Recent content by JuneSpring25

  1. J

    I Probability, observers and the multiverse

    Not sure if I'm putting this in the right place! I have a question about probability and conscious observers. Aside from other arguments for and against a multiverse, does the idea that a multiverse could contain a vast number of consicous observes make it more likely, given that we find...
  2. J

    I Question about the big bang singularity

    Thank you for the answers. Do we know that the tiny differentiations we see that create galaxies etc, are caused by quantum mechanics? Could there have been a small amount of unevenness in the original energy state that created differences in in the way the universe 'unfolded' or did the...
  3. J

    I Question about the big bang singularity

    Oh thank you. Does the energy need to be uniform at the start of the big bang? Could it be in some way unevenly distributed?
  4. J

    I Question about the big bang singularity

    In big bang theories where our universe begins from a singularity (ignoring other theories just now), what would happen if the universe didn't begin as a single point but rather began as energy in an uneven shape? Would we be able to tell from the way the universe is now? Do we know that if the...
  5. J

    I Quantum fluctuations & 'virtual particles'

    All the replies much appreciated! I shall go and ponder... :smile:
  6. J

    I Quantum fluctuations & 'virtual particles'

    I've been reading about how language around virtual particle fluctuations is metaphorical. This is helpful: I'm just trying to understand a bit more from a layman's point of view. I found Matt Strassler's article 'Virtual...
  7. J

    I Bubble universes and physical constants

    Thanks, I appreciate the answers, that's really helpful. Would the Planck constants be different in these different bubbles? Do the Planck constants exist at the early inflation stage?
  8. J

    I Bubble universes and physical constants

    Hello, couple of questions about bubble universes and the physical constants. I understand in an eternal inflation scenario universes bubble off the original during the inflation phase. Firstly, according to this theory, does the new universe creation only happen at an early inflation phase of a...
  9. J

    I Boltzmann brains and limitless energy....

    As a follow up, doesn't many worlds create this scenario? If all possible outcomes are realized in some world, one of them must contain a kind of perpetual motion machine as the random fluctuations would always keep adding to it? If these are different random fluctuations to that ones in many...
  10. J

    I Boltzmann brains and limitless energy....

    Thank you for all the responses. Sorry for messing up on the first source there! I understand we're talking about *extremely* unlikely events but as another poster said, the premise of the Boltzmann brain idea is based on extremely unlikely events being inevitable given infinite time. I accept...
  11. J

    I Boltzmann brains and limitless energy....

    Hello! Amateur question alert! Please excuse any misuse of terms. Answers gratefully received. :smile: I have a question about the energy that can be drawn from the vacuum through quantum fluctuations. My understanding is there are very strict limits on how much energy can be borrowed for how...