The History of Chemistry - Paper Topic

In summary, the history of chemistry is full of interesting personalities, obscure theories, and groundbreaking discoveries.
  • #1
Im taking a class on "The History of Chemistry" and I have to write one big 'ol paper.

I want to do a topic that is interesting, somewhat obscure, under rated, yet very important.

Anybody have any ideas?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
I forget the guy who did this, but I know he was french, at least I think he was. Anyway he's the guy who came up with mathemtical formulas uniting waves and mass. He thought that all things with mass have wave-like properties, like something with little mass (electron) would correspond to...anyway, i got my book. the guy's name is de brouglie and his equation is

wavelength = h/(mu)
h= Planck's constant

This idea got me thinking that everything in this world has a corresponding wavelength. I also got to thinking that maybe this wavelength is our soul eg. when we die we propogate through space on whatever destination as our wavelength. The more massive an object the shorter its corresponding wavelength will be, so since our eyes are only able to percieve a small part of electromagnetic spectrum we would be unable to see a humans corresponding wavelength. I thought this guy was pretty cool. Supposedly he derived this equation and possibly others at some cafe which he had wrote down on a napkin. THat's what my teacher told me, or maybe it was pauling who did that..I don't know, that teacher talked a lot.

Planck was also a cool guy, I mean that damned number of his (planck's constant) is applicable in a lot of situations, many that seem unrelated, so I hear. He came up with the idea of energy being distributed in packets (quanta) and that was very erotic.
hope I helped.

And I just noticed you were asking for a topic, not a historical figure. Well ****.
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  • #3
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Two possible topics of recent interest:

1.) History of bond-stretch isomerism. Early theoretical predictions in the 1970s, a rather thorough experimental reaccessment in the early 1990s which undercut the experimental evidence, and now the general feeling is that if they exist at all, they are exceptionally elusive and probably quite hard to experimentally find.

2.) Electron transfer in biochemistry, and the debate between the "pathway" model (e.g. Onuchic, Beratan, Gray, Hoffman) and the "cofactor distance" model (Dutton).
  • #5
You might want to start off trying to find interesting personalities...these usually yield the most interesting reports as well as a significant, and possibly obscure discoveries.

You might want research Josiah Willard Gibbs...still underrated as of today. Unless you take chemistry (free energy), you probably would not recognize his name. He was a very modest scientist, he published his findings in obscure journals and thus it was not noticed for a while, one of his admirers was Maxwell.

Van't Hoff. Recieved early criticisms of his work by prominent scientists on his ideas, yet one of these ideas won a nobel prize.

There is another famous chemist however I am not able to think of his name at the moment and am a bit busy for internet research. He made a tremendous contribution to Flourine chemistry, and had quite a personality.
  • #6
How about history of gunpowder?

FAQ: The History of Chemistry - Paper Topic

1. What is the history of chemistry?

The history of chemistry is the study of how humans have discovered and understood the properties and behavior of matter. It is a branch of science that has been around for thousands of years and has evolved from ancient practices to modern theories and experiments.

2. When did chemistry first begin?

The origins of chemistry can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese, who were interested in the properties of substances and their uses in everyday life. However, the modern era of chemistry began in the 17th century with the works of scientists like Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier.

3. What were some key developments in the history of chemistry?

Some key developments in the history of chemistry include the discovery of elements and their properties, the development of the periodic table, the understanding of chemical reactions and bonding, and the rise of modern theories such as quantum mechanics and molecular structure.

4. How has chemistry impacted society?

Chemistry has had a significant impact on society, from the development of new materials and medicines to advancements in technology and agriculture. It has also played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the natural world and the universe.

5. What are some current topics in the history of chemistry?

Some current topics in the history of chemistry include the role of women and minorities in the field, the impact of chemistry on global issues such as climate change and sustainability, and the ongoing discoveries and advancements in different areas of chemistry, such as biochemistry and nanotechnology.
