Recent content by Meruem

  1. Meruem

    I Observing a rotating body when approaching it at near light speed

    Summary: Will the motion around us become faster when we travel faster? When we approach a body rotating on its axis with certain speed v, will we see the body rotating in speed slightly more than the v during our motion ?And what happens assuming that we are approaching the same body in speed...
  2. Meruem

    B Quantum Gravity and Special Relativity

    is there a equation that links quantum gravity and special relativity?
  3. Meruem

    Force Needed to Push Bodies in Space: 100kg vs 1kg Mass

    small object will acquire more velocity while object with mass 100kg will acquire less velocity
  4. Meruem

    B What is the black that we see in the night sky?

    Will the body won't be visible at some point in space if the object continues to appear smaller at increasing distance?
  5. Meruem

    B What is the black that we see in the night sky?

    Summary: Can black means many thing? The black we see in night sky has to mean many things First of all, from point of views of human eyes then the photons can't reach our eyes so it appears black. Secondly, the objects appear smaller as we go farther from that object. So, at some point object...
  6. Meruem

    Force Needed to Push Bodies in Space: 100kg vs 1kg Mass

    Both body can be moved with similar amount of force regardless of their mass due to no influence of gravity
  7. Meruem

    Force Needed to Push Bodies in Space: 100kg vs 1kg Mass

    Do we need more force to push a body with 100kg mass than of 1kg mass in space(in vacuum)?
  8. Meruem

    B Is quantum entanglement a four dimensional force?

    Sorry to say that but I wanted to know about the reason behind existence of quantum entanglement.
  9. Meruem

    Why objects appear smaller as the distance increases?

    Since objects look smaller and smaller as we go far from it, is it possible at some point the object won't be visible,even if there is nothing between two objects ?
  10. Meruem

    B Is quantum entanglement a four dimensional force?

    Why two bodies are related with each other despite the distance between them. It is unbelievable that entanglement exist regardless of any distance. Why on universe are so deeply connected with each other where distance does not play any role for the phenomena?
  11. Meruem

    What are the rules for sharing opinions on Physics and Mathematics?

    Hi, I am Milan Chapagain. I am interested in Physics and Mathematics. I love giving my own opinions on Physics and Mathematics. I am acurious learner.