Recent content by bluesteels

  1. bluesteels

    How do you know if the focal length is positive or negative?

    In this problem, it doesn't tell you where is the focal length. So how do you know if it is in front or behind the object?
  2. bluesteels

    AC circuit power formula question

    im kinda confused on why can't you just use the formula P=I^2R. Can you just use Vrms or Vamp (not sure which one is it) and the value of R which is 105Ω to solve for I Then just plug it in the formula P=I^2R. But when i did that it the wrong answer so is this formula don't work for AC...
  3. bluesteels

    Confused about applying the Right Hand Rule (RHR)

    yeah that is how i get the direction of the force. Maybe my teacher teaches it different. i got the direction of the magnetic field by pointing my thumb in the direction current and curl my finger.For the direction of the force I point my hand (Like index to pinky) to the L then I curl down in...
  4. bluesteels

    Confused about applying the Right Hand Rule (RHR)

    ok so for the first rod the top magnetic field is out and bottom is into the page. I point my right hand to the right and curl them down because the magnetic between the 2 rod for the first rod is down. Then I get that the position is going up Same with rod 2 I did the same but I curled up...
  5. bluesteels

    Confused about applying the Right Hand Rule (RHR)

    sorry this is late response so look at I1. I point my hand to the right and i curl my hand down cause the magnetic field is going down between the two rod. Then i get that my thumb is pointing away.Same with I2 i point my hand to the right and curl up cause the magnetic field is going up between...
  6. bluesteels

    Confused about applying the Right Hand Rule (RHR)

    the answer is attractive. but i don't see how this is how I draw mine and I use the RHR on the magnetic field between the two wire and I got the force is opposite
  7. bluesteels

    [Ohm's law] Why does the answer key use the time after 5 seconds?

    but on the answer key they got 3 sec before 5 second has passed. Do you see what I mean. The first pic is the question 2nd is the answer key.I'm confused on why are getting the value (3s) within 5 second interval when the question ask for after 5 second
  8. bluesteels

    [Ohm's law] Why does the answer key use the time after 5 seconds?

    This the answer key:: im confused because it say "how much energy has been dissipated after 5s". So shouldn't you be looking at the ground after 5 sec. but apparently the solution look at it before 5 sec, am I missing anything, can someone explain
  9. bluesteels

    Power formula for circuit when another resistor is added in

    should be the same?? i did similar problem where R1 is less than R2 and the current is the same
  10. bluesteels

    Power formula for circuit when another resistor is added in

    wait what you mean?? i did P=IR^2 and I just put R = 25 and P = 36 and solve for I then I get 1.2, If the current for R1 is 1.2 then R2 should also be 1.2 cause it in series. After that I just use the same formula but this its P= 1.2 * (25+15)^2
  11. bluesteels

    Power formula for circuit when another resistor is added in

    i did P=I^2R and use P= 36W and R = 25Ω and solve for I which is 1.2A
  12. bluesteels

    Power formula for circuit when another resistor is added in

    On Chegg they solve for V using P=V^2/R using 36W and R1= 25Ω, which is equal to 30V then they add R1+R2 = 40Ω and they plug in P=V^2/R and solve for P which is 22.5W I'm confused on why they didn't use P=I^2*R cause you know the system is in series so I is the same and solve for I then...
  13. bluesteels

    Exam Prep: Electric Field - Is It Zero?

    I'm having an exam soon so i want to make sure. Is the electric field here zero?? cause if i draw gauss surface covering both of them they should cancel out or am i wrong.
  14. bluesteels

    PV Graph Question: Internal Energy Not Zero?

    Figure 1: im so confused on why is the internal energy not zero for the 2nd picture because i thought if the gas returning to its original states so it zero
  15. bluesteels

    Quick question about the heat Q transferred between water and skin

    My work Q= 0.025 * 4190 * (34-100) = -6910 but on chegg but did they do Q= 0.025 * 4190 * (100-34) = 6910. I thought the initial is 100C and final is 34 because it goes from 100 to 34