Energy as Dimension: Exploring the Possibilities

In summary, Energy could be considered as a dimension in the same way as space and time. This opens the possibility that we can associate the extra dimensions suggested by...superstring theory with the fundamental energy dimensions.
  • #1
What would happen if we consider Energy as Dimension ?

on other way can we consider Energy as Dimension ??
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  • #2
In relativity, energy and momentum are sometimes treated as a 4 vector, similar to treating space and time as a 4 vector.
  • #3
Some related structures: the "mass shell" and "relativistic phase space".
  • #4
alsaadi09 said:
What would happen if we consider Energy as Dimension ?

on other way can we consider Energy as Dimension ??

In fact, i am not quite understand your definition/meaning of "Deimension".
  • #5
I main by Dimension that why we do not consider that object move in space-time-energy dimensions ?
  • #6
You can regard energy as being one of the states of a system, which makes energy a part of a phase space

In mathematics and physics, phase space is the space in which all possible states of a system are represented, with each possible state of the system corresponding to one unique point in the phase space.

Example: The orbits of planets around the sun can be described by a phase space consisting of the energy and momentum of the planets (plus a few other variables).

Motion is usually regarded as a change of position with time, so it would generally be the wrong word to describe the rate of change of energy with time, for instance. (A possible exception would be in the context of some phase space of which energy is one of the variables, one might then talk about motion in this abstract phase space).
  • #7
alsaadi09 said:
I main by Dimension that why we do not consider that object move in space-time-energy dimensions ?

The E would be superfluous. Using only (x,y,z,t) you can already say that no two objects can have identical coordinate values. If, instead, you substituted E for one of the space-time coordinates, you would lose uniqueness and things like the Pauli exclusion principle. Might look at energy as a state variable, a suggested above - "The energy of the universe is constant. Its entropy tends to a maximum." Clausius, 1865
  • #8
pervect said:
Motion is usually regarded as a change of position with time.
Correct, and in relativity that means a change of space-time position with regards to proper time.
  • #9
i was actually thinking about this while i was pondering over superstring theory, and was surprised at how this would fit into the superstring theory.

As we all know, superstring theory tells us that the universe is made up of fundamental blocks of vibrating strings of energy. And that the frequency of the vibration of these strings determine the physical composition of the particle or sub particle. And for each positive vibrating string, there is a counterpart of it (anti-matter).

Now, we also know that there has to be a total of 11 dimensions (10 space and 1 time) in order for the superstring theory to work (a possible 12th dimension has emerged recently) and that these dimensions are in the form of a theoretical shape called the Calabi-Yau shape (the reason that we cannot see these extra dimensions is because they are so minute. Imagine you were holding a piece of paper from afar. It would seem like it only had 1 dimension, length; but if you were small enough and you climbed onto the piece of paper, you would actually find out that is it in fact 3 dimensional, length, width, thickness). And the strings travel through these shapes, and the vibrational patterns of the string is also determined by the Calabi-Yau shape.

Which leads on to the exciting part. As we know, we cannot create, destroy or alter any dimensions. And we also know that we cannot create, destroy or alter energy. We may be able to change the FORM that energy travels through, but not alter it.

Now, if energy was a dimension, then the vibrating strings would be a dimension as well. And since they are the fundamental blocks that create this universe, it leads us to believe that they are the fundamental dimension of the universe. For example: Since that energy is our first and fundamental dimension, a string that it creates would be seen as a two dimensional object; and this has been proven by theoretical calculations (since it cannot harvest any 3 dimensional properties and isn't a 1 dimensional object); and these strings form sub-particles, which later form particles, then atoms etc. which are all 3 dimensional objects.

I am still working on this theory, and I know it is an utterly mad idea, but aren't most good ideas, mad? Anyways, this is just my point of view. I'd be glad to hear some rebuttals =).
  • #10
wumingyue said:
i was actually thinking about this while i was pondering over superstring theory, and was surprised at how this would fit into the superstring theory
It does fit in string theory, but in a completely different way from what you said. "This opens the possibility that we can associate the extra dimensions suggested by the Holographic idea with energy scale."

FAQ: Energy as Dimension: Exploring the Possibilities

What is meant by "Energy as Dimension"?

"Energy as Dimension" refers to the concept that energy, in addition to its traditional physical properties, can also act as a dimension or fundamental aspect of reality. This means that energy can influence and shape the universe in ways that are not fully understood or explored.

How is energy related to dimensions?

Energy is related to dimensions in that it can act as a dimension itself, influencing the structure and behavior of the universe. Just as length, width, and height are dimensions that define the physical space we live in, energy can also play a defining role in the nature of reality.

What are the potential implications of "Energy as Dimension"?

The potential implications of "Energy as Dimension" are vast and varied. It could potentially lead to a deeper understanding of the universe, new technologies, and even the possibility of alternate dimensions or universes that are shaped by different forms of energy.

How is "Energy as Dimension" being explored?

Scientists are exploring the concept of "Energy as Dimension" through various fields of study, including quantum mechanics, string theory, and cosmology. They are conducting experiments and developing new theories to better understand the role of energy in the universe and its potential as a dimension.

What are some examples of energy acting as a dimension?

One example of energy acting as a dimension is in black holes, where the immense gravitational pull creates a distortion in the fabric of space and time. Another example is in the quantum world, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, influenced by their energy levels. These are just a few examples of how energy can shape and define the dimensions of our reality.

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