What is the Magnitude of My Love Vector?

  • Thread starter Nusc
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the zero vector and its direction and magnitude. It is noted that the zero vector can be seen as pointing nowhere or everywhere, and its direction is arbitrary. However, it is defined as a special element in a vector space and has a magnitude of zero. The conversation also touches on the abstract nature of vectors and how different individuals may understand them differently. Overall, the importance of understanding definitions and concepts in mathematics is emphasized.
  • #1
Where does it point?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
no where... or everywhere... depending on how you want to look at it. Also, what's its magnitude? hasn't one of those either... so why is it a vector? because we've defined it that way. just like the zero in numbers, its a special little bugger.
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  • #3
Hehe, I can put a little trick question here,
When we add two vectors, we know that the tail of one and the head of the other together form the resultant vector.

Lets take the zero vector, if it points nowhere then what is the addition of a non-zero vector and the zero vector pointing to? If it points everywhere, then why is the addition of a non-zero vector and a zero vector points in the direction where the non-zero vector pointed?


-- AI
  • #4
It doesn't matter which way it points. Choose any direction - when you add the vector it will have the same resultant direction.
  • #5
Gale is actually right, the point is whether my question is really tricky? :rolleyes:

-- AI
  • #6
I don't see what's the catch here.The 0 vector is just an ordinary element of the vector space.

  • #7
The zero vector is that (unique) element 0, for which 0+x=x for all vectors x in your vector space. Don't worry about where it points. Since its magnitude is zero, it's direction is meaningless concept (just like the argument for 0 in the complex plane).
  • #8
the reason this topic seems tricky to beginners, is they forget to ask for the definition of the crucial concept, here "direction", before beginning to run with the ball.

instead they go off guided by misleading but popular phrases, like: "every vector has a magnitude and a direction".

this is the basic difference between learning mathematics and just trotting along in the peanut gallery. of course this may all be a joke, but the phenomenon mentioned here seems very real to me, from my perspective as a (would be) teacher.
  • #9
i hated that phrase that appears in textbooks beloved of so many calc courses (in the US sense): a vector is something that has magnitude and direction. So crap. how about "a number is something you can add to something else"? That's just as bad but they wouldn't dare use that at all.

Anyway, the idea that vectors even have directionm at all is dubious, though often usseful. not always though. vector quantities in the physics/mechanics usage of the term may be usefully said to have directions, but a vector quantity with no magnitude isn't acting in any direction really.
  • #10
A vector can be simply thought of as drawing a line(say in a paint program). The length of the line denotes its magnitude and the direction in which i drag my mouse becomes the direction of that vector. Now try to draw a line with magnitude zero and the direction of it becomes clear :wink:

-- AI
  • #11
A vector is something abstract.It is an element of a set.Therefore i could use any graphical symbol to "picture" it on the paper or in my mind.Even a circle or a sphere.

  • #12
An epitaph

I lie here, mourning over the days i lived as a dead man. I could never understand what love was, it was too abstract for me. Leela, if you are reading this, then i would like to tell you, now i know. Now i know that love is you and now i know why you left me. Forgive me if you can. Let my deathbed be a reminder for those, who live a dead life. They should know, they may never get a second chance. -- Amit

Not to be sounding too poetical here, but various abstract things are understood in a completely different way by different individuals. Just pointing out how you understood could help the other person who is struggling with it.

-- AI
  • #13
TenaliRaman said:
An epitaph

I lie here, mourning over the days i lived as a dead man. I could never understand what love was, it was too abstract for me. Leela, if you are reading this, then i would like to tell you, now i know. Now i know that love is you and now i know why you left me. Forgive me if you can. Let my deathbed be a reminder for those, who live a dead life. They should know, they may never get a second chance. -- Amit

Not to be sounding too poetical here, but various abstract things are understood in a completely different way by different individuals. Just pointing out how you understood could help the other person who is struggling with it.

-- AI

So the zero vector points towards love? :confused:
  • #14
whozum said:
So the zero vector points towards love? :confused:
Yes, us males always carry these "zero vectors" inside us and give them to every good looking dame that passes by. Since it is of zero magnitude, there are abundant of it with us that we distribute. Its just them females, who keep attaching some magnitude to it, oh dear!

-- AI
  • #15
WOW... how bout you boys stick to math eh.
  • #16
TenaliRaman said:
Yes, us males always carry these "zero vectors" inside us and give them to every good looking dame that passes by. Since it is of zero magnitude, there are abundant of it with us that we distribute. Its just them females, who keep attaching some magnitude to it, oh dear!

-- AI

My love vector has a magnitude though :smile:

FAQ: What is the Magnitude of My Love Vector?

1. What is the purpose of finding your path?

Finding your path means discovering your true passion and purpose in life. It can help guide your decisions and lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

2. How do I know if I am on the right path?

There is no one right path for everyone. The best way to know if you are on the right path is to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to how you feel. If you feel fulfilled, happy, and aligned with your values and goals, then you are likely on the right path.

3. Can my path change over time?

Yes, your path can change over time. Life is constantly changing and so are our goals, interests, and values. It's important to regularly reassess and reflect on your path to ensure that it still aligns with who you are and what you want.

4. How do I find my path?

Finding your path takes self-exploration and reflection. Ask yourself what you are passionate about, what brings you joy, and what you value in life. You can also try new things, take on new challenges, and learn from your experiences to help guide you towards your path.

5. What if I can't figure out my path?

It's normal to feel uncertain or lost when trying to find your path. Remember that it's a journey and it may take time to discover your true passion and purpose. Seek guidance from a mentor or coach, read books or take courses that focus on self-discovery, and be patient with yourself.

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