Is laser light polarized or unpolarized?

In summary, the conversation discusses the properties of laser light, specifically its monochromatic and coherent nature. The question is raised whether laser light is also polarized and if so, what direction the electric field is limited to. It is mentioned that laser light can be polarized due to the use of a 'Brewster window' and some types of lasers are highly polarized while others may be less so. The conversation also mentions that not all lasers involve a Brewster window and provides links for further information.
  • #1
Hi all,

I understand laser to be monochromatic (i.e. single frequency) and coherent (i.e. all the waves are in phase with each other.)

My question is : is laser a form of polarized light too? In other words, can the electric field be in almost all possible plane directions, or is it just limited to just one plane?

Pls advise. Thanks. Happy new year.
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  • #2
Laser light is polarized due to the use of a 'Brewster window' which acts as both mirror and output. Some laser light is more polarized than others- gas lasers and Nd:YAGs are highly (linearly) polarized, while diode lasers are much less and may even be elliptically polarized. VCSELs can have very non-classical states, like radial and tangential polarization.
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Likes genxium and TOTS
  • #3
Thanks andy!
  • #4
It is a common mistake to think that laser light is always polarized, but this is not the case.
All lasers involve some kind of a resonator which causes a mode competition between different modes and also polarizations, in which the least lossy mode lases. In the same way that there exists multi-mode lasers, in which several spatial modes are lasing, there is generally no prohibition on unpolarized lasing.
Further more, not all lasers involve a Brewster window...
Please notice the following links:

  • #5

I can confirm that laser light is polarized. This means that the electric field of the light waves is confined to a specific plane of oscillation. This is due to the way in which laser light is produced, where the light waves are aligned with each other and with the direction of propagation. This results in a highly directional and coherent beam of light, which is essential for many applications such as in medicine, communication, and research. Happy new year to you too!

FAQ: Is laser light polarized or unpolarized?

1. What is polarization of light?

Polarization of light refers to the direction in which the electric field of the light waves oscillates. This direction can be either perpendicular or parallel to the direction of propagation of the light wave. In unpolarized light, the electric field oscillates in all possible directions, while in polarized light, the electric field oscillates in a specific direction.

2. How is laser light produced?

Laser light is produced when a large number of photons (light particles) are generated in a process called stimulated emission. This process involves exciting atoms or molecules to a higher energy state, causing them to release photons that are all in phase and have the same wavelength and direction of oscillation. This results in a concentrated beam of light with very specific properties, such as being highly monochromatic (having a single wavelength) and highly directional.

3. Is laser light always polarized?

No, laser light can be either polarized or unpolarized, depending on the type of laser and the materials used to create it. Some lasers, such as gas and semiconductor lasers, produce polarized light, while others, such as dye and solid-state lasers, produce unpolarized light. The polarization of laser light can also be controlled using specialized optical components.

4. What are the applications of polarized laser light?

Polarized laser light has a wide range of applications in various fields such as telecommunications, medicine, and research. It is used in optical storage devices, fiber optics, and laser surgery. It is also used in experiments and studies that require the manipulation of light, such as in studying the properties of materials and in creating holograms.

5. How can we determine if laser light is polarized or unpolarized?

The polarization of light can be determined using a polarizing filter or polarimeter. A polarizing filter is a special type of optical filter that only allows light waves oscillating in a specific direction to pass through, while blocking all other orientations. A polarimeter measures the angle at which light is polarized and can determine whether the light is polarized or unpolarized.
