Recent content by Chronos

  1. Chronos

    I Is there some prediction of the speed of rings?

    Correct, the ring speed is unrelated to the rotation speed of the planet it orbits
  2. Chronos

    B Is right ascension only measured once a year?

    You got to set the zero point somewhere in the sky and astornomers chose the vernal equinox as the zero point for the measurement known as right ascension. if you think of the sky as a gigantic clock face it all makes sense. Since there are 24 hours in a day and obviously you can only see 12...
  3. Chronos

    I Is there some prediction of the speed of rings?

    A ring is nothing more than a large number of small objects in orbit around a planet. Orbital velocity is a function of distance from the planet. At small distances the orbital velocity must be greater than at larger distances for a body to remain in orbit. A body in orbit cannot exceed escape...
  4. Chronos

    I Is a trip to explore the Alpha Centuri system actually feasible?

    Mars is undoubtedly feasible. While many unknowns remain, we have technologies proven capable of getting there. Alpha Centauri is not yet even a remote possibility. We simply lack the technology needed to even attempt sending a probe that far. IMO, colonization of all the habitable places in the...
  5. Chronos

    I Is a trip to explore the Alpha Centuri system actually feasible?

    Retreating to stark reality is sometime refreshing. Returning to the prospect of anti matter powered engines, a 2016 anti matter projection pegs the production cost of anti matter at $100 trillion [US] per gram. The anti matter needed to power a probe to Alpha Centauri is estimated at 100 -...
  6. Chronos

    Insights Planning to buy a first telescope? - Comments

    A right angle finder scope is on my 'must have' list for a newt or dob..
  7. Chronos

    I Is a trip to explore the Alpha Centuri system actually feasible?

    The technological challenges are currently too great to consider even a probe to Alpha Centauri. The fuel requirements alone are absolutely mind boggling. Even a hypothetical antimatter drive operating at say 50% efficiency [usable propulsion energy vs total liberated] would demand an enormous...
  8. Chronos

    Insights Planning to buy a first telescope? - Comments

    As Drak said your priority should be as much aperture as you can manage. The purpose of a scope is to gather light and the more you can gather the better so long as you can manage to prepare it for a viewing session. There is no accessory at any price that can increase the amount of light your...
  9. Chronos

    Insights Planning to buy a first telescope? - Comments

    Nice list, Dave. The F! has enough aperture to actually see some interesting things. If computer control is not a 'must', the Meade Polaris is virtually the same scope on a much nicer mount at half the price.
  10. Chronos

    Insights Planning to buy a first telescope? - Comments

    Aperture is a word frequently mentioned by telescope reviewers. In a nutshell you want the most aperture available at your price point A 6 inch anything is going to offer way more ROI than a 3 inch anything else. The finest optics and accessories cannot compensate for the light gathering power...
  11. Chronos

    I Why don't red dwarf stars emit white light like the Sun?

    White ls not a color, it is merely a roughly equal mix of all the colors for which the human eye has receptors. 'White', only means the brain cannot perceive a dominant component of the wavelengths being received. The eye only has receptors for three basic colors - red, green and blue and the...
  12. Chronos

    A What volume of interstellar space is needed to form a star?

    For a sun like star, the molecular cloud fragment from which the protostar forms is probably starts out about 1017meters in diameter, and shrinks to about 1011 meters upon reaching the protostar phase. It needs about a million years before it then stabilizes at solar size [`109 meters.
  13. Chronos

    B Brown Dwarf Mass Gain: Does Radius Increase?

    1. I i meant lithium, not tritium, my mistake. The heaviest brown dwars can achieve lithium fusion, which is la little below the temperature needed for hydrogen fusion. 2. Perhaps you misread the word 'hot' for 'not'. 3 I fail to see the relevance of white dwarf temperatures. These links may...
  14. Chronos

    B Brown Dwarf Mass Gain: Does Radius Increase?

    Adding mass to a degenerate body would cause it to shrink only so far as nothing else changes. For a brown dwarf, that something else would be hydrogen fusion. Once that occurs, the shrinkage would cease and it would expand due to the heat. A brown dwarf can remain degenerate, but initiate...
  15. Chronos

    B The Mystery of Life: Exploring the Origins of Existence

    I think it is fair to assume anywhere conditions similar to those of early Earth are found, abiogenesis is a question of when, not if. Whether or not that life evolves into anything familiar is a different and more difficult question. Despite our impressive technology, we still do not know if...