Biology: Osmosis & Grocery Store Produce

In summary, the conversation discusses a recent lab involving osmosis and celery in various salt solutions. The celery grew in solutions with less salt and shrunk in solutions with more salt. The discussion also mentions a question about why grocery store owners spray fresh fruits and vegetables with water, which may be related to reducing water evaporation and maintaining turgor pressure. The question is also prompted to try searching for keywords related to osmosis and turgor for more information.
  • #1
We have been workinging lately with osmosis, and we recently did a lab. It involved putting a piece of celery into different petri dishes, which had different solutions. Distilled water with salt, from 0 g/mL to 2. The less salt in the solution, the celery grew, and then at 1.2 it startes to shrink. A conclusion question we have to answer asks us why grocery store owners spray fresh fruits and vegetables with water. I always thought it was just to keep them fresh. But there must be something to do with the lab, and possibly osmosis. I have looked at many different sources for possible answers, and cannot figure it out. Help please?
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  • #2
Spraying with water does keep vegetables 'fresh', but I believe that has more to do with reducing the evaporation of the water (dehydration) in the vegetables, which is the reason to spray with water, but also keeping them refrigerated.
  • #3
Have you tried some online search engines? (Hint: key words; osmosis celery)

One measure of freshness in vegetables, is "turgor pressure" within the tissue. You have manipulated the tugor pressure by placing the celery in salt solutions of varying concentration all the way down to 0% (distilled water). So now you another key word you might search on "turgor".

FAQ: Biology: Osmosis & Grocery Store Produce

1. What is osmosis and how does it relate to grocery store produce?

Osmosis is the process by which water moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a semipermeable membrane. In the context of grocery store produce, osmosis plays a role in how fruits and vegetables absorb and release water, affecting their texture and taste.

2. How does osmosis impact the shelf life of produce in grocery stores?

Osmosis can impact the shelf life of produce in grocery stores in two ways. First, if produce is stored in an environment with high humidity, it can absorb excess water through osmosis and become soggy or moldy. On the other hand, if produce is stored in a low humidity environment, it can lose water through osmosis and become wilted or dry.

3. Can osmosis affect the nutritional value of produce?

Yes, osmosis can affect the nutritional value of produce. When produce absorbs water through osmosis, it can also absorb any nutrients or chemicals present in the water. This means that produce grown in areas with high levels of pollutants or chemicals in the water may have higher levels of these substances. Additionally, if produce loses water through osmosis, it can also lose some of its nutritional value.

4. How can grocery stores prevent osmosis from affecting produce?

Grocery stores can prevent osmosis from affecting produce by controlling the humidity levels in their storage areas. This can be done through the use of humidifiers or dehumidifiers. Additionally, storing produce in airtight containers can also help prevent excess water loss or absorption through osmosis.

5. Are there any health risks associated with consuming produce affected by osmosis?

Generally, consuming produce affected by osmosis is not harmful to human health. However, if the produce has absorbed harmful substances from the water, there may be a potential risk. It is important for grocery stores to regularly test their water sources and for consumers to thoroughly wash their produce before consuming it.
