Airflow dynamics over house and effect on roof vents

In summary: I just did a rough estimate.The model is made from a small piece of cardboard with a hole cut out to represent the gable vent. The air is moving at a speed determined by the Reynolds number (which is based on the dimensions of the model). I varied the wind speed to see if different results were obtained. The inside of the model is not real, it is just a small cardboard box. The roof penetrations and vents are sized to the size of the house. I think that your previous experiment showed that the airflow is exiting the end vents instead of being drawn into the attic space. I think that you should do another experiment using a real house and see if you
  • #1
I have been trying to find some information or study concerning a widely held idea concerning attic ventilation.
Conventional wisdom states that when air passes over the ridge vent on the peak of a house, the resulting low pressure will draw air from the attic. The air that is removed from the attic will be replaced by air drawn into the attic through vents at the roof eaves or lower edge.
If there is another roof vent or gable end vent near the ridge vent, air will be pulled into the attic from this upper vent instead of the lower eave vent.
I have not been able to find any evidence to support this and my common sense leads me to believe otherwise.
So I made a simple model to illustrate.

Could you please take a look at the following video and let me know what you think.
Why is it that the flow of air is exiting from the end vent instead of being drawn into the attic space? There is a mild breeze supplied by a forced air furnace simulating a makeshift wind tunnel.<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Thank you
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  • #2
There's something I can't quite tell by looking. Deos the roof model have ends?

Also, can you repeat the experiment using dry ice to replace the (cigeret?) smoke. The smoke may have just been exting every opening near the top of the roof because the smoke was much warmer than the sarounding air, and rising wherever it could. Not saying this is the case, just suggesting a bug that could scew your results, and can be easily tested for.

Of course, since the air inside an attic is often hotter than the air outside, your experiment might be a more realistic depiction of what actually happens in a real attic. BTW, why didn't you just use a real attic on a windy day? Just find one with gable vents and put some paper fringes by both sets of vents (the ridge and gable vents), and see which direction they point. Nobody could say that's not "real-world."
  • #3
Hi Lurch, thanks for the reply.

The roof model is closed on both ends with small cut outs to simulate gable vents. A sealed attic floor is below. There are openings at either eave/overhang to simulate soffit vents.

The smoke is incense. I used that to simulate the hot air that is in the attic space which we are trying to exhaust.

Timing and other factors make it hard to do real world. And hard to control conditions.

I'm just trying to figure out why the smoke/hot air is exiting the end vents when it is supposed to be drawn into the attic by the ridge vents.
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  • #4
Could you re-film using the incense outside the structure, so we can see the entire path? I'd like to see if it is going in at the soffits.

(Oh, and a little different angle on the lighting, please.)
  • #5
Already set up for a different model, but it shows the path of the smoke.

There is air going in at the soffits. Otherwise no air would be coming out the top.

The lighting is probably the hardest part of the whole darn experiment!<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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  • #6
Yep, that's definitely going in the soffits, and coming out at the ridge vents and the end-vents. Almost seems like soemone should be saying "myth busted," or something.

Possible explanation; perhaps it is because the soffit intakes are so much larger than the ridge vents and the gable vents, that they provide a path of least resistance for air to come in, allowing enough airflow to sustain the exhaust from all other vents. The way to test this, I should think, would be to progressively block off more and more of the soffit vents, and see if you still get exhaust from the gables, or do they become intakes. (just a suggestion)

This might give you the "why," but it seems like your previous expiriment has already told you "if".
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  • #7
I have finally been able to view the videos (I can't see them at work).

While I like what you have done there are a few questions I have about your set up and execution:

- What external speed is the air moving? Did you take into account Reynolds effects into your calculation of the required speed?

- Did you vary the wind speed at all to see if different results were obtained?

- What is the inside of the model like? Is it fabricated like a real house or is it an empty shell?

- Did you scale the roof penetrations/vents to the size of the house?

In the end, you may be right under some circumstances and wrong in others. I am sure that there are many myths that get passed along without being questioned. It happens in engineering as well.

This could be tested on a real house easily enough. Just use some light tissue paper an tape it along the top edge over a gable vent to see if there is indeed a low pressure inside drawing air in or higher pressure pushing out.
  • #8
Thanks for the replys.

Lurch, I agree with your suggestion about closing the soffit vents. Sooner of later either the gable or ridge vent will turn into intake instead of exhaust.

Unfortunately, I don't have the resources, (measuring instruments, facilities, etc) or the smarts(Reynolds and coefficients give me headaches) to do much in the way of thorough scientific testing.
And, there are just too many variables in the real world, from building methods to climate and terrain, to try and be precise.

I guess my main goal is to prove that the wind induced low pressure affecting the ridge vent is also affecting the gable vents(as well as the downwind soffit vents). As long as there is sufficient intake at the soffits, both ridge and gable vents will act as exhaust vents.

The problem is that many roofing contractors and others have been "marketed" into believing that the low pressure exists only at the ridge vents.

Do either of you know of publicly available resources, cfd or aerodynamic studies, that could help me with more information.

  • #9
The one thing I am thinking that should help with the standard flow idea is that there is no natural convection inside your model. A real house will have a convective flow due to the heat rising inside the home. Whether that is a deal breaker here or not, I don't know. It is however a variance from reality in your experiment.

It would be a good thing to see if you can vary the wind speed to see if higher velocity winds produce different results.

FAQ: Airflow dynamics over house and effect on roof vents

1. How does airflow dynamics over a house affect roof vents?

Airflow dynamics over a house can greatly affect the effectiveness of roof vents. When air moves over a house, it creates a negative pressure on the leeward side (the side opposite of the wind direction) and a positive pressure on the windward side. This can cause air to be pulled out of the roof vents on the leeward side and air to be pushed into the roof vents on the windward side, creating a flow of air through the attic space.

2. What factors influence the airflow dynamics over a house?

Several factors can influence the airflow dynamics over a house, such as wind speed, wind direction, the shape and size of the house, and the location and number of roof vents. The surrounding landscape, such as nearby trees or other buildings, can also affect airflow patterns over a house.

3. How can the placement of roof vents affect airflow dynamics over a house?

The placement of roof vents is crucial in optimizing airflow dynamics over a house. Ideally, roof vents should be evenly distributed on the roof and located near the ridge to take advantage of the stack effect, where warm air rises and is expelled through the vents. Placing roof vents on the windward side can also help to create a positive pressure and increase ventilation through the attic space.

4. What are the potential benefits of having proper airflow dynamics over a house?

Proper airflow dynamics over a house can provide several benefits, such as improving indoor air quality, reducing moisture and humidity levels in the attic, and preventing the buildup of harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide. It can also help to regulate attic temperatures, which can extend the lifespan of the roof and reduce energy costs.

5. Can airflow dynamics over a house be improved after construction?

Yes, airflow dynamics over a house can be improved after construction by adding more roof vents or adjusting the placement of existing vents. However, it is important to consult with a professional to ensure proper ventilation and to avoid any potential damage to the roof structure or insulation. Additionally, keeping the roof and vents clean and free of debris can also help to improve airflow dynamics over a house.

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