Recent content by Epoch

  1. Epoch

    Electricity: electric field in a point Between Two Charges

    So is it still called the cosine rule in electricity or does this formula have a specific name?
  2. Epoch

    Electricity: electric field in a point Between Two Charges

    Homework Statement I've seen many books writing the cosine rule like this: a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc cos A My electricity textbook for an electric field in a point between two charges says this: E resultant = root[E1^2 + E2^2 + 2*E1*E2*cos(angle between E1 and E2)] In the first equation it is -2...
  3. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    That would be the cosine = A / H. I need for example the blue triangle. I know the hypotenuse of the red triangle, since 180mm / 2 = 90 mm. But the hypotenuse of the blue triangle is for me unknown. At first I was thinking if I can do this: Since the cylinders are round, their diameter is...
  4. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    I think I figured out my mistake, ignore post #18. I figured out that my horizontal distances were wrong, I forgot that the L profile width should be neglected. What you said is totally right, I just did it in 2 steps. The first time I calculated the G force for both cylinders and e and...
  5. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    You mean like this then? -100N * 0.041m - 100N * 0.205m + Fye * 0.6m = 0 -4.1 - 20.5 + Fye * 0.6 = 0 -24.6 + Fye * 0.6 = 0 Fye = 24.6 / 0.6 = 41 But why do I need to use the adjacent for the two forces on the cylinders and the hypotenuse for "e"? I used 0.5196m for "e" to get the force...
  6. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    -100N * 0.041m - 100N * 0.205m + Fye * 0.5196m = 0 -4.1 - 20.5 + Ge * 0.5196 = 0 Ge = 24.6 / 0.5196 = 47.34N Fye = 47.34 * cos(30) = 40.99N I have the horizontal distance, but I still have it wrong. Is there something wrong with my equation?
  7. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    Two cylinders separately: (hypotenuse) -100N * 0.09m - 100N * 0.27m + Fye * 0.6 = 0 -9Nm - 27Nm + Fye * 0.6m = 0 Ge = 36Nm / 0.6m = 60N So this is the gravitational force on e? So to get the normal force on e I need to: 60N * cos(30) = 51.96N What am I doing wrong?
  8. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    What I meant with the total force is that when I: Fyb = 136.14 N Fye = 36.96 N N force = Fyb + Fye = 173.1N There is a Y force working on b and e. I don't understand what you mean with taking a point and finding moments. Do you mean: (If I treat the L profile as a whole) -200N * 0.3m + Fye *...
  9. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    You mean that the force of: cylinder 1 + cylinder 2 + force on "e" = total force on Y ? Fcylinder 1 = Fcylinder 2 = m * g * cos(30) = 10 * 10 * cos(30) = 86.6 N total force on Y = 173.2 N = both cylinders? What I do is clearly wrong since the force for both cylinders should be less that 86.6...
  10. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    If I follow this G = m * g G = 20 * 10 = 200N N = m * g * cos(30) N = 20 * 10 * cos(30) = 173.2 N f = m * g * sin(30) f = 20 * 10 * sin(30) = 100N So the X (Fxb) component is right, but why is my Y (Fyb) component wrong?
  11. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    I made a new drawing. This time is 1 cm = 50N. I think I found Fxb, not sure, since it came out 100N 1cm = 50N 2cm = 100N But Fyb is wrong and I don't understand the force on e.
  12. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    That 10 is 10kg. I don't know if you can take the mass together. G = 10kg * 2 * 9.81m/s^2 = 196.2 N
  13. Epoch

    Calculating Reaction Forces on Cylinders Resting on an L Profile

    Homework Statement Two cylinders, each with a mass of 10kg, are lying on an L profile. Neglect the thickness and weight of the L profile. Calculate the reaction force in b and e. Homework Equations G = mg The Attempt at a Solution So I tried to make a free body diagram of the cylinders. I...
  14. Epoch

    Electricity: voltage calculation in serial

    RI = 10 U - 3RI - 2RI - 6RI - 4RI = 0 U - 3*10 - 2*10 - 6*10 - 4*10 = 0 U - 30 - 20 - 60 - 40 = 0 U - 150 =0 U = 150V I found it, thanks for your help.