Recent content by Physics-GEEK

  1. P

    B Antimatter Fuel: Will Future Space Travel Rely on It?

    It might be a good fuel, but a very important factor is money. For 1 gram of anti hydrogen, it costs 62 TRILLION US dollars to make it, and this is only 1 GRAM. I don't think it's ever possible to actually get this kind of money, only for 1 gram! Other than that, the antimatter fusing with...
  2. P

    LightSpeed & Time: What's the Relationship?

    Ok thanks so much guys I actually understood it @DaveC426913 @phinds
  3. P

    LightSpeed & Time: What's the Relationship?

    @DaveC426913 I am still not exactly comprehending this situation. One cannot propose that the speed of light is existing both at c and stationary, understood. So what will really happen at the speed of light. How is it possible to say that one cannot know for sure, because in many websites it is...
  4. P

    LightSpeed & Time: What's the Relationship?

    @phinds So, correct me if I'm wrong, when traveling at c, we are in an inertial frame of reference? But also, if my conclusion is wrong, then what actually happens to time if a particle reaches the speed of light?
  5. P

    LightSpeed & Time: What's the Relationship?

    @phinds When I said that there will be no concept of time, I meant that tie would have stopped completely. There would be coefficient of time as time would stop. It also depends on which inertial frame you are talking about. to an outside observer, he/she will not even see you due to length...
  6. P

    B How to prevent static from building up on me

    2 simplest ways : Put lotion Wash your hands with water These 2 ways are based on the fact that dry skin and dry air are allies of static electricity.
  7. P

    LightSpeed & Time: What's the Relationship?

    As people have already said, there are no known particles that can travel faster than the speed of light. The tachyon was once such a particle but then it got proven that it is impossible for a tachyon to exist because Einstein's Special Relativity equations states that no particle can reach the...
  8. P

    Uranium 235 over Polonium 210 in Nuclear Plants?

    Ok thanks so much. I never knew that Polonium 210 wasn't a fissile isotope so thanks for clarifying.
  9. P

    Uranium 235 over Polonium 210 in Nuclear Plants?

    I was researching on radioactive elements and found out that polonium is the most radioactive element and the most radioactive isotope of polonium (out of 33!) is polonium 210. So I was wondering why it isn't used in nuclear plants and bombs. I know that if a slow neutron was to hit uranium 235...