Recent content by observer1

  1. O

    B What were the contributions of the hidden figures to the early space program?

    So if that is all they did, what is all the fuss about them? They did nothing any patient person with a modicum of math could do. I would think my daughter would beneift much more by learning about Emmy Noether and ignoring this propaganda.
  2. O

    B What were the contributions of the hidden figures to the early space program?

    Euler's method is the "see spot run" of numerical methods. Other more powerful methods were well known at the time. If this is all they did, then they did number crunching and assertions as to their having put Glen into space is invalid. What did they do? Please, if you cannot answer this...
  3. O

    B What were the contributions of the hidden figures to the early space program?

    I have already taught my daughter to use a slide rule. I have also taught her Geogebra. But, if that is the "basic difference," then these women did nothing and the movie is nothing more than a brouhaha about sexism. And the assertion that women put Glenn into space is laughable and...
  4. O

    B What were the contributions of the hidden figures to the early space program?

    I am not fretting. Why do you interpret a question as fretting? I looked at the book, but the book was about compressed action, couple of months or attitude of men or inspiration. I am asking a question: "what did they do." I just want to know what they DID. No one seems to know. (I would...
  5. O

    B What were the contributions of the hidden figures to the early space program?

    Yes, but taht is propaganda. I do not care about Wiki, or compressed action, or couple of months or attitude of men or inspiration... "Trajectory math?" What, solve a simple non-linear equation? What did they do?
  6. O

    B What were the contributions of the hidden figures to the early space program?

    There is a movie out--"Hidden Figures"--about how three women launched the space program; or something like that. My daughter wants to write about them for a school project. I keep suggesting my daughter write about Sophie Germain, or Emmy Noether, Daubechies or Hypatia. But my daughter...
  7. O

    Work/Energy in the introduction to dynamics

    An introductory course in rigid body dynamics for mechanical engineers introduces kinematics, then kinetis and then work/energy. Can I ask for your opinions? Is this necessary? I can see the need to discuss work/energy to understand Hamilton's Principle. But is there any reason to labor...
  8. O

    Why does the Principle of Virtual Work work without higher math?

    The last chapter of most introductory textbooks on STATICS introduces VIRTUAL WORK. It is rarely taught (I studied the syllabi of colleagues). I understand the Principle of Virtual Work, having researched and studied the Calculus of Variations, Hamilton's Principle, the Lagrangian and related...
  9. O

    A Pullback and Pushforward in Manifolds: Why Do We Do It?

    OK, now that is interesting. And I get it. But that is an obscure example. Can you provide one from, say, dynamics? I mean, in the case of continuum mechanics, and the stress tensor, I can "intuit" (as I become more adept at this -- which I am not, right now), that the two manifolds in...
  10. O

    A Pullback and Pushforward in Manifolds: Why Do We Do It?

    In my ignorance, when first learning, I just assumed that one pushed a vector forward to where a form lived and then they ate each other. And I assumed one pulled a form back to where a vector lived (for the same reason). But I see now this is idiotic: for one does the pullback and pushforward...
  11. O

    A Tangent Bundle: Why It's Important

    Good Morning All: I am now understanding a bit -- just a bit: still struggling - about the tangent bundle. But I have no idea WHY this is important. As I understand, at every point on a manifold (or, more appropriately: at the coordinates placed on a manifold by a mapping), we study the union...
  12. O

    A What Are the Different Types of Derivatives in Calculus?

    Derivatives in first year calculus Gateaux Derivatives Frechet Derivatives Covariant Derivatives Lie Derivatives Exterior Derivatives Material Derivatives So, I learn about Gateaux and Frechet when studying calculus of variations I learn about Covariant, Lie and Exterior when studying calculus...