Is the Proton's Half Life Really 10 to the Power of 32 Years?

In summary, the conversation discusses the stability and possible decay of the proton, with some sources stating it is stable while others claim it has a half life of 10 to the power of 32 years. The only proposed decay for a proton is into a positron and photon, which does not conserve baryon number. The conversation also touches on the concept of proton decay and its relation to the second law of thermodynamics. However, it is mentioned that the proton is considered stable on time scales longer than the age of the universe and experiments have not observed any decay. The conversation then shifts to the possibility of other particles, such as the electron, also being unstable.
  • #1

I've been reading websites about particle physics recently, and in some places they say the proton is stable and others they say it is unstable, with a half life of 10 to the power of 32 years. I know it is the most stable baryon.
The only possible decay I've read about is a proton decaying into a positron and a photon, which does not conserve baryon number, in which case, how can it have a half life at all? Are there any other possible decays?
Also, would a proton with a half life of 10 to the power of 32 years be classified as unstable or stable, as my physics teacher argued that this was so long that it would be pretty stable (and also that this was longer than the universe, which I thought physicists hadnt calculated the length of definitively yet).
This could be a stupid question so sorry if it is.
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by ElliePhysicsStudent

I've been reading websites about particle physics recently, and in some places they say the proton is stable and others they say it is unstable, with a half life of 10 to the power of 32 years. I know it is the most stable baryon.
The only possible decay I've read about is a proton decaying into a positron and a photon, which does not conserve baryon number, in which case, how can it have a half life at all? Are there any other possible decays?
Also, would a proton with a half life of 10 to the power of 32 years be classified as unstable or stable, as my physics teacher argued that this was so long that it would be pretty stable (and also that this was longer than the universe, which I thought physicists hadnt calculated the length of definitively yet).
This could be a stupid question so sorry if it is.

They did an experiment where they observed 10^33 protons for a year, and none of them decayed. Nobody has ever reported seeing a proton decay. Some theories require proton decay after a very long time, but those theories haven't yet made enough correct predictions to become highly plausible.
  • #3
The proton is considered stable on time scales much greater than the age of the universe. Experiments like the one mentioned above establish that proton decay (if it happens) is extremely rare. The experiment referred to was carried out at the Super-Kamiokande water detector in Japan (also used for neutrino research). The lower bound for the proton half-life was something like 10^35 years. When you consider that the agreed upon age of the universe is in the 10-15 billion year range, that corresponds to on the order of 10^9 years. That's why the proton is considered a stable particle, though some Grand Unified Theories predict the decay on very long time scales.
  • #4
Originally posted by xeguy
... though some Grand Unified Theories predict the decay on very long time scales.

Doesn't the second law of thermodynamics also require it? A proton has mass and therefroe energy. It constitutes a localised density of energy sarounded by an environment of lesser enrgy density. This is a condition that cannot remain intact forever, according to entropy. The energy contained in a small space must radiate otu into its relatively cold saroundings until the two achieve equal energy states, mustn't it?
  • #5
Originally posted by LURCH
Doesn't the second law of thermodynamics also require it? A proton has mass and therefroe energy. It constitutes a localised density of energy sarounded by an environment of lesser enrgy density. This is a condition that cannot remain intact forever, according to entropy. The energy contained in a small space must radiate otu into its relatively cold saroundings until the two achieve equal energy states, mustn't it?
Well, I don’t know how much I would meddle thermodynamics in that topic, after all it’s statistical model, and it doesn’t consider quantum properties of mass/energy. But theoretically yes.
  • #6
Originally posted by LURCH
Doesn't the second law of thermodynamics also require it? A proton has mass and therefroe energy. It constitutes a localised density of energy sarounded by an environment of lesser enrgy density. This is a condition that cannot remain intact forever, according to entropy. The energy contained in a small space must radiate otu into its relatively cold saroundings until the two achieve equal energy states, mustn't it?

Following the same argument, one could also proclaim the electron to be unstabile. Does that follow from any of the unified theories so far?
  • #7
Terry and Antonio,

I split your last posts off into a new thread of the same title in the Theory Development subforum. That is where alternative or personal theories should be posted.

- Warren
  • #8
Originally posted by chroot
Terry and Antonio,

I split your last posts off into a new thread of the same title in the Theory Development subforum. That is where alternative or personal theories should be posted.

- Warren
Who is "Terry and Antonio"?
  • #9
Originally posted by suyver
Following the same argument, one could also proclaim the electron to be unstabile. Does that follow from any of the unified theories so far?

There is no any unified theories predicting the decaying of electrons, I think. LURCH's viewpoint is very interesting. Can anyone explain this?
  • #10
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Who is "Terry and Antonio"?
Terry Giblin and Antonio Lao. Their posts - one of each - can be found in Theory Development, in a thread called "Proton: stable or unstable"
  • #11
Assuming conservation of baryon number is a good quantum number in the universe and quarks are subject to confinement, the proton in this ground state can't decay or give off energy. It would be 'stable'.

Statistical mechanics applies of course, but ask yourself, what else can it decay too? Theres no other mode. Its stuck in that configuration essentially forever.
  • #12
Originally posted by Nereid
Terry Giblin and Antonio Lao. Their posts - one of each - can be found in Theory Development, in a thread called "Proton: stable or unstable"
Thanks! found it sort of strange as I didn't see there names attached to, or in, any posts in here (this thread)...
  • #13
Originally posted by beacon
There is no any unified theories predicting the decaying of electrons, I think. LURCH's viewpoint is very interesting. Can anyone explain this?

I also have never heard of it. I'd be most interested in hearing more from LURCH's argument.
  • #14

I have split off your questions and comments about electrons and generators to a new thread, entitled "Generators and Electrons" in the Theory Development subforum.

- Warren
  • #15
Jackiw, in his Yang-Mills retrospective says

‘tHooft concluded that baryon number is not conserved in the standard
model. By evaluating the Euclidean functional integral in a Gaussian approximation around
the instanton solution of Belavin et al., he calculated the baryon lifetime. Fortunately it is
exponentially small, but diamonds in principle are not forever
  • #16
The particle which causes proton decay may be antimatter that decayed in the early universe along with all the other antimatter that's missing.
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  • #17
Proton decay is a prediction of the grand unified theories. These are theories that attempt to unify the electroweak force and the strong force of particles and fields in quantum field theories. These theories assert that since quarks are heavier than leptons, quarks should ultimately decay into leptons. The theories have nothing to say about the involvement of antimatter.

The mystery of the asymmetry of matter-antimatter remains to be resolved. At the present time, no such a theory of resolution exist.
  • #18
The mystery of the asymmetry of matter-antimatter remains to be resolved. At the present time, no such a theory of resolution exist.

What if matter and antimatter have slightly different masses which in the conditions of the big bang meant that antimatter was split into tiny fragments which fill all of space whereas matter survived.
  • #19
kurious said:
What if matter and antimatter have slightly different masses

I think that would violate the CPT-theorem... That would be bad news.
  • #20
In order not to violate the CPT Theorem, the antimatter must be found dominantly in a universe by themselves and this anti-universe is connected to ours at various time-zero points which we call the vacuum. The phenomena of vacuum fluctuation is a direct proof that this is what is actually happening.
  • #21
Does this mean that antimatter could be all around us?
  • #22
We are surrounded by air but antimatter are in the vacuum and it is stabilized by the existence of virtual photons. If we by accident touch any of the antimatter, we will be turned into pure energy. Then there is also the question of dimension. We are basically four dimensional beings. The vacuum is zero dimensional. To "reach" the vacuum, we must contract our dimension from 4 to 3, from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1, from 1 to 0. Each of these steps is controlled by a force. EM force (4 to 3), Weak force (3 to 2), strong force (2 to 1), gravity (1 to 0).
  • #23

Yes, antimatter particles spring into existence everywhere, all the time, and promptly annihilate with the matter particles that sprung into existence at the same time. When particles are created, they are always created in pairs -- one normal matter, one anti-matter. There's a good chance that your body has encountered at least one anti-matter particle sometime in your lifetime, created by interactions between the atmosphere and a cosmic ray.


You were making good sense up until your "contract our dimensions" business.

- Warren
  • #24
chroot said:

Yes, antimatter particles spring into existence everywhere, all the time, and promptly annihilate with the matter particles that sprung into existence at the same time. When particles are created, they are always created in pairs -- one normal matter, one anti-matter. There's a good chance that your body has encountered at least one anti-matter particle sometime in your lifetime, created by interactions between the atmosphere and a cosmic ray.


You were making good sense up until your "contract our dimensions" business.

- Warren
So were you, till the 1stemboldened, not quite...
  • #25
How did I fail to make sense?

- Warren
  • #26
The vacuum must have a temperature equal to the temperature of the matter in its neighbourhood or else I reckon all rest mass would decay.
I reckon you're right and the vacuum has entropy too.I estimate that to reach a temperature of 10 to the power of 32 K - the temperature at the time of the big bang- the universe must have had a radius of 10 ^ 16 metres.
Far larger than is currently thought.
  • #27
If it was "all the time" wouldn't it be eminently detectable and wouldn't the universe be doing nothing but...?

EDIT could just be me not 'seeing it' properly, as well, so don't take it as a criticism please, more like a quest for better info...
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  • #28

I am still working on my sense. I start from being crazy then thru self-psychoanalysis, I hope to arrive at being normal when at a ripe old age.
  • #29

It *is* all the time, and it *is* eminently detectable.

- Warren
  • #30
The prepoderance of antimatter anihilations has been detected, and proven, as all the time, everywhere?

Hummm, you would wonder what/why I would question?
  • #31
you can say that a proton is not stable chemically, that's why you get h30+ ions, the proton is not going to sit in solution doing nothing
  • #32

Compounds of hydrogen have nothing to do with the stability of the proton itself.

- Warren
  • #33
But I would be curious to know if, in separating protons from their respective electrons, by ionizational energies, (then a magnet to evacuate the protons), if placed back into an ionizing chamber, then turning the ionizing energy off, will the electrons that were once there, re-appear, from the energy that the ionization process imparted?
  • #34
If you separate electrons from protons, you have a box of electrons and a box of protons. You can't destroy electrons, nor can you create them.

- Warren
  • #35
yes but in an acid, you don't get H+ ions but H30+ ions instead