Recent content by palmer eldtrich

  1. P

    B What Are Common Misunderstandings About the Big Bang Theory?

    The confusion arises because the term "big bang" is not well defined. I think its false to say the big bang theory does not include a singularity, there are different ways to define big bang. One way to define it is to say its the theory that says the universe evolved from a hot dense state...
  2. P

    B What Are Common Misunderstandings About the Big Bang Theory?

    Just a correction , the big bang is not the beginning of the universe, it represents the beginning of our ability to describe the eovlution of the universe. The true age of the universe is unknown, we can say it has been expanding from a hot dense state 13.8 bio year ago, before that we don't...
  3. P

    I Contraction prior to expansion?

    Very interesting Marcus. I guess the fact that this claim is not in the peer reviewed literature means it has less weight and should have less attention. However I am still curious as to what the response would be from those that think bouncing cosmologies are plausible from this allegation?
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    I Contraction prior to expansion?

    A number of contemporary models propose that the universe was contracting prior to expansion. However I have found this critique of such a proposal from Geroge Elliss: “initial conditions have to be set in an extremely special way at the start of the collapse phase … in an acausal way (in the...
  5. P

    Time in relativity and the CMB

    As understand relativity there is no "absolute time" however I have its possible to use the CMb as a way round this? Is this right and how does it work?
  6. P

    Fine tuning, muitverse and a double standard

    The issue I'm concerned with is not whether or not one can realistically model the universe and see if life should arise given different conditions. The issue is the very process itsetlf, what status should such a process be given? In particular if theoretical extrapolation beyond what is...
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    Fine tuning, muitverse and a double standard

    I just watched a talk from George Ellis about cosmology. I believe there is a serious double standard implied in it. He says (A) the universe is fine tuned for life. Change one of the constants of nature like the mass of the electron and you won't have life in the universe. He also says...
  8. P

    What is the new Hamiltonian constraint operator for loop quantum gravity?

    A critique of LQG here: "The next step in the construction of LQG is to decide what the dynamics are. Technically, this is done either (A) by choosing a "Hamiltonian constraint" in parallel with the Hamiltonian formulation of GR, or (B) in the spin-foam formalism, by postulating some sort of...
  9. P

    VSl theoreis and energy creation

    As I understand it VSl theories say that when the speed of light changes the law of conservation of energy is violated, so the origin of matter at the big bang is a consequence of this change in C. But do they not also say the the reported variations of the fine structure constant maybe a hint...
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    Horava Lifshitz Gravity: Theory of Quantum Gravity or TOE? Viable Option?

    Its is said that LQG is not trying to be a theory of everything (TOE), just a theory of quantum gravity, unlike string theory. But what about Horava Lifshitz gravity , is it claiming to be a theory of just quantum gravity or also a TOE? Is it still considered viable?
  11. P

    Higgs cyclic model from Steinhardt, Turok, Bars

    Hi Chalnoth, thanks for your answer. Can you explain how the bounce phase mimics inflation. I can see how a long period of contract could solve the horizon probolem, but how does it solve the flatness, monopole and structure problems? I can see you are not sympathetic to this model so I...
  12. P

    Higgs cyclic model from Steinhardt, Turok, Bars

    Its been suggested that the metastibility of the Higgs may lead to a new cyclic cosmology to replace inflation. Can anyone give a layman's guide to how this works and they propose to solve the problems of the big bang that inflation is supposed to solve: flatness...
  13. P

    Does multiverse really explain fine-tuning?

    That's like saying Mars rovers have shown theories that life is unique on Earth have won over theories that imply life in the universe is not unique to Earth. Technically true but hardly impressive. It's hard to find life outside of Earth even if its there. Its hard to find gravity waves even if...
  14. P

    Does multiverse really explain fine-tuning?

    I understand you didnt call it fantasy or theology but many people have, including on this forum. I am glad we agree that our confidence in ideas ranges along a spectrum and that the multiverse is neither confirmed scientific fact nor unfounded fantasy. Steinhardt I think contradicts himself...
  15. P

    Does multiverse really explain fine-tuning?

    The only observational evidence you have for black holes is their external influence on their surroudings. You have no evidence they have an interior. You agree that Hawking radiation has not been observed. So why shouldn't we say that the idea that black holes have interiors or emit Hawking...