Recent content by MeesaWorldWide

  1. M

    Why does mass not affect sliding speed down an inclined plane?

    I think that both kids experience the same acceleration (irrespective of mass) since the only force pushing them downwards is acceleration due to gravity, which is the same for both of them. Thus, since they start sliding down the hill at the same time (assumption), and are accelerating at the...
  2. M

    Can You Convert Meters to Kilograms?

    You think I made this up? This is an actual question on a handout that my prof posted on our course page. All you had to do was say that quantities with different dimensions cannot be combined, and leave it at that :)
  3. M

    How Do You Incorporate Drag Force in Free Body Diagrams for Multiple Objects?

    I don't even know how to begin this. I know that I need to somehow account for the drag force that duck 3 is causing on the first 2, but I don't know how to deal with that. I am asking for someone to help me get started, not to give me the answer.
  4. M

    Can You Convert Meters to Kilograms?

    Distance and weight are two separate things so....the question cannot be answered?
  5. M

    B Logic Problem: Figuring Out How Many Apples Each Man Ate

    Hey, I'm new to these forums, so thanks in advance for any help I get! :D 4 men sat around a table that had a dish with 11 apples in it. By the time their discussion was over, all the apples had been eaten. Each man had at least one apple, and each man knew that fact. Each man knew the number...