Proof of Golbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture

In summary, the conversation revolves around a paper found on arxiv that claims to prove various mathematical concepts. The participants express skepticism towards the author's proofs and question their validity. One person considers the author a "loon" while others suggest that the paper is simply meant to impress those who are not well-versed in math. It is mentioned that the paper is at least a year old and the question is raised if arxiv ever removes outdated content. The conversation ends with a joke about possibly getting a date out of the situation.
  • #1
I found this on this guy a loon or do the proofs seem reasonable?

Physics news on
  • #2
Interesting paper!
I believe that the author gave more explanation on his formula to his P(N). Right now to me it seems to have been just plucked out of thin air.

Anyways, intelligent nitpicks should be left for the more qualified.

-- AI
  • #3
This is not a proof, there are multiple mistakes and they have neglected to prove some areas which I believe to be untrue anyway. I need to head off to the shop, I might sit down later and try and demonstrate why this isn't true unless someone else has either done this or in fact shown me to be wrong.
  • #4
I go with loon.

As far as I can tell, the only thing he's done is to observe that there are three distinct numbers of the form:

[tex]\cos 2\pi(\frac{j}{3} + (N - 3)) + i \sin 2\pi(\frac{j}{3} + (N-3))[/tex]

and two distinct numbers of the form

[tex]\cos 2\pi(\frac{j}{2} + (N+1 - 3)) + i \sin 2\pi(\frac{j}{2} + (N+1-3))[/tex]

when j and N are integers.
  • #5
Glad to know, i am not the only one not thinking that the guy is a loon. I thought people took that paper seriously or something, since no one answered it for quite some time!

-- AI
  • #6
This guy is awesome. I have a number of his papers on my computer. He's also "proven" twin primes, Riemann hypothesis, and of course Fermat's Last Theorem.

This is at least a year old, does arxiv ever take out the trash?
  • #7
I know a very pretty girl who goes to a college near that university, I'll ask if she knows whether people take him seriously around there.
  • #8
The "very pretty girl" contact...very good :smile:

If they do take him seriously, they must think he's a mathematical god. On arxiv, he's also "proven" the Euler-Masceroni constant is irrational.
  • #9
The only point of that paper is to impress the math-illiterate with fancy-looking equations.
  • #10
it seems clear that if any of those things had been proven the news would have circumnavigated the globe by now. hence the arguments are pretty likely to be bogus. admitedly i have not read the paper, but i am not likely to either.

but if someone gets a date out of it, hey all is not lost. :-p

FAQ: Proof of Golbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture

1. What is Golbach's conjecture?

Golbach's conjecture is a mathematical statement that states that every even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.

2. Is Golbach's conjecture proven?

No, Golbach's conjecture is still a conjecture and has not been proven yet. However, it has been tested for very large numbers and has been found to hold true.

3. What is the twin prime conjecture?

The twin prime conjecture is a mathematical statement that suggests there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2 (e.g. 41 and 43).

4. Has the twin prime conjecture been proven?

No, the twin prime conjecture is also still a conjecture and has not been proven yet. However, there have been some recent breakthroughs and progress made towards proving it.

5. How are Golbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture related?

Both Golbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture are unsolved problems in number theory. They are also both related to prime numbers and their distribution. However, there is no direct evidence or proof that links the two conjectures together.

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