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Un octogenar s-a casatorit cu o studenta
"Un castigator al premiului Nobel, in varsta de 82 de ani, s-a casatorit cu o studenta in varsta de 28 de ani din orasul Shantou, intr-o provincie din China. Yang Chen Ning s-a insurat cu Weng Fan in cadrul unei ceremonii civile, iar martori au fost parintii miresei. Yang a castigat in 1957 premiul Nobel pentru fizica impreuna cu colegul sau Lee Tsung-dao. Devenit cetatean american in 1964, Yang a predat la Universitatea Princeton din New Jersey si la Universitatea de stat din New York."From a newspaper in my country.I guess it's right so the mot-au mot translation is somthing like that:
Title:An octogenary married a student.
Contents:A Nobel Prize winner,aged 82,married to a student aged 28 in the city of Shantou in a province of China.Yang Chen Ning married Weng Fan in a civil ceremony at which the witnesses were the bride's parents.Yang won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957 together with his colleague Lee Tsung-dao.Having become American citizen in 1964,Yang lectured at the Princeton University in New Jersey and at the State University of New York".
I guess "violation" is a common concept for Mr.Yang. He's 82 for Christ's sake...