Recent content by frost_zero

  1. frost_zero

    Navigating the Tensions in Ukraine: A Scientific Perspective

    I am really not hoping for another global catastrophe caused by nothing but human stupidity so hopefully Russia kindly backs off from Ukraine
  2. frost_zero

    Other What are you reading now? (STEM only)

    Until the end of time by Brian Greene, although it doesn't have any equations, the explanations of thermodynamics are crystal clear
  3. frost_zero

    Exploring the Impact of Experiences on Thinking

    this thread was moved from biology; but I only wanted the biological answer of how we think, not about anything philosophical like soul, etc.; basically what I wanted to know is how neurons "decide", computers don't have consciousness yet they can take simple logical decisions. So is the process...
  4. frost_zero

    Exploring the Impact of Experiences on Thinking

    Do we really "think" our thoughts or are they just influenced by our experiences with no actual control given to us; or if we do take our own decisions then is the process similar to how computers return true/false values (if, else, else if, etc.)?
  5. frost_zero

    I Hypothetical Velocity Faster Than C: Exploring Relativity

    I know it isn't possible for any mass/massless body to have velocity more than the speed of light in vacuum but what if it was done hypothetically? As far as I know length and time of an object undergo a transformation so that the laws of physics remain same between observers at rest and...
  6. frost_zero

    Science enthusiast wanting to accelerate my learning

    Yup, doing that, I have solved the maths and physics of class 10th which involves trignometry and other basic concepts but from 11th it gets really hard, with many college level topics; still I would have to have patience and do it consistently just like you said thanks
  7. frost_zero

    What Are the Unknown Forces Shaping Our Random Thoughts?

    The sun could have exploded at this moment and you wouldn't know it until 8 minutes have passed
  8. frost_zero

    The Science Behind Your Eyes: How Rods & Cones Work

    How do the rods and cones in your eyes work? I looked it up but didn't find any detailed explanation, and could we make them artificially to use like cameras?
  9. frost_zero

    What Are the Unknown Forces Shaping Our Random Thoughts?

    The weird thoughts you have at random times
  10. frost_zero

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    I don't ;-;
  11. frost_zero

    Science enthusiast wanting to accelerate my learning

    thanks! I will try my best
  12. frost_zero

    What were your favorite childhood science hobbies?

    I liked reading books, the one fictional book(s) which left most impact on my childhood was geronimo stilton, I loved that series a lot. In our school library those books were basically treated as special and we only got to take them roll no. wise (roll no. 1 will take it for the 1st week, roll...
  13. frost_zero

    B Accurate Visualization of GR - Science Clic

    If I had a nickel every time someone depicted curvature of space-time as a marble on rubber membrane I would have a lot of nickels however that description is not accurate; A channel called science clic has the most accurate visualization of bend of space-time I have ever seen however if anyone...
  14. frost_zero

    Can electricity enhance physical performance?

    thats true I should have researched it further because I remember reading this somewhere way earlier, not even from a citable source, my bad
  15. frost_zero

    Science enthusiast wanting to accelerate my learning

    I already the physical copy of that book's volume 1 :p