Repost of Carrying and cocycles by james dolan (part one)

  • Thread starter Chris Hillman
  • Start date
In summary, the discussion revolves around the concept of the "carry digit" function in addition and its relation to the "ones" and "tens" digits. The "tens" group can be seen as a subgroup of the big group, while the "ones" group can be viewed as a quotient group. This observation has implications in both practical and theoretical aspects of arithmetic.
  • #1
Chris Hillman
Science Advisor
Repost of "Carrying and cocycles" by james dolan (part one)

The phrase "Hilbert scheme" came up in thread X, while thread Y mentioned some mathematically interesting aspects of "casting out nines". Naturally this reminded me of an occurence of homological algebra in the daily life of third graders. I am accordingly reposting for your reading pleasure a classic three-part sci.math post by james dolan (this version is itself a repost of the still earlier post):

From: *** (james dolan)
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: carrying, part 1 (re-post)
Date: 19 Jan 1994 20:10:30 -0800
Organization: fair play for neptune committee

[part 1 of n]

in another thread, i wrote:

  >ron maimon wrote:
  >>Well, I don't remember when I was six, but I remember when I first
  >>understood a mathematical concept. I was on a school bus, I was 10
  >>years old, and I finally understood why you carry a "1" when you do
  >>addition. I mean, I _really_ understood why. I remember most of my
  >well, I'm impressed.  i was well into my thirties before i realized
  >that the "carry digit" function is the premier example of a

some people have asked me to elaborate on this, so i will try to do
so, particularly since it ties in somewhat with questions tim chow has
been asking about homological algebra lately.

first of all, what do i mean by the "carry digit" function here?
well, the binary operation of addition of single-digit numbers gives
as output a number with two digits: the "ones" (or "least
significant") digit, and the "tens" (or "most significant") digit.
doing the case of base five so as to keep the table small, for
example, here is the addition table you get:

      0  1  2  3  4
 0 | 00 01 02 03 04
 1 | 01 02 03 04 10
 2 | 02 03 04 10 11
 3 | 03 04 10 11 12
 4 | 04 10 11 12 13

it turns out to be interesting, from the utmost practical point of
view (for example in the implementation of arithmetic on computers)
just as well as from the utmost theoretical point of view, to break up
this double-digit-number-valued function into two
single-digit-number-valued functions.  focussing on just the "ones"
digit, we get the well-known operation of "addition of integers modulo
the multiples of five":

      0  1  2  3  4
 0 |  0  1  2  3  4
 1 |  1  2  3  4  0
 2 |  2  3  4  0  1
 3 |  3  4  0  1  2
 4 |  4  0  1  2  3

focussing on just the "tens" digit, on the other hand, we get the equally
important but less remarked upon "carry digit" operation:

      0  1  2  3  4
 0 |  0  0  0  0  0
 1 |  0  0  0  0  1
 2 |  0  0  0  1  1
 3 |  0  0  1  1  1
 4 |  0  1  1  1  1

so what is going on here?  let's note the following particular features
of the situation:

1.  we have a "big" group (the group of two-digit numbers, under the
operation of addition modulo the multiples of 100), and two "small"
groups (the "tens" group {00,10,20,30,40} and the "ones" group
{0,1,2,3,4}).  the big group can be thought of as "built out of" the
two small groups, but in a slightly tricky way that makes crucial use
of the carry digit function, and that has the "ones" group and the
"tens" group playing sharply contrasting roles.

(be careful to note that the word "group" here is being used in its
technical mathematical sense, meaning a set equipped with a certain
sort of binary operation into itself, which in all the cases we're
interested in here is more or less just the binary operation of

2.  the "tens" group can be thought of as a "subgroup" of the big
group.  that is, the elements 00, 10, 20, 30, 40 of the "tens" group
add together in the big group just the same way they add together
among themselves.

the "ones" group, on the other hand, can _not_ be thought of as a
subgroup of the big group.  that is, the elements 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 of the
"ones" group add together very differently depending on whether they
are thought of as belonging to the big group or as forming a small
group all by themselves.  for example 4+4 = 13 using the addition
operation in the big group, which is different from the answer 4+4 = 3
that you get in the small "ones" group.

3.  the "ones" group can be thought of as a "quotient group" of the big
group.  that is, the "ones" group can be thought of as the big group,
"modulo" the subgroup consisting of the multiples of 10.  that is, if i
pick a pair x, y of two-digit numbers, but i only tell you the "ones"
digit of x and the "ones" digit of y, then you can tell me the "ones"
digit of x+y.  that is, the "ones" digit of the sum x+y _depends only
upon_ the "ones" digits of x and y; the "tens" digits are completely
irrelevant if all you care about are the "ones" digits.

the "tens" group, on the other hand, can _not_ be thought of as a
quotient group of the big group.  that is, if i pick a pair x, y of
two-digit numbers, but i only tell you the "tens" digits of x and the
"tens" digit of y, then you _can't_ in general tell me the "tens"
digit of x+y.  the best you can do is to ask me: "it all _depends_-
when you added the "ones" digits together what was the carry digit
produced?".  for example, 11+12 = 23, whereas 14+14 = 33; you can't
figure out the "tens" digit of x+y without having a peek over at the
"ones" digits of x and y.  that is, the "tens" digit of the sum x+y
does _not_ depend only upon the "tens" digits of x and y; it depends
also upon the carry digit produced by the "ones" digits of x and y.

those are the basic ingredients of the situation, which is, for some
reason, known as "expressing the big group of double-digit numbers as
an extension of the quotient group {0,1,2,3,4} by the subgroup
{00,10,20,30,40}".  besides the addition tables for the addition
operations in the two small groups q={0,1,2,3,4} and
s={00,10,20,30,40}, the basic data that you need to build the addition
table for the big group is the carry digit function, which is a
function with two inputs both of type q and one output of type s,
represented in standard "arrow" notation as:

                        q x q   ------>   s

then, thinking of a two-digit number as a pair (s1,q1), the formula for
the sum of (s1,q1) and (s2,q2) is (s1+s2+carry(q1,q2),q1+q2).

essentially this same formula can be used with many different
"carry-digit functions".  the technical name for such a "carry-digit
function" is "2-cocycle" (or more specifically, "2-cocycle on the
group q with coefficients in the group s").  2-cocycles by definition
satisfy certain simple algebraic laws that guarantee that the
resulting "big group" is in fact a genuine group extending the
quotient group q by the subgroup s.  different 2-cocycles can result
in fundamentally different big groups, but sometimes there are
interesting relationships between the resulting big groups.

as long as the situation is viewed as one of pure algebra, however,
much about it must appear mysterious and arbitrary.  in order to
understand the really most important reasons why 2-cocycles (and their
relatives the "n-cocycles", for other natural numbers n) are
interesting, you have to learn about what at first may seem like a
completely unrelated branch of mathematics: topology.

(notice that i am essentially repeating here the message conveyed by
john baez in a recent reply to tim chow: that the secret weapon to use
in understanding even the most algebraic manifestations of
"homological algebra" is an understanding of the conceptual origin of
homological algebra in problems of topology.)

[this concludes part 1; in part 2 i hope to begin to explain how in
the world the phenomenon of "extensions of groups" actually has
anything to do with topology.]
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  • #2
Repost of "Carrying and cocycles" by james dolan (part two)

From: *** (james dolan)
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: carrying, part 2 (re-post)
Date: 19 Jan 1994 20:13:42 -0800
Organization: fair play for neptune committee

[part 2 of n]

[the story so far:

the operation of addition (with wrap-around overflow) of double-digit
(decimal, or binary, or octal, etc.) numbers can be defined by a
formula that uses only:

      1.  addition (with wrap-around overflow) of single-digit


      2.  one other primitive binary operation on single-digit
          numbers, called the "carry-digit" function, which takes the
          value 0 whenever the single-digit numbers add without
          overflow, and 1 otherwise.

representing double-digit numbers as ordered pairs of single-digit
numbers, so that for example 17 is represented as (1,7), this formula is:

           (a,b) + (c,d)   :=   (a + c + carry(b,d),  b + d).

it turns out that this phenomenon is just a special case of a very
interesting and important general process for creating a new big
"group" (which is a set equipped with a binary "addition" operation of
a special type), whose elements are ordered pairs of elements from two
smaller groups, and whose addition operation is defined with the help
of a "generalized carry-digit function".  in the general case, the two
small groups may be different from each other; that is, the right
digit (the one we call the "ones" digit, and which "sends" the carry)
comes from one group, called the "quotient group", while the left
digit (the one that we call the "tens" digit, and which "receives" the
carry) comes from another group, called the "subgroup".  the
generalized carry-digit function is called the "2-cocycle" (for
reasons which may possibly be within the limits of human
understanding, and which i may even get around to trying to explain),
and given a quotient group q, subgroup s, and 2-cocycle

                            q x q ----->s,

the group whose underlying set is s x q and whose "addition" operation
is given by the formula at top is called "the central extension of q by
s, with 2-cocycle c".

(the most general case that i intend to consider here is the case where
the quotient group q may be non-abelian, but the subgroup s is abelian.
"abelian" (also known as "commutative") means that the law "a+b = b+a"
holds.  there are however generalizations of the process that can apply
in the case where even s is non-abelian.)

i admit that some people claim to have mastered the art of adding
two-digit numbers without any explicit introduction to the concept of
2-cocycle, and i think that tal kubo and myself are both resigned to
the likelihood that the ordinary carry-digit function will remain the
only 2-cocycle that ron maimon and millions of other american
schoolchildren ever learn, and the only 2-cocycle that is hard-coded
into medium-priced personal computers.  but i hope that there may be
some people struggling with the general concept of 2-cocycle and with
other general concepts of homological algebra who will benefit from
seeing how the familiar and lowly carry-digit function is an example
of a 2-cocycle.]

let's return to the example of the carry-digit function for base five
numerals.  in this case both the quotient group q and the subgroup s are
the integers modulo five, and the 2-cocycle c: qxq -> s is:

      0  1  2  3  4
 0 |  0  0  0  0  0
 1 |  0  0  0  0  1
 2 |  0  0  0  1  1
 3 |  0  0  1  1  1
 4 |  0  1  1  1  1

but let's consider now also another 2-cocycle d: qxq -> s, as follows:

      0  1  2  3  4
 0 |  0  0  0  0  0
 1 |  0  0  0  4  2
 2 |  0  0  4  1  2
 3 |  0  4  1  1  2
 4 |  0  2  2  2  3

you can check for yourself that this is in fact a 2-cocycle; that is
that if you use it as a "generalized carry-digit function" it actually
makes s x q into a group with s as subgroup and q as quotient group.
however there is a sense in which the 2-cocycle d is "equivalent" to
the 2-cocycle c that we have already seen.

this equivalence can be expressed in a number of different ways.  one
way of expressing it is to say that the groups (s x q, c+) and
(s x q, d+) (where "g+" denotes the addition operation defined using
the 2-cocycle g as generalized carry-digit function) are isomorphic,
and moreover isomorphic in such a way that both the inclusion map from
the subgroup s and the projection map onto the quotient group q are

another way of expressing it is to say that the 2-cocycles c and d are
"cohomologous" to each other.  this means that if you subtract the
function c from the function d (which makes sense since c and d are
functions taking values in an abelian group), the result is a
"coboundary" 2-cocycle.  a coboundary 2-cocycle is a 2-cocycle that's in
the image of the map

                   1-cochains  ------------>  2-cocycles,

where the "1-cochains" are the arbitrary functions from q to s, and where
the coboundary of a 1-cochain

                              q  ----->  s

is the 2-cocycle

                            q x q  ----->  s

given by the formula:

                    g(a,b) :=   f(a) + f(b) - f(a+b).

you can check for yourself that the 2-cocycles c and d given above are
cohomologous to each other because when you subtract c from d you get:

     0  1  2  3  4
 0 |  0  0  0  0  0
 1 |  0  0  0  4  1
 2 |  0  0  4  0  1
 3 |  0  4  0  0  1
 4 |  0  1  1  1  2

which is the coboundary of the 1-cochain f: q -> s given by:

a          0  1  2  3  4

f(a)       0  0  0  0  1

it is then an important but straightforward theorem that these two
equivalence relations on the class of 2-cocycles, namely
isomorphicness of the associated central extensions, and
cohomologousness, are in fact the same.

[this concludes part 2.  in part 3 i hope to begin to show how, by
re-interpreting the situation from the viewpoint of topology, much of
what is going on and which appears mysterious and arbitrary from the
viewpoint of pure algebra becomes much more clearly motivated.  of
course that's the same thing i said about part 2, but hope springs
  • #3
Repost of "Carrying and cocycles" by james dolan (part three)

From: *** (james dolan)
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: carrying, part 3 (re-post)
Date: 19 Jan 1994 20:16:08 -0800
Organization: fair play for neptune committee

[part 3 of n]

[so far i have introduced a concept of "2-cocycle" which is a sort of
"generalized carry-digit function" from q x q to s, where q is some
group and s is some abelian group; and i have discussed an equivalence
relation "a is cohomologous to b" on the set of 2-cocycles, for which
the equivalence classes (called "cohomology classes") correspond to
isomorphism classes of "central extensions of q by s".]

there is a very close relationship between the "cohomology of groups"
that we have been considering so far, and the older "cohomology of
spaces".  one way of trying to understand this relationship is to
associate to each group q a topological space (called "k(q,1)" for
some (pretty good) reason), constructed in stages as follows:

stage 0:
start with a single point p, called the "basepoint" of the space.

stage 1:
for each element a in q, sew in a path "p_a" from the basepoint p to

stage 2:
for each pair (a,b) of elements in q, sew in a solid triangle, filling
in the hollow triangle formed by traversing the paths p_a and then p_b in the
forwards direction, followed by the path p_[ab] in the backwards direction.

already after stage 2 we have achieved an important goal: the group q
can now be recovered from the space as its "fundamental group".  this
is the group whose elements are equivalence classes of paths from the
basepoint of the space to itself, under the equivalence relation of
"homotopy"; with the group operation being concatenation of paths.
two paths are "homotopic" if you can gradually deform one of them into
the other, keeping the ends of the path fixed at the basepoint.  for
example, notice that the solid triangles that we sew in make the
concatenation of p_a and p_b homotopic to p_[ab], which is as it
should be.

(one way to verify that q is the fundamental group of the space after
stage 2 is to apply the "seifert-van kampen theorem", which is a
general theorem about how to compute the fundamental group of a space
sewn together from a bunch of little pieces.  this theorem and its
proof are not that hard to understand.)

however although we have (after stage 2) succeeded in sculpting the
fundamental group of the space to be exactly what we wanted it to be
(namely q), we have in the process played havoc with the "higher
homotopy groups" of the space.  the "first homotopy group" of a space
is just its fundamental group, whose elements are homotopy classes of
"loops"; that is, of paths from the basepoint to itself; that is, of
"figures shaped like the circle".  the elements of the second homotopy
group of the space are, similarly, homotopy classes of "2-loops"; that
is, of figures shaped like the sphere; and so on for the other higher
homotopy groups.  to see how we have managed to play havoc with these
higher homotopy groups, think of all of the solid triangles that we
sewed into the space.  from four solid triangles you can make a hollow
tetrahedron, which is topologically just a sphere; and indeed, in
general we will have in this way introduced some hollow spheres into
our space.

these higher dimensional holes that have wormed their way into our
space detract from the purity with which the space acts as a
"geometric realization" of the group q.  it would be nice if we could
get rid of all of the higher-dimensional holes without disturbing the
fundamental group.  that is, it would be nice if we could end up with
a space such that not only is its fundamental group equal to q, but
also all of its higher homotopy groups are trivial.  and this is in
fact the defining property that a space needs to satisfy in order to
qualify as being "the" space k(q,1).  so the remaining stages of the
construction are devoted to the purpose of filling in all of the
higher-dimensional holes without disturbing the fundamental group.
and this is not so hard to do, because, in general, filling in an
"[n+1]-loop" with an "[n+2]-cell" has absolutely no effect on the
homotopy classes of n-loops in the space; the [n+2]-cells are in a
sense "too big for the n-loops to notice".  thus, whatever damage is
caused by tinkering with the n-loops propagates only in the upwards
direction; so that if we take care at stage n of our construction to
get the [n-1]th homotopy group of the space correct, then after an
infinite number of stages all of the homotopy groups will be correct,
all of the upwards-propagated damage having been repaired at the
appropriate stage.  thus the construction continues:

stage 3:
here we want to insure that the second homotopy group is correct; that
is, we want to kill it off entirely, by filling in all of the hollow
tetrahedrons formed by appropriately adjoining quadruples of the solid
triangles that we laid down in stage 2.  in fact, these hollow
tetrahedrons correspond to triples (a,b,c) of elements of q, as

triangle #1: sides p_a, p_b, p_[ab]
triangle #2: sides p_b, p_c, p_[bc]
triangle #3: sides p_[ab], p_c, p_[abc]
triangle #4: sides p_a, p[bc], p_[abc]

you can check for yourself that these four triangles in fact touch one
another so as to form a hollow tetrahedron; then filling in each such
hollow tetrahedron with a solid tetrahedron completes stage 3.


stage n:

the pattern established in stages 0, 1, 2, and 3 continues:
at stage n, the "solid n-simplexes" that need to be sewn in correspond
to the n-tuples of elements of q.

thus, after all of the stages have been completed, we have a space
"k(q,1)", with fundamental group equal to q and with all other
homotopy groups trivial; and this space is equipped with a
combinatorial decomposition into "cells" of all dimensions, which
leads to a particular combinatorial scheme for computing the
cohomology of the space.  (i think that this particular scheme is
called something like "cellular cohomology".)  and it is easy (if
somewhat laborious) to see that the cellular cohomology of the space
k(q,1) is in fact precisely just the "group cohomology" of the group

thus, to focus on the example that started this discussion off,
consider some 2-cocycle c: qxq -> s, where s is some abelian group.
from the algebraic point of view this acts as a "generalized
carry-digit function", but from the topological point of view it is
just a "cellular 2-cocycle" on the space k(q,1).  each pair (a,b) of
elements of q corresponds to a solid triangle ("2-cell") sewn into the
space at stage 2 of the construction, and the 2-cocycle c assigns to
each such 2-cell the element c(a,b) of the "coefficients" group s.

furthermore, the equivalence relation "c is cohomologous to d" on the
set of cellular 2-cocycles, defined in terms of the cellular
1-cochains, is, on the one hand, just the same as i defined it to be
in the purely group-theoretical setting; while on the other hand, the
set of equivalence classes with respect to it ("cohomology classes")
is a topological invariant of the space k(q,1).

[this concludes part 3.  i have now given a fairly thorough
explanation of my original smart-alecky remark about the "carry-digit
function" being a 2-cocycle, but in future installments i would like
to try to explain some more important general ideas about the
conceptual interaction between group theory and algebraic topology.
what i have described so far is only a very small taste of the
thorough inter-mixture of ideas from these two areas that occurs.]

Nice, eh? :smile:

Ah, those were the days, when UseNet was not infrequently a good read!
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FAQ: Repost of Carrying and cocycles by james dolan (part one)

1. What is the concept of "carrying" in mathematics?

The concept of "carrying" in mathematics refers to the process of moving a digit to the left in a multi-digit number when performing addition or multiplication. This is necessary when the result of adding or multiplying two digits is greater than 9. For example, in the equation 36 + 27, the 6 and 7 in the ones place are added to equal 13. The 3 is then carried over to the tens place, resulting in a final answer of 63.

2. What is a cocycle and how does it relate to carrying?

A cocycle is a mathematical object used in algebraic topology to describe the behavior of a continuous function on a topological space. In the context of carrying, cocycles are used to represent the "carryover" from one place value to another when performing addition or multiplication. They provide a way to formalize and understand the process of carrying in a mathematical sense.

3. Who is James Dolan and why is he associated with this topic?

James Dolan is a mathematician and professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is known for his work in algebraic topology and category theory, and has made significant contributions to the understanding of carrying and cocycles. His work on this topic has helped to provide a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical principles behind carrying and its relationship to other areas of mathematics.

4. What is the significance of studying carrying and cocycles?

Studying carrying and cocycles has both theoretical and practical significance. On a theoretical level, it helps to deepen our understanding of the fundamental principles of mathematics and how they relate to each other. On a practical level, it has applications in fields such as computer science and cryptography, where understanding the behavior of numbers and operations is crucial.

5. Is this article the only resource available on the topic of carrying and cocycles?

No, this article is not the only resource available on the topic of carrying and cocycles. There are many books, articles, and research papers that discuss this topic in depth. Additionally, there are online resources and lectures from universities that cover this topic as well. This article is just one source of information and should not be considered the only resource available.

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