Do M-Theory's 10^100 Universes Truly Exist?

In summary, M-Theory predicts about 10^100 different possible universes, each with its own set of laws and mathematical configurations. The aim of M-Theory is to determine the mechanism that selects our Universe from these possibilities. While these other universes are considered equally real and exist out there, they may also just be abstract mathematical possibilities. However, for every single atom that has ever existed in our Universe, there are an infinite number of worldlines branching off to other universes. Some believe that there may eventually be too many possible solutions for M-Theory to accommodate, leading to a "vacua despair." The question is, who will be able to navigate through these possibilities and show what M-Theory truly is?
  • #1
As I understand it, M-Theory predicts about 10^100 different possible universes and one of the main aims right now is to figure out the mechanism which selects our Universe out of all these possibilities. Does this mean that the other 10^100 universes are equally real and truly exist out there or are they just abstract mathematical possibilities allowed by M-Theory?
Physics news on
  • #2
Please could anybody try to answer this question!
  • #3
it's 10^500- and yes they all should exist- they are all stable vacua-


/:set\AI transmedia laboratories
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  • #4
OK, thanks for the answer. Where would these multiverses be though? I once read an article they would be in the higher dimensions? Also, how is it possible to say that all these multiverses truly exist only because they are stable vacua, it could just turn out that they are mathematically possible but are not really there.
  • #5
Curious6 said:
As I understand it, M-Theory predicts about 10^100 different possible universes and one of the main aims right now is to figure out the mechanism which selects our Universe out of all these possibilities. Does this mean that the other 10^100 universes are equally real and truly exist out there or are they just abstract mathematical possibilities allowed by M-Theory?

In the beginning there was stringtheory, as more Mathematicians looked into the theory, 5 versions appeared, with the pertaining question:Which one is correct?..sending crises waves rippling across all of the Theoretical Mathematical Oceans.

Then out of the distant horizon came a sail-boat with the letter 'M' daubed upon it's sail, a lone passenger at the helm was proclaiming that:There is really only One Theory, the previous Five were just certain values of a more fundamental theory, all the Theoreticians jumped aboard and thus M-Theory was born.

As the theoreticians asked intruging questions about the theory, they were answered with an ever increasing complex varying solutions, with every solution producing extensions to the original Theory, one such question was posed:Does M-Theory allow for a single or Multiple number of Universe's?

The answer was when the solution does not fit reality of observation for the present Universe, then it is solved by the creation of a Universe THAT does explain the solution.

So many Mathematicians started to branch out into abstract arena's, and consequently started to jump ship, but when they jumped ship, they were actually jumping out of one Universe and into another, the corresponding theoreticians could find extensions and soon it was realized that for every Mathematician that jumped aboard the original 'Flagship-M', they could find a corresponding Universe with its own Laws and Complex Maths.

The current status is comparable to :For every SINGLE atom that has ever existed in THIS universe, they are deemed to really complete Universe's according to M-Theory, and their worldlines can be traced out of our current Universe, which means for about every square centimetre of 3-D space in our Universe, there are an Infinity number of worldlines branching off to a subsequence number of other Universe's, each with a slight variation of the original Maths that sent them on their way?

Some think that there will eventually be so many extentions to M-Theory, with a vast number of solutions to the slightest deviation from one world-line-history to another, that the many configurations of all of Vacua at any instant, still could not accommodate the exponential number of solutions that are currently gaining momentum!

The gentle breeze which fetched the flagship 'M' is starting to gust and blow the ship onto the rocky shore's of a isolated island of Vacua despair, the question is who is going to jump ship?.. and who is going to cling on to the rigging and hope their calculations are sufficient to allow for a 're-normalization' and soft landing!
  • #6
Before I make any comments to the previous reply, I would like to thank Olias as he's made the picture clearer for me and I seem to understand the concept a bit better now.

Olias said:
The current status is comparable to :For every SINGLE atom that has ever existed in THIS universe, they are deemed to really complete Universe's according to M-Theory, and their worldlines can be traced out of our current Universe, which means for about every square centimetre of 3-D space in our Universe, there are an Infinity number of worldlines branching off to a subsequence number of other Universe's, each with a slight variation of the original Maths that sent them on their way?

What do you exactly mean by worldlines and that every atom that exists in this universe is deemed to complete other universes? Does this imply that every atom in this universe is actually part of many other universes (i.e. every atom corresponds to an extremely large number of other universes)?

Olias said:
Some think that there will eventually be so many extentions to M-Theory, with a vast number of solutions to the slightest deviation from one world-line-history to another, that the many configurations of all of Vacua at any instant, still could not accommodate the exponential number of solutions that are currently gaining momentum!

I'm sorry, but with this I understand that it is actually not possible to accommodate all these different universes due to the very large number of possible different configurations.

Olias said:
The gentle breeze which fetched the flagship 'M' is starting to gust and blow the ship onto the rocky shore's of a isolated island of Vacua despair, the question is who is going to jump ship?.. and who is going to cling on to the rigging and hope their calculations are sufficient to allow for a 're-normalization' and soft landing!

Nice analogy! Are you trying to say that the mathematician who is going to 'cling on to the rigging and hope their calculations are sufficient to allow for a 're-normalization' and soft landing'' is the one who will finally show what M-Theory really is?
  • #7
setAI said:
it's 10^500- and yes they all should exist- they are all stable vacua-


/:set\AI transmedia laboratories
Could all of the possibilities be considered all at one and interfere with each other to form a type of "path" integral. Could reality be a superposition of all of these? Or has this already been suggested and rejected?
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  • #8
Interesting point made by Mike2, does anybody know the answer to this?

FAQ: Do M-Theory's 10^100 Universes Truly Exist?

What is M-Theory and how does it relate to the Multiverse?

M-Theory is a theoretical framework that combines different versions of string theory in an attempt to create a unified theory of everything. It predicts the existence of multiple universes, or the Multiverse, as a result of the expansion of the universe.

How does M-Theory explain the existence of the Multiverse?

M-Theory suggests that our universe is just one of many universes, each with its own set of physical laws and properties. These universes are constantly expanding and colliding with each other, creating new universes in the process.

Is there any evidence to support the existence of the Multiverse?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the existence of the Multiverse. However, some theories and mathematical equations within M-Theory suggest the possibility of a multiverse. Scientists are still conducting research and experiments to gather more evidence.

How does the idea of a Multiverse impact our understanding of the universe?

If the Multiverse theory is proven to be true, it would greatly impact our understanding of the universe. It would mean that our universe is just one of an infinite number of universes, each with its own unique physical laws and possibilities. It would also raise questions about the origin of our universe and the possibility of other forms of life in other universes.

Can we ever prove or disprove the existence of the Multiverse?

As of now, there is no way to prove or disprove the existence of the Multiverse. However, advancements in technology and ongoing research may provide more evidence in the future. It is also possible that new theories or discoveries could change our understanding of the universe and the concept of the Multiverse.

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