RF emitted from Lightning strikes

In summary, based on the data in "STANAG 4236", the frequencies most likely to contain RF energy from lightning are in the 200 kHz range.
  • #1
Hello All,

I’m still perusing the whole idea of tapping into the energy in the Schumann Resonance cavity. But, even if I can manage to do that, I figured it would be a good idea to at least find out how much energy is actually there to couple with.

Recently, I corresponded with a researcher who actually studies the subject (frequencies in the ELF/VLF range) and asked him how much energy is actually stored in the cavity at the fundamental frequency of 7.83Hz. He said that there is only about 1 joule of energy constantly circulating at anyone time because, though the cavity is stimulated by some 100 lightning strikes per second, most of the energy is converted to heat. The remaining RF energies are actually in the low to mid kHz spectrum. So I believe that the most powerful RF energy has to be collected in the kHz range and not the Hz range.

I was just wondering if anyone here knows what frequency, in the kHz, band(s) contains the most RF energy from lightning strikes?

Jason O
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Basically a lightning strike is a pulse of electrical energy, which according to Fourier analysis is the sum of infinite frequencies from 0 Hz to Gamma radiation, but mostly some frequencies are attenuated more than others.

I don't know where the peak is, most likely in the UV (ultraviolet) because lighting is whitish blue a tail of UV.

1 Joule total energy from Schuman resonances is hardly enough anyway, you could possibly recover a pico or a femto joule.

There is vasts amounts of energy in the atmosphere waiting to be tapped, glad somebody is working on that, that was Tesla's dream, and he may actually taped some energy from the atmosphere using his tesla coils. Suggest you read more about that.
  • #3
Humm. IMHO you would be better off with something with a little more energy gain; like ocean waves, wind, solar. How about nuclear?
  • #4
Hi Waht,

Actually I have done a lot of reading up on Tesla as well as research into many of the things he worked on (Radiant Energy, one-wire power systems, Tesla Coils etc.) Here is an approch that I want to use to tap into the ambiant energy as soon as I can figure out how to do it practicaly:


- Jason O
  • #5
Assuming you have access to a library that can order standards try to get a copy of "STANAG 4236" this is the NATO standard for lightning, and gives statistical data on all aspects of lightning including the RF spectrum. I've never seen a free source for STANAGs though.

I will try and remember took look at my copy on Monday morning and give you an indication of the peak frequency.
  • #6
Hi Panda,

Thanks, that would help me greatly :-).

- Jason O
  • #7
OK - these figures are taken off a graph so they are visual estimates rather than definate values.

the EM Field you would expect to detect at ground level 1.5-2km from the strike can be divided into two linear sections.

Section 1 drops at 20dB/decade to 100MHz
Section 2 drops at 45dB/decade above 100MHz

at 200 kHz
Voltage is around 100 dB uV/m measured at 1kHz interval
Current is around 69dB uA/m measured at 1kHz interval

Therefore you would need to balance achievable receiving antenna gain that's going to drop off with reducing frequency with spectral power which drops off with increasing frequency.

FAQ: RF emitted from Lightning strikes

1. What is RF radiation emitted from lightning strikes?

RF radiation, or radiofrequency radiation, is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from lightning strikes. It is a form of energy that travels through space and can be detected by electronic devices such as radios, cell phones, and radar systems.

2. How does RF radiation from lightning strikes affect humans?

The effects of RF radiation from lightning strikes on humans can vary. In most cases, the radiation is not strong enough to cause harm. However, in rare cases, it can cause burns, temporary hearing loss, and other health effects.

3. Is it safe to use electronic devices during a lightning storm?

It is generally not recommended to use electronic devices during a lightning storm. This is because these devices can attract lightning strikes and increase the risk of injury or damage. It is best to avoid using electronic devices and stay indoors during a lightning storm.

4. Can RF radiation from lightning strikes damage electronic devices?

Yes, RF radiation from lightning strikes can damage electronic devices. The high energy levels can cause components to overheat, leading to malfunctions or even complete destruction of the device. It is important to unplug electronic devices during a lightning storm to protect them from potential damage.

5. How is RF radiation from lightning strikes detected and measured?

RF radiation from lightning strikes can be detected and measured using special equipment, such as spectrum analyzers or electromagnetic field (EMF) meters. These devices can measure the strength and frequency of the RF radiation, providing valuable information for researchers and scientists studying lightning strikes.

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