Boolean algebra theorem question

In summary, the given boolean algebra theorem A + notA * B = A + B can be simplified using the steps: 1) changing all variables to their complements, 2) changing all ORs to ANDs and vice versa, and 3) taking the complement of the entire expression. However, it can also be simplified in just two steps: 1) using the distributive property (X+YZ = (X+Y)(X+Z)) and 2) using the fact that X + X' = 1. It may be easier to simplify using these two steps rather than following the given steps.
  • #1

Homework Statement

My book contains this boolean algebra theorem:

A + notA * B = A + B

I have verified the validity of this statement using truth tables, but I find that I am unable to derive it. Our professor gave us a few steps to simplify Boolean expressions:

1) change all variables to their complements
2) change all ORs to ANDS and all ANDS to ORS simultaneously
3) take the complement of the entire expression

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

When I try to follow these steps, here's what happens:

step 1) A + notA * B => notA + A * notB
step 2) notA + A * notB => notA * A + notB
step 3) notA * A + notB +=> not(notA * A + notB)

and then breaking the longest bar using one of DeMorgan's theorems:

not(notA*A+notB) = not(notA*A) * not(notB) = not(0) * B = 1 * B = B

Maybe I'm making this more complicated than it is? What am doing wrong?

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  • #2
No need for all this steps

You can do it in two steps

1) X+YZ = (X+Y)(X+Z)
2) X + X' = 1
  • #3

I can understand your confusion. Boolean algebra can be tricky, but it is a powerful tool for simplifying logical expressions and making them easier to understand. Let's break down the steps you have taken and see where the error may lie.

Step 1: In this step, you correctly changed all variables to their complements. However, you have also changed the AND and OR operations. Remember, in Boolean algebra, the AND operation is represented by a dot (.) and the OR operation is represented by a plus (+). So, the correct expression after this step would be: notA + not(notA) . B.

Step 2: Here, you have correctly changed all ORs to ANDs and vice versa. But, you have also incorrectly applied the distributive property. The correct expression after this step would be: notA . B + not(notA) . B.

Step 3: In this step, you have correctly taken the complement of the entire expression. However, the expression you have written is incorrect. The correct expression after this step would be: not(notA . B + not(notA) . B).

Now, we can apply DeMorgan's theorem to simplify this expression. According to DeMorgan's theorem, the complement of a AND operation is the OR operation of the complements of the operands, and the complement of a OR operation is the AND operation of the complements of the operands. So, the final expression would be: not(notA) + notB.

Simplifying this further, we get: A + B. Therefore, we have successfully derived the boolean algebra theorem: A + notA . B = A + B.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the steps and the error you made. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and you will become more comfortable with boolean algebra.

FAQ: Boolean algebra theorem question

1. What is Boolean algebra theorem?

Boolean algebra theorem is a mathematical system that deals with binary variables and logical operations. It is used to analyze and simplify logical expressions and is an essential tool in circuit design and computer programming.

2. What are the basic principles of Boolean algebra theorem?

The basic principles of Boolean algebra theorem are the commutative, associative, and distributive laws. These laws dictate how logical operations, such as AND, OR, and NOT, can be applied to binary variables to simplify expressions.

3. How is Boolean algebra theorem used in computer science?

Boolean algebra theorem is used in computer science to design and analyze logic circuits, create logical expressions in programming languages, and develop algorithms for decision-making processes.

4. What are the applications of Boolean algebra theorem in real life?

Boolean algebra theorem has various real-life applications, such as in digital electronics, telecommunications, database systems, and computer graphics. It is also used in everyday situations, such as creating search queries on the internet and solving logic puzzles.

5. What are some common mistakes when applying Boolean algebra theorem?

Some common mistakes when applying Boolean algebra theorem include forgetting to use parentheses, incorrectly applying the commutative and distributive laws, and not considering the order of operations. It is important to carefully follow the rules and steps of Boolean algebra to avoid errors.

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