Circular polarized glasses, how it works

In summary, circular polarization is used in stereoscopic movies to project separate images for each eye. This is achieved by projecting the images in clockwise and counterclockwise circular polarized light and using glasses with lenses that allow only the corresponding polarized light to pass through. This technology, known as Real D, uses a combination of linear polarizers and quarter wave plates to achieve this effect. However, it is possible that the system does not actually use polarization at all and instead relies on alternating between left and right eye frames.
  • #1
I learned how circular polarization works way back in electricity and magnetism, I also learned how gratings worked.

I recently watched a movie through circular polarized glasses which I had never heard of, nor can I find any information online including RealD's website (the company that uses them).

It is the symmetry that bothers me, even if you could figure out how to block out polarized light changing in one direction it would work against you at the other end of the circle.

Can someone explain or link a white paper?
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  • #2
DeepSeeded said:
I recently watched a movie through circular polarized glasses which I had never heard of, nor can I find any information online including RealD's website (the company that uses them).
Normally circular polarisers (eg filters for a camera) are simply a linear polariser followed by a quarter wave plate to generate both polarisations. You need to do this because otherwise the polarised light wouldn't be transmitted through other polarisation sensitive components in the camera (especialy the autofocus and metering system).
I can't see why you would need to use them with your eyes.
  • #3
Ok ill explain. It is a stereoscopic movie. One eye receives one image, the other receives another. The glasses need to make sure this happens. So the light is projected off a semi-conductive screen in order to preserve polarization. One image in the movies is projected in clockwise circular polarized light, the other anti-clockwise.

One lens in the glasses allows only clockwise circular polarized light through while the other does the opposite.

I understand how everything works except the glasses. I can't understand how you would allow only clockwise polarized light through a lens.
  • #4
DeepSeeded said:
One image in the movies is projected in clockwise circular polarized light, the other anti-clockwise.
Yes that's how it's normally done with linear polarizers.
But since a circular polarizer is simply a linear polarizer with a quarter wave plate behind it I can't see the advantage for a visual system.
  • #5
mgb_phys said:
Yes that's how it's normally done with linear polarizers.
But since a circular polarizer is simply a linear polarizer with a quarter wave plate behind it I can't see the advantage for a visual system.

A circular polarizer is changing its angle over time, it is projecting in all polarization angles.

A regular polarizer is just a conductive grating that only allows light polarized in one direction including the components of light in other directions non-orthogonal.

This is why I can't figure out how those glasses work.

The advantage is that the movie apears 3 dimensional. It is called Real D technology.
  • #6
Let's back up and first ask: why does the technology not simply use horizontal and vertical linear polarization states? The answer is that the transmission of the glasses (and the quality of the steroescopic images) will then depend on the orientation of the glasses- tilt your head, the transmission changes. Using circular polarization states will prevent that.

It's been pointed out how to *generate* circular polarization states: a polarizer + retarder. That's not a filter. And the Real D website seems to indicate the glasses work by stroboscopic alternation between left and right- the glasses are powered, and may switch between eyes at 120 Hz. The projection devices claim not to need "special' display surfaces, and operate at 120 Hz.

My suspicion is that the system does not use polarization at all (except as how the LCD elements function), but two sets of images (see the special 3D camera system) which are alternately passed to the left and right eye. One way to check is to place 2 glasses back-to-back or face-to-face, and see what happens- if they are stroboscopic, there should be no image at all.
  • #7
"The projector alternately projects the right-eye frame and left-eye frame, and circularly polarizes these frames, clockwise for the right eye and counterclockwise for the left eye."

In order for the left eye to always see only counterclockwise images projected, it must block out clockwise images at all times and vice versa.

also: " A special cinema screen is used to minimize depolarization "
  • #8
A quarter wave plate will convert the circular polarization to linear polarization.
Following this with plain plane polaroid bonded to the quarter wave plate will do the job.
  • #9
clem said:
A quarter wave plate will convert the circular polarization to linear polarization.
Following this with plain plane polaroid bonded to the quarter wave plate will do the job.

No, it would start blocking light after 180 degrees since it reverses direction. And I might add it would let the wrong image through after 180 degrees. The components of light is coming in every direction, its only the direction that it is changing in that matters.
  • #10
DeepSeeded said:
No, it would start blocking light after 180 degrees since it reverses direction. And I might add it would let the wrong image through after 180 degrees. The components of light is coming in every direction, its only the direction that it is changing in that matters.
I'm not sure what you mean about 180 degrees. The quarter wave plate and polaroid are on the glasses you wear. The light only lpassess through once.

FAQ: Circular polarized glasses, how it works

1. How do circular polarized glasses work?

Circular polarized glasses work by blocking out light waves that are vibrating in a certain direction. These glasses have a special filter that only allows light waves that are vibrating in a circular direction to pass through, while blocking out light waves that are vibrating in a linear direction.

2. What is the difference between circular polarized glasses and linear polarized glasses?

Circular polarized glasses allow light waves to pass through in a circular direction, while blocking out light waves that are vibrating in a linear direction. Linear polarized glasses, on the other hand, only allow light waves that are vibrating in a specific linear direction to pass through.

3. Can circular polarized glasses be used for 3D viewing?

Yes, circular polarized glasses are commonly used for 3D viewing. The glasses work by projecting two slightly different images onto the screen, and the circular polarized lenses in the glasses help the brain to merge the images and create a 3D effect.

4. How do circular polarized glasses help with reducing glare?

Circular polarized glasses are designed to block out light waves that are vibrating in a linear direction, which is the type of light that causes glare. This allows for a more comfortable and clear view, especially in bright environments.

5. Are circular polarized glasses better than regular sunglasses?

It depends on the purpose. Circular polarized glasses are specifically designed to reduce glare and improve 3D viewing, while regular sunglasses are designed to block out harmful UV rays. Therefore, each type of glasses may be better suited for different situations.

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