Recent content by Robert P

  1. R

    Theories on how the food supply evolved along with life?

    Along with the endless complexities of life and the evolution of life, it occurs to me that at all points there had to be enough available nutrition for existent life forms - and that food supply itself had to go through a process of evolution. It seems self-evident that the environment of early...
  2. R

    How much risk with first nuclear explosion test?

    I just watched a video about it - it impacted thousands of islanders and the crew of a fishing ship resulting in illness, disease and death. Beyond the scientific screwup it was yet another ethical failure on the part of the US government which initially tried to deny the scope of the harm...
  3. R

    How much risk with first nuclear explosion test?

    That's certainly in the "Oops" realm. I wonder how sure were they that for example there wasn't a threshold beyond which their notions of why it shouldn't happen might not hold true.
  4. R

    How much risk with first nuclear explosion test?

    It was just something that occurred to me contemplating the topic. "Well, the reaction is *supposed* to happen a certain way, whaddya say guys - throw the switch and see what happens?" And all those rockets weren't supposed to splatter on the launch pad either. Thanks for the link!
  5. R

    How much risk with first nuclear explosion test?

    How sure were those involved with the first nuclear explosion test that there wouldn't be an unanticipated reaction of the explosion continuing beyond the material intended? I.e. that the Earth wouldn't go up in a ball of fire, the scientist's last utterance wouldn't be "Oops..."?
  6. R

    Does sound pass through bricks? Can I deflect sound away?

    It depends on how much sound reduction you'll consider to be enough. I'd suggest looking at an audio recording forum and what's involved in building an environment to keep outside sound out. I built a sound booth - it's essentially a room inside a room. 2x4's, insulation, sheet rock - but I...
  7. R

    B Is energy considered to be physical?

    It involves a discussion related to the creation of the universe - "where'd all the 'stuff' come from" - elsewhere, where someone references a "non-physical energy source". My initial reaction is that it's a contradiction in terms but I wanted to make sure I was correct related to terminology...
  8. R

    B Is energy considered to be physical?

    If someone were to talk about "a non-physical energy source" would you consider that a contradiction in terms?
  9. R

    Best style of martial arts for self-defense?

    It's an old thread but since I see it's been bumped I'll throw my 2 cents in, hopefully it will useful to someone. Getting away from the situation - and staying away from stupid situations - is the best but if you're cornered one of the things you have to have in your arsenal is the willingness...
  10. R

    Looking for Einstein quotes re: extent of his knowledge

    I've seen quotes by Einstein along the lines that he was well aware he didn't have all the answers, that his knowledge related to the workings of the universe was quite limited. Having trouble re-finding these quotes - looking to get pointed toward them. Thanks.
  11. R

    I Could it have been the Big Leak and not the Big Bang?

    I'm not sold on the notion that the concept outlined in that Wiki article doesn't accurately reflect current theory but you seem to be. I'm not a necessarily a cheerleader for Wikipedia but what I've seen of that article is in line with impressions I've gotten elsewhere. I'm also aware that...
  12. R

    I Could it have been the Big Leak and not the Big Bang?

    If you feel you can back that up with valid citations you should correct the Wikipedia article.
  13. R

    I Could it have been the Big Leak and not the Big Bang?

    See my response above to PeterDonis. I'm curious where YOUR concept comes from and what it is since it's apparently radically different than the commonly promoted notion of the BB.
  14. R

    I Could it have been the Big Leak and not the Big Bang?

    Are you serious? Every illustration and description I've ever seen. The whole notion that all bodies seem to moving away from a common point. From the Wikipedia article on the singularity: "General relativity is used to predict that at the beginning of the Universe, a body containing all mass...
  15. R

    I Could it have been the Big Leak and not the Big Bang?

    As I understand it the big head scratcher regarding the BB is how did it get set in motion? How about the notion that regarding our universe, it didn't expand from an inert pinpoint but is instead a breach in the "wall" of an even larger system - i.e. essentially like a volcanic eruption. Of...