Complex & Real Frequency in Control System

In summary: Complex frequency is also used in electric circuits to describe the frequency at which the amplitude of the oscillations changes. This is useful for analyzing analog filter circuits.
  • #1
Complex... Frequency

Can anybody explain me what is complex frequency and what is real frequency. In control system my teacher taught me about frequency-domain. This is exactly where he used these words.
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  • #2

w = rad/sec
j = sqrt(-1)

I assume you're talking about electric circuits here so here's how i'll explain it.
All resistors, caps, and inductors are dealt with as impedances. That is, once you transform the circuit into this s-domain it's all the impedances are treated like resistors. When you start out you will write out the differential equation of the regular node and then you will laplace transform the equation.
  • #3
I will elaborate Goalie's post:

the general complex frequency, s, can be thought of in terms of its real and imaginary parts:

s = σ + jω

or in terms of its period and periodic decay rate:

s = T-1e.

The former is always the most appropriate way to use the complex frequency in a Laplace or Fourier transform, however the latter offers a bit more insight.

The imaginary part of s:

Im{s} = ω

is what you would normally think of as "frequency." It tells you how often the signal goes from positive to negative. The real part of s:

Re{s} = σ

is what you would normally think of as "decay rate." It tells you how quickly the amplitude of the oscillations change.

What does this have to do with control systems? In control systems, one of the key concerns is stability. The σ (of the poles of the system response) is usually the most important consideration in that respect.
  • #4
If you have a system that can be calculated, the poles and zeros may be found in the complex frequency plane. However, as pointed out by O. Heavyside, this is largely a useless exersize, the spectral responce is of much more use even though the poles and zeros do completely describe the system.

  • #5
To analyse an analog filter circuit for intance you would replace C by 1/sC and and L by sL to construct the Laplace transform of the circuit. Then you can use normal algebra to simplify the equations.

For example a lowpass filter with only a resistor and a capacitor:
[tex] H(s) = \frac{ \frac{1}{sC} }{\frac{1}{sC}+R} = \frac{1}{1+sRC}[/tex]

Next you replace s by [tex]jw = j 2 \pi f[/tex] in which f is the frequency you are interested in. The result is a complex frequency in which the relation between the input amplitude and the output magnitude is the gain for that frequency.

Below a screenshot and script that calculates the frequency response and runs on for the palm, PocketPC and windows.

001 R=1000;
002 C=10E-07;
003 Fc=1/(2*pi*R*C)
005 f=logspace(0.1,3);
006 w=1j*2*pi*f;
007 H=1./(1+w.*R*C);
008 semilogx(f,abs(H))
009 title('Frequency response')
010 xlabel('Frequency')
011 ylabel('Gain')
012 pause
013 clf
014 semilogx(f,angle(H))
015 title('Phase response')
016 xlabel('Frequency')
017 ylabel('Angle')

Hope it helps to give you a better idea. If not at least it did help me since I never used LaTex before :-)

Evert Rozendaal
Programmable calculators for palm, PocketPC and windows
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FAQ: Complex & Real Frequency in Control System

What is the difference between complex and real frequencies in control systems?

The complex frequency in control systems refers to the imaginary part of the transfer function, which represents the system's response to sinusoidal inputs. Real frequency, on the other hand, refers to the oscillation frequency of the system's output signal. In simpler terms, complex frequency describes the system's behavior, while real frequency describes its physical properties.

Why are complex and real frequencies important in control systems?

Complex and real frequencies play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of control systems. They help in analyzing the stability, performance, and response of a system to different inputs. Real frequency is important for determining the system's natural frequency and damping ratio, while complex frequency is essential for analyzing the system's transient response and frequency response.

How do complex and real frequencies affect the stability of a control system?

The location of complex and real frequencies in the complex plane has a significant impact on the stability of a control system. When the complex frequency lies in the left-half plane, the system is considered stable, and the output eventually settles to a steady-state value. However, if the complex frequency lies in the right-half plane, the system becomes unstable, and the output grows without bounds. The real frequency also affects the stability, with higher frequencies leading to less stable systems.

How can complex and real frequencies be calculated in a control system?

Complex and real frequencies can be calculated by analyzing the transfer function of the control system. The transfer function is a mathematical representation of the system's input-output relationship and can be used to determine the complex and real frequencies using various techniques such as pole-zero analysis and frequency response analysis.

What are the applications of complex and real frequencies in control systems?

Complex and real frequencies have numerous applications in control systems. They are used to analyze and design controllers for various applications such as robotics, aerospace, and industrial automation. They are also essential in understanding the behavior of electrical circuits, mechanical systems, and chemical processes. Additionally, complex and real frequencies are utilized in signal processing, communication systems, and feedback control systems.
