Recent content by JamesBennettBeta

  1. JamesBennettBeta

    Engineering Power and RMS Value of a Signal

    Thanks for your reply, the question is this. A problem raised since I have found two ways to solve this. Anyway, I don't know either one is correct or not. Method #1 Method #2 Method two was explained in a video from an Indian Dr. I tried to solve the above problem using his way, $$...
  2. JamesBennettBeta

    Engineering Power and RMS Value of a Signal

    I need to calculate the power and RMS value of some equations. The problem is, I found two methods to do that and don't know which is the right method. I have few equations to find the power and RMS value, but here is one equation. $$x( t) \ =\ 7\cos\left( 20t+\frac{\pi }{2}\right),$$ Method...
  3. JamesBennettBeta

    Machine Dynamics: Manual Air Pump Calculation (please check my answer)

    mentor note: moved from ME forum hence no HW template. Summary:: I am stuck into this problem for almost a week now. I think I solved it, but it seems something is wrong. Can someone point me, what is wrong here. It'll be so much helpful. I am stuck into this problem for almost a week now. I...
  4. JamesBennettBeta

    Values of constants in power-law fluid relation

    I updated the information. Formula is τ = A(du/dy)^n +B, constants are A, B and n
  5. JamesBennettBeta

    Values of constants in power-law fluid relation

    1. A=0 B=? n=? In an ideal fluid the viscosity should be equal to zero. 2. A=? B=? n=1 In a Newtonian fluid the flow behavior index is equal to 1 (Experimentally) 3. A=? B=? n≠1 In a non-Newtonian fluid the flow behavior index is bot equal to 1 This is the far that I could understand.
  6. JamesBennettBeta

    Values of constants in power-law fluid relation

    I updated the information. I spent a day reading and searing whole internet and still couldn't get the answers.
  7. JamesBennettBeta

    Values of constants in power-law fluid relation

    NO TEMPLATE, MISPLACED HOMEWORK Summary: What are the values of constants in power-law fluid relation when the fluid behaves as an ideal fluid, a Newtonian fluid and a non-Newtonian fluid? τ = A(du/dy)^n +B Where A, B and n are constants that depend upon the type of fluid and conditions...
  8. JamesBennettBeta

    Finding the Open Circuit Voltage

    Here is how I tried. I don't know how to solve further. I don't know how to calculate the potential difference between those points. I'm sorry for not understanding how things work here. I don't know how to find the potential difference between those points. So I can't slove further. I'm...
  9. JamesBennettBeta

    Finding the Open Circuit Voltage

    Problem Statement: While KLM points remain connected, the connection between points XY is removed. Calculate the potential difference between points XY in this situation. Relevant Equations: V=IR, KVL