Operation Popeye: A true story of weather modification as a weapon

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: Interesting read. Thanks!In summary, Operation Popeye was a USAF project to disrupt North Vietnamese logistics by making rain over the "trail". It had varying degrees of success, but was eventually shut down.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
An interesting story that relates to weather modification conspiracy theories.

Of all the activities conducted by weather reconnaissance crews over the years, the most controversial involved attempts at weather modification. Remember the margarine commercial that said it wasn't nice to fool Mother Nature? Well similar things were said about efforts to alter hurricanes, which Air Weather Service attempted, along with NOAA, under Project Storm Fury. One of these days we'll discuss this effort in depth.

This month we're looking back at another weather modification project, dubbed Operation Popeye. This mission tried to disrupt North Vietnamese logistics by making rain over the "trail". After some success during a test in 1966, the USAF assigned 3 C-130A's to the 54th WRS and, on 17 March 1967, the Typhoon Chasers also became Rain Makers. The mission was classified and met with varying degrees of success. [continued]
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I should have included the reference to weather as a weapon in the original title...since that's the interesting part! :rolleyes:
  • #3
Gotta wonder if this was related to the scheme to "soap" the trail.
  • #4
Hey Ivan!

The other day on The Science Channel those two incidents were covered on the show called 'Owning the Weather'. I thought you may fnd that particular show pretty interesting considering you have expressed an interest in weather modification.

They even covered H.A.R.P., talked to the physicist that designed it as well as discussed how it was used not only to disrupt communications but also how it could be used to alter the jet stream by heating up the ionosphere.

I don't know if they will show it again and the site does not have anything available for that show except for the time listing. If you get a chance and they show it again I would recommend it.
  • #5
Yep, that's where I heard about it. :biggrin:

I expected it to all be boloney, but obviously this and the hurricane project were for real.
  • #6
Bystander said:
Gotta wonder if this was related to the scheme to "soap" the trail.

I think that operation washed out.

Related to Operation Popeye: A true story of weather modification as a weapon

1. What is Operation Popeye?

Operation Popeye was a top secret weather modification program conducted by the US military during the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

2. What was the purpose of Operation Popeye?

The purpose of Operation Popeye was to extend the monsoon season in Southeast Asia in order to disrupt enemy supply lines and troop movements.

3. How did Operation Popeye work?

Operation Popeye involved cloud seeding, which is the process of dispersing substances into the air to induce or enhance precipitation. In this case, the US military used silver iodide particles to simulate the natural process of cloud formation.

4. Was Operation Popeye successful?

There is evidence that suggests that Operation Popeye was successful in increasing rainfall in the targeted areas. However, its effectiveness in disrupting enemy activities is still debated.

5. Was Operation Popeye ethical?

The use of weather modification as a weapon is considered by many to be unethical and a violation of the international laws of warfare. In 1978, the UN adopted a treaty banning the use of weather modification for hostile purposes.
