Recent content by TheOrionNebula

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    B Is the Universe older than we think?

    The James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, has revolutionised our views of galaxy formation in the early universe, suggesting that galaxies showing structure may have been formed at much earlier times than our best models of galaxy evolution predict. This has even led to suggestions that The Universe...
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    What Have We Learned from Studying the North Ecliptic Pole?

    Astronomer - have built and used lots of stuff for ground and space based astronomy, and worked on top of countless mountain tops across many continents; studying the radio Universe from the deserts of New Mexico, taking pictures from mountain tops in Chile, Hawaii, La Palma, listening to the...
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    I What does the output of a radio telescope look like?

    Radio astronomical data comes in several forms. For observing spectral lines, for example the well-known hydrogen 21 cm line, the output of the telescope is processed in a spectrometer to produce a spectrum of the kind you have seen before, and can usually be obtained with a single radio dish...
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    I How feasible is home radio astronomy?

    Home made radio astronomy systems can be built easily (and cheaply) using off the shelf components from Amazon or EBay, a computer, and if you happen to have one, a Wok ! The 21 cm hydrogen line is not difficult to detect with a system like this since the HI is distributed over much of the sky...