Recent content by polekitten

  1. P

    Identifying the End of a Rayleigh Wave Train on Seismograms

    How can you tell where a dispersed Rayleigh wave train ends...? Is there a way to identify the end of a Rayleigh wave train on the following teleseismic records? The first shows the full surface wave train, the second is zoomed in but cuts off the final part of the original including the last...
  2. P

    Why are the accelerations of the bowling ball and football not equal?

    1. What have I done wrong when I set this GCSE question?! (shortened) Gravity: 10 N/kg Bowling ball: weight 10 N, air resistance 0.05 N, overall force 9.95 N Football: mass 0.5 kg, air resistance 0.05 N Students need to work out: effective force on the football (4.95 N) bowling ball (a = F/m =...
  3. P

    Exploring the Relationship Between Wire Length and Voltage in a Circuit

    Homework Statement We conducted an investigation into wire length, current and resistance but kept track of the voltage rather than relying on the power pack setting. We noticed the voltmeter (measuring across the power pack) reading increased as the length of the wire increased though by only...
  4. P

    How do voltage and current combine to determine electrical power?

    Why does electrical power = voltage x current? I understand power is the rate of doing work or the rate of energy transfer but how does that relate to voltage an current? I know current is the flow of charge and voltage is a difference in charge between 2 points.