Golden Number is a well-studied mathematical concept, the link to 666 is largely considered to be a myth or superstition.

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